Friend's gf broke it off because he won't get better job

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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They were together for two years and they were happy. She didn't seem materialistic at all and was content with simple things.

Things changed when she got a new job and was around more club guys who showed off their "bling" and bragged about making "paper"

Her, being in her early 20s and still impressionable started slowly transforming into that lifestyle and began the comparison to her bf.

She'd say things like "I'm making moves I want a better future and you're content" my friend who could give two sh*ts would just tell her to leave if she's not happy. Of course this would only make her stay.

Well finally she said she wants to take a break, which we all know what that means.

I find it funny how girls can be easily convinced a more money making lifestyle is better than what's been working for them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Naturally if a woman can gather more resources than her man, she is bound to look down on him, especially if he shows no ambition to outgain her. This kind of setup can be mitigated with tight game but it's difficult.

However your friend handled it well - he didn't care. Her loss. He can always find another woman who enjoys his lifestyle. Good for him for not letting it get to his ego.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
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Central Time Zone
Just listened to "Hit the Road Jack" by Ray Charles

"Now baby, listen baby, don't ya treat me this-a way
Cause I'll be back on my feet some day.
(Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood)
(you ain't got no money you just ain't no good.)"
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Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Good on your friend. People are bombarded with social messages daily about what they need to make them happy, what they should try to get, what is success and what isn't. When you have a whole society pushing this message it becomes a giant headfvck. In reality you can just be happy now if you really choose to be, you have that power.

His girlfriend will chase this happiness and never find it because she's trying to get it externally. Your friend who is content did the right thing with sending her off without batting an eyelash. She will be back as her life becomes progressively more miserable and she realizes how good she had it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA

funny this post came up. the new BF actually proposed to the chick 4th of July weekend. she accepcted so they are now engaged. you can't wipe the **** eating grin off the girls face. i'm happy for her she's really happy right now. dude has some alpha ish qualities about him as well he runs that **** no questions asked i underestimated him int he original post.

the ex boyfriend has been crying like a little ***** the last year and is still tore up. he found out about this and lost it all over again. heard he's been dabbling with coke but that's hearsay


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
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The real issue at play here is to never, EVER get so attached to a woman that you can't bounce back in short order if she packs up and leaves. There are literally 3+ BILLION women in the world and not all of them care so much about money. In fact, it's pretty clear that if she would leave you for not being successful enough now, she never really cared that much about you in the first place.

backbreaker said:

funny this post came up. the new BF actually proposed to the chick 4th of July weekend. she accepcted so they are now engaged. you can't wipe the **** eating grin off the girls face. i'm happy for her she's really happy right now. dude has some alpha ish qualities about him as well he runs that **** no questions asked i underestimated him int he original post.

the ex boyfriend has been crying like a little ***** the last year and is still tore up. he found out about this and lost it all over again. heard he's been dabbling with coke but that's hearsay
The ex boyfriend is a fool. He should be thanking the universe for this blessing. I do get it though, it is the way of the world, women always want bigger and better. However, any woman who lives by this philosophy should not be surprised when her man leaves her for the next younger, prettier woman that comes along because it is the exact same evolutionary forces at play, what is fair for her is also fair for us.

And to counter your argument backbreaker, almost as often the woman realizes that a guy who genuinely gives a **** about her isn't always easy to find and that chasing the more successful man can backfire:


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Making a lot of money, in part to attract women, is not such a bad idea.

However, changing your job for a particular woman is idiocy, and doomed to fail.

Most guys would do well to keep the thought, "I'm going to enjoy this for as long as it lasts" in the back of their minds when thinking of ANY woman.

When it's done, it's done.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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taiyuu_otoko said:
Making a lot of money, in part to attract women, is not such a bad idea.

However, changing your job for a particular woman is idiocy, and doomed to fail.

Most guys would do well to keep the thought, "I'm going to enjoy this for as long as it lasts" in the back of their minds when thinking of ANY woman.

When it's done, it's done.
Exactly. Also I'm sure if my friend did seek out a better job for a better salary just because she threatened to leave, she wouldn't find it attractive on a subconscious level. He'd just be walked all over.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
The question needs to be reframed.

It's not that the guy has a bad job. there really isn't a such thing as a bad job.

The problem is that he's not motivated / good enough at whatever job he has to move up at the job

Hell mcdonalds can be a good job and you take it seriously. The general managers at mc d's clock about 75k a year I know i dated one lol. That's not half bad.

I mean, even if this guy went out and got a better job it's not like he's going to be rolling in the dough overnight. he's going to have the same problem at the new job as he has at this job he has now.

I run a web development company. I'm very good at what I do and we make a lot of money. I know a bunch of broke web developers as well lol. Being a web developer does not per say you have a good job if you are not good AT your job.

What the girl is really saying is not that he needs a new job but he needs to be better / more ambitious at whatever job he has

the girl in my post was not mad because the guy was a restaurant floor guy. she was mad because he never took work seriously, tired his hardest not to work and never moved up. he could have got promoted a few times and didn't even try to he doesn't want the responsibility.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Backbreaker good insight, but trust me she IS saying he needs a new job that makes more money. That's exactly what she meant. I know because she hates where he works.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Money is a great way to attract a beautiful woman.

I have found that looks, personality, talent, etc aren't what a woman is looking for in her 30's. She's looking for security and status through her partner.

This often happened at the company I used to work for. There used to be this guy who worked in claims and answered phones- he was like 26 years old, 6-3, jacked, guy looked a male model (no homo). He made like $35K per year. At our company Christmas party (in which the guy brought his hot 21-year old girlfriend) we were all drunk and I asked a group of my female co-workers about him - all the girls (ages 30-39) thought he was "meh, OK".

Meanwhile, these same married girls would flirt excessively with the tubby, short, balding Directors and VP's of our company. It was pretty disgusting.

This was pretty eye-opening experience for me that basically said you could be an ugly troll of man, but if you make $150K per year or more, any woman will sit on your d!ck.

All women have a price.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Some men think Chris Rock is telling jokes... he's not... he's giving advice:

"Men can't go back sexually, women can't go back in lifestyle."

Words to heed, fellas. It's even happened to me when I was a bartender and high rolling and all of a sudden found myself at a 9 to 5.


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Just wondering, what kind of job was he working? Was this a case of he was lazy and unambitious OR he was doing ok/well and she wanted more because of her new position?

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
CaliMan007 said:
Just wondering, what kind of job was he working? Was this a case of he was lazy and unambitious OR he was doing ok/well and she wanted more because of her new position?
He works as a laborer and to him he was content and fine with his simple life. She never had an issue with it until she started her new job and was basically comparing him to others.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
even as a laborer you can move up to foreman, you can make bank

i know a smoking hot 40 year old whoose husband is a laborer and he started off making like 14 an hour and now he makes like 125k a year. and this is in like a 6 year period.

again there is no such thing as bad jobs, just ****ty lazy people who work jobs.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i was going to make a new post but you know what i will put it here

i am not talking about nayone here i'm just saying this in general. take your simple life and shove it up your ass lol.

Nothing makes me laugh harder than guys who want to live a simple life, getting pissed off because everyone around them doesn't. Calling every girl who doesn't want to be with them and their simplistic lifestyle a golddigger.

here is the truth about life. as you get older, you want to experience things. You want to do things. and doing this requires money. not everyone is content sitting around not doing **** just so they can say they are taking it easy

the hot 40 year old i am talking about is a pretty normal woman. country as all get out, but has an elite set of legs lol. my wife won't mind me saying that they are cool lol. most 40 year olds want to live in a decent house. doesn't have to be an MTV crib but they dont' want to be living on the number streets either.

she drives a 2012 white Chrysler 300 and has a Harley. she went on a vacation last December to mexico. she works her butt off as well but her husband makes the real money.

and something else. this hot 40 year old woman has 3 kids. one is in college and they help out with the college money. one is about to be 16 and they have to get the girl a car and one is 2. so how are you and your simple life going to be able to afford all normal ass expenses? there is nothing on there unique or extravagant that's normal people ****. the college girl (who is a hb8 btw lol, she's 21) came by our house about a week and a half ago whiel we were all hanging out to get 100 bucks from her mom so she can go buy groceries beucase she was flat broke. simple life guy can't afford that ****.

get this **** through your head. if you want quality poon, you need to be able to provide a quality lifestyle. quality doesn't mean a beamer, vacations every month and a 3 story house. quality means, having a savings account with money in it, driving a car that is not a POS, being able to take a vacation every now and again, being able to put a kid through college.

i don't know why this irks me like it does but it does. money gets a very bad rap. if you don't want to work for **** dont' work for **** but dont' be mad when you get left for a guy that can provide a quality lifestyle if you can't.


Work my ass off so I can fund some chick's lifestyle? No thanks.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Men value love and women love value. Hypergamy is spreading like wildfire.

That's what happens. But do things for you, not for the sake of a b**ch.

Case closed.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
This is one of the main reasons I'm finding it impossible to think of marriage again. I have the nice house, the paid for truck, good $ job, good savings and retirement plan. I am tall, in shape and dress to show it. I have given up on the American woman simply because she has been brainwashed to believe she deserves better. At 42 I see that they cannot be happy with all that I bring to the table. There is always a bigger better deal out there. That's what they think.

The funny thing is I've become cool with the idea. I tell all my married friends that I believe in the catch and release program. Most guys I know that are red pill get it. The blue pill crowd thinks that I live a lonely boring life. That their wives bring them so much.... when I meet these supposed better I see who wears the pants. It's almost pathetic today that so many men have given up their OWN improvement plans to just be providers for her lifestyle.

Nope... not for me.


tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
You and I are at the same place, I am a bit older. Couldn't agree more.
So are you guys saying that even if you make good money a woman still won't be satisfied and will think she can get better?

Side note, spoke to my friend this morning and he gave bit more insight to the relationship towards the end.

Apparently she would at times say things like "So many guys want me but I want you and you don't even have much to show for yourself so I question why I stay"

He would simply revert back to his default genuine reply "so leave and be with one of them I really have no problem being by myself"