Friend Influence Help


New Member
Jun 6, 2014
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What's up guys, I'm fairly new to the DJ scene, but I've been reading up on some threads for some advice that I'm still working on putting into action.

Now onto the main reason for this thread. There's this girl I'm into and I've been trying to befriend her friends so I have a better chance of getting with her. Let's just say the odds are stacked against me since there's this guy she likes that's already friends with her friends, but that's another story. The thing is I have nothing in common with her friends. Whenever I'm with her friends they don't really try talking to me and when I talk to them it's a short conversation. Honestly, my biggest problem is I can't really come up with anything to say. I'd like some tips on what to do because right now I'm fighting a losing a battle against the other guy.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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Remember to take everything you read here, including my advice, with a grain of salt. Nobody knows the exact details of your situation.

I can't give you much advice as far as how to attract the girl you're into, especially since she's into another guy at the moment. Be careful of putting her on a pedestal is about all I can say. Try to find other girls to be attracted to as well...there truly are lots of beautiful women out there for you. Don't get too hung up on this one.

As far as getting to know her friends goes...when I'm in a situation where I'm talking to a new person, I just ask a lot of questions. I get them talking as much as possible, and I'm genuinely interested in what they have to say. If I'm genuinely interested and paying attention, the next question will automatically present itself and the conversation will organically evolve. Look them in the eye, smile a lot, and be sincerely interested in the conversation without the goal of getting to know them only in order to get the girl you're actually interested in.

They will come away from the encounter thinking about what a great conversationalist you are, even though they did most of the talking!
This will likely get back to the girl of interest.

Sometimes this will not work....the person you're talking to will just be a dud, or socially awkward. Not much you can do in that situation except move on to the next person.

Hope that helps and remember, I don't know the exact details of your situation, so just tuck this away and refer to it if it seems like the right advice.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
XxJust-JasonxX said:
Now onto the main reason for this thread. There's this girl I'm into and I've been trying to befriend her friends so I have a better chance of getting with her.
Well there's your first issue right there. Being friends with a girl will not increase your chances of her "getting with you" in fact it can actually decrease her attraction for you- if there was any. There's a difference between getting to know her(small talk) and being her friend. You want this girl so why are you being friends with her? Because you think she won't like you? Never become friends with a girl you're interested in, unless you genuinely want to be friends.

Who cares about that other guy. Ask this girl out and see where it goes, and not the whole group I mean just you and her. Oh yeah, if you share nothing in common with her friends it might mean you share nothing in common with her. Who you hang out with reflects your personality.


New Member
Jun 6, 2014
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I guess I'll talk more about my situation to clear up some things. I've actually been good friends with this girl for a couple years and I've recently taken an interest in her. I'm not really putting her up on a pedestal too much, just trying to see if I can get out of the friendzone without ruining the relationship. If it doesn't work out then I'll just move on, but I'm willing to give it a try.