Friendzone question


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
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Los Angeles CA
For those of you who understand the friendzone well.

Can you fall into the Friendzone AFTER you have banged and done everything intimate with a girl? Are you safe of never going to the Friendzone if you have made out and had sex with a girl?

My situation is, I have a f*ck buddy. We went on 2 dates and by 2nd date we banged. And after that we would hit each other up to come over and "hang out" but it would just always end in us banging.

Recently I haven't had the time to go to her house. So she has been calling me for the past 3 weeks like every other night and we just talk on the phone...bottom line is this chick is really easy to talk to and it go to the point that we started venting to each other about our ex'es, parental issues....etc...everything.

I know what you guys are is wrong with you! Dont talk to her on the phone and dont reveal any emotions and dont listen to her problems!

Weird thing is I kind of dont mind(just for this girl, any other girl I would never do this, I know its a classic AFC mistake that gets your friendzoned). Because it helps me unwind and relax...its like I have a psychologist or something
I kind of want this girl as just a friend....but at the same time I do want to keep banging her.

So my question is, despite my actions if we banged am I immune from the friendzone?

Because my understanding of the friendzone is when a female sees you as almost like her brother, and she finds it gross and disgusting of doing anything intimate with you..correct? And overall if the girl finds you sexually attractive then you're good right?


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
irocknike23 said:
For those of you who understand the friendzone well.

Can you fall into the Friendzone AFTER you have banged and done everything intimate with a girl? Are you safe of never going to the Friendzone if you have made out and had sex with a girl?

This is actually a GOOD question. I've thought about this before a lot in the past. The answer? Well....I'm gonna have to say yes,you can still get friendzoned after having a sexual relationship with a chick. I say yes with an "asterisk" though. Here's the deal....

You'd have to work hard....SUPER HARD to get friendzoned after having sex with a chick. You'd almost have to purposely TRY to make it happen.

It's HARD to get a woman to see you in a different light after knowing you to be one way for so long. That's why it's so hard to GET OUT of the friendzone. But if she sees you in a sexual way,it's hard to undo that too.

I didn't say it was impossible,just hard....super hard to do.

Because my understanding of the friendzone is when a female sees you as almost like her brother, and she finds it gross and disgusting of doing anything intimate with you..correct?
Yes, you're 100% correct on this.

Recently I haven't had the time to go to her house. So she has been calling me for the past 3 weeks like every other night and we just talk on the phone...bottom line is this chick is really easy to talk to and it go to the point that we started venting to each other about our ex'es, parental issues....etc...everything.

I know what you guys are is wrong with you! Dont talk to her on the phone and dont reveal any emotions and dont listen to her problems!

You're right,this is what most of us would probably be thinking...myself included. It you hadn't had sex with her yet or had any dates with her,these phone conversations would have KILLED your chances of doing so.

Everybody here (including you) knows that.

Weird thing is I kind of dont mind(just for this girl, any other girl I would never do this, I know its a classic AFC mistake that gets your friendzoned). Because it helps me unwind and relax...its like I have a psychologist or something
I kind of want this girl as just a friend....but at the same time I do want to keep banging her.

My honest belief about this is're NOT going to be able to do both. you're NOT going to be able to have her as a best friend/psychologist AND a sexual partner cause sooner or later,you two confiding in each other is going to KILL the sexual attraction in her for you.

Also,sexual relationships are turbulant. A lot of people get angry and bitter when the relationship ends. She probably LOVES the fact that you and her can talk and confide in each other and IS NOT going to want to lose that.

So since sexual relationships end so easily anyway,she might try to end the sex by using the friend card. That way (in her mind) she can avoid the angry/bitter feelings that usually come when a sexual relationship ends,and you two can continue the buddy/confiding in relationship without the bitter feelings of a breakup splitting you two apart.

Then she'll go find someone else to have sexual with,while maintaining the psychologist relationship with you.

Now....this is all MY GUESS...I may be wrong about this.

So my question is, despite my actions if we banged am I immune from the friendzone?

"IMMUNE" is a STRONG word,lol. I'll just say's HARD to get friendzoned in this situation and I probably wouldn't worry about it........but I'd CUT DOWN on the "being open and confiding in her" part if I were you.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
irocknike23 said:
For those of you who understand the friendzone well.

Can you fall into the Friendzone AFTER you have banged and done everything intimate with a girl? Are you safe of never going to the Friendzone if you have made out and had sex with a girl?

My situation is, I have a f*ck buddy. We went on 2 dates and by 2nd date we banged. And after that we would hit each other up to come over and "hang out" but it would just always end in us banging.

Recently I haven't had the time to go to her house. So she has been calling me for the past 3 weeks like every other night and we just talk on the phone...bottom line is this chick is really easy to talk to and it go to the point that we started venting to each other about our ex'es, parental issues....etc...everything.

I know what you guys are is wrong with you! Dont talk to her on the phone and dont reveal any emotions and dont listen to her problems!

Weird thing is I kind of dont mind(just for this girl, any other girl I would never do this, I know its a classic AFC mistake that gets your friendzoned). Because it helps me unwind and relax...its like I have a psychologist or something
I kind of want this girl as just a friend....but at the same time I do want to keep banging her.

So my question is, despite my actions if we banged am I immune from the friendzone?

Because my understanding of the friendzone is when a female sees you as almost like her brother, and she finds it gross and disgusting of doing anything intimate with you..correct? And overall if the girl finds you sexually attractive then you're good right?
Of course you can, anything is possible when dealing with emotions. They are worse to deal with than the freaking stock market.

The problem lies with you. You are using her as your emotional sponge and vice versa, thinking it will attract her more and not forget about you. But it's having the opposite effect, the more you on the phone and listen to her, the less likely she will see you as bang able.

You shouldn't be telling a girl your problems, they are not your therapist, they just wanna have fun.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Don't go catching feelings!


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, you can fall into the friend zone at any time.

Just keep your frame, and be sexual. I had/have a FB that I could go months without seeing or hardly even talk to, then we'd run into each other at a party or something and bang it out. She even stuck with me during my relationships, (which I would think is most often when you become just "friends"). You don't have to talk to her every damn day. You already fvcked her, so you have power over her. You guys will forever have history, that moment, in time, where your P was in her V.

I think they only way you could get friendzoned is if she finds herself a relationship with someone else and respects not to cheat on her new man. Other than that, as long as you're doing everything right, it's pretty easy to steer clear from the FZ.



Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Good points from everybody. I would agree, it's pretty hard to get friendzoned once you've done the deed with a woman.

I hooked up with a friend of mine last year (no sex, mind you), she told me she wanted to stay with her boyfriend. I cut her off NC for 4 months, then we hung out again for 3 months as FRIENDS only, and ended up doing everything shortly after because she still had feelings from before.

I think I got lucky because I think you need a bit more than a hookup for a girl to remember the history, but in general terms once you make significant sexual progress with a girl, it's pretty hard for them to friendzone you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA guys gave me some grade A advice...every one of you.

Thank you


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Just wondering, if you like banging her, and you like talking to her about things, why don't you want to date her?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
MrNiceGuy23 said:
Just wondering, if you like banging her, and you like talking to her about things, why don't you want to date her?
she's a slut

one time she got drunk at a club and when she got home she called me. she was still tipsy so we talked and eventually she vented to me how one time when she blew a guy in the back of a car and got dropped of at her BF's house(her ex now) and spent the night with him