Friendzone...on purpose.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Here's the deal, I have a few different girls that I have known for a few years now and I know I never have a chance at having sex with them, whih I have accepted and most have bfs.. However, they all have really hot friends and I would like to hang out with them to be able to get to their friends. Problem is, I don't know how to go about hanging out with them. I have invited them out but they always think I am trying to f*** them and give me the "boyfriend will get mad" bs. They are all party girls so I know they go out often and usually with their friends. How can I go about getting them hang out without directly saying I want to pipe their friends?


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
Getting accepted into a social circle that seems to be an all girl affair is a though one. You gotta get your foot in the door anyway you can.

If the argument they use is my BF will get mad just weasel your way into a non-threatening encounter with them at school, library, mall, party, laundromat...anywhere. Pick a night when they're going out with their BFs and snag an invite. That way they can't argue that their BF will get mad, he'd be right there! But once you're in the circle it's all gravvvvvvvvvy.

CAUTION!!! Party girl circles are notorious for selecting BFs and f*ck buddies for other girls in their social circle. Other girls will pick guys they think are "cool" enough to bang their friends and exert peer pressure on those girls to follow through. It's like a lair of vampires deciding who's gonna get to join them and be a vampire. Not just anyone! Our vaginas are solid gold! If you haven't been selected yet that is not good news.

Whatever you do don't forget the last point you made. Never tell a AW/party girl type that you want a social introduction to one of their freinds. These kinds of chicks love gossip and will tear you apart as well as your chances of laying that pipe.

Make us proud!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks, you hit the nail on the head too. The freinds of theirs that I do know, have f-buddies that these girls haved hooked them up with. I love the vampire analogy. I know it ain't gonna be easy, but I figure it'd be harder to go out and meet that many girls separate, so I'd might as well give it a shot.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
Right on! Some of these girls will bang you, they just don't know it yet. Be cool and you'll crack that nut.

But all the same don't get yourself down if you're not drafted into the "guys who bang party girls" major league. There's too much vag out there to get hung up on some hoochies.