From number-close to dating


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
How long does it usually take for you guys from

number-close to finally get a date with you girl from your cold approach?

According to this link,

, it says that don't try to make plan with her to early otherwise

it would make her feel pressured.

Right now, im confused since so many DJ said that calling her

only to make an appointment, not for chitchat.

Then, how can you maintain casual contact with her?

Always text msg OR short chitchat phone call to keep things on the way??

And if it turns out that she said "well, im not sure about my schedule yet"

How long would u guys wait to offer the next date??


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
you don't maintain contact.

If she's interested enough she'd make sure of her schedule.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Ciel said:
you don't maintain contact.

If she's interested enough she'd make sure of her schedule.
What if she is only mildly interested, then how would you increase

the IL?

What if she has failed sth in the life, so she feel kind of depressed, and

not want to go out, what would u do? (I don't think this is the good time

to offer the date)

Can u give me ur conversation when u are asking the woman out?


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
If she's only mildly interested then it is what it is. Go find a more interested girl.

As for the date convo, I'd say:

"<Name>? Oh hey, its me Ciel from last week."

At this point she either identifies you or does not. If not, forget about her. If she does identify, continue.

"Yeah, how you doing anyway?"

Let her answer, she won't say much here, its just an opener.

"Thats good, anyway, lets go out this Saturday. I wanna go to <event/activity>, you wanna join me?"

Finish that whole sentence before letting her talk, it makes you sound more sure of yourself if you state the whole plan straight off as opposed to asking her piece by piece. She says yes or no. No: Bye. Yes: Continue.

"Nice one, how's 7PM for you?"

y/n. If she's interested but can't do 7 she'll offer a different time. Otherwise just nevermind.

"Perfect, see you then, <name>."


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
keemojung said:
What if she is only mildly interested, then how would you increase

the IL?
If I get a girl's number, offer her a chance to hang out with me, and she declines, then there's nothing else to do.

You can't sit around wasting time trying to build her "mild interest" enough just to get a first date.

What if she has failed sth in the life, so she feel kind of depressed, and

not want to go out, what would u do? (I don't think this is the good time

to offer the date)

Failed what?

I don't need to know the girl's life story. Either she's excited about the prospect of dating you or she isn't.

This stuff really isn't that hard.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Ciel said:
If she's only mildly interested then it is what it is. Go find a more interested girl.

As for the date convo, I'd say:

"<Name>? Oh hey, its me Ciel from last week."

At this point she either identifies you or does not. If not, forget about her. If she does identify, continue.

"Yeah, how you doing anyway?"

Let her answer, she won't say much here, its just an opener.

"Thats good, anyway, lets go out this Saturday. I wanna go to <event/activity>, you wanna join me?"

Finish that whole sentence before letting her talk, it makes you sound more sure of yourself if you state the whole plan straight off as opposed to asking her piece by piece. She says yes or no. No: Bye. Yes: Continue.

"Nice one, how's 7PM for you?"

y/n. If she's interested but can't do 7 she'll offer a different time. Otherwise just nevermind.

"Perfect, see you then, <name>."
What if after u made ur point that u wanna go somewhere and

she said like "im busy or im not sure during that time."

, then how would u reply back?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
If I get a girl's number, offer her a chance to hang out with me, and she declines, then there's nothing else to do.

You can't sit around wasting time trying to build her "mild interest" enough just to get a first date.

Failed what?

I don't need to know the girl's life story. Either she's excited about the prospect of dating you or she isn't.

This stuff really isn't that hard.
Well, i used to heard some DJ in here said that, we should be talking

abt feeling and emotion of women and i think if we, sometimes, let her

talk abt herself then that should make her feel more comfortable staying

with us.

What do u think abt this?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
San Jose California said:
More importantly, how in the vaginas do you GO from the number to chilling with her?
I don't get what you mean??


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
this is where a lot of stuff that needs to be learned. it is easy getting a girls number.

I had a girl flake on me after showing so much interest. she would initiate, always ask me what I am up to and talked about having sex.

she then texted me for two days and flake on getting together and said we will have to do it again and said she was sorry twice. since then she continues to show interest but she has seen me with another girl. I think I am done with her???? what do you guys think. what do you do when a flake continues to talk to you and initiate?

that is my problem and a lot of other guys problems. that ABC stuff about approaching and getting a number has been beat to the ground.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
thedude4242 said:
this is where a lot of stuff that needs to be learned. it is easy getting a girls number.

I had a girl flake on me after showing so much interest. she would initiate, always ask me what I am up to and talked about having sex.

she then texted me for two days and flake on getting together and said we will have to do it again and said she was sorry twice. since then she continues to show interest but she has seen me with another girl. I think I am done with her???? what do you guys think. what do you do when a flake continues to talk to you and initiate?

that is my problem and a lot of other guys problems. that ABC stuff about approaching and getting a number has been beat to the ground.
so right now, how are you doing with her?

And what did u do and say to her after she flake u on the date?

U initiate the contact first or just go NC till she recontact

u or otherwise u move on ??


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
she still initiates all the time. smiles and waves. she is friends with my neighbor. when she flake I said. well ok let me know. I never bothered talking to her now and she initiates when at my neighbors house her friend. she doesnt text me anymore.

I like she felt like she threw herself at me and I did not respond sexually.