Friend acted , like a **** or am I reading too much into it?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, 2 weeks back, I went home with this girl who is a friend of a friend (lets call him Derek). Firstly the girl in question is a complete slut. I'm 90% sure that she slept with a different guy at a party we were all at last Saturday night. I'd guess she has other guys in play atm. So certainly not a ltr girl but one that would be handy for hooking up with now and again.

So after hooking up with the girl 2 weeks ago, we texted a little bit back and forth for a week. I had hoped to meet her while out with the lads last weekend but went to a different party. So basically over the last week, I asked her out twice and she flaked on both. :down: I take it as non interest and plan to not contact her again.

Cut to last Friday and she's out with the group of friends. Now Derek and another guy called Dave would be my closest friends in this group. I wasn't sure what the situation with the girl was (i.e. was she up for sex that night) We chatted away like friends for a while. Then though Dave started slagging us both regarding hooking up. This emboldened Derek who began making some really awkward comments (ye two should get a table and candles :box:)

I don't mind a bit of slagging but looking back at it, Dave was tooling me in front of the girl! Now Dave does alright with the ladies and had no particular interest in this girl. I should have told him to cut it out but foolishly tried to laugh it off. End result was the girl leaving early.

The following night, I just ended up ignoring her and afaik she ****ed the other guy. Now I'm not too upset about ****ing up with the girl, she was a right slapper after all. I am pissed though at my friend making the whole situation awkward and ruining any slim chance I had of nailing her again that night. Am I being too sensitive about it or is it out of order to slag someone about a girl in front of that girl?


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Totally uncool of your friend to ****block you like that. Next time he does it, give him a purple nipple.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like you aren't being alpha enough.

If they do that again, the them to shut the fvck up before you kick them in the nose.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Thats strange. I've laughed worse **** off than that before and still had no problems. Fake laugh?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
At the time I didn't have a problem laughing it off and was slagging Dave back as well. However, it did make things awkward between me and the girl. I don't think she appreciated being put under the limelight. I might not have banged her regardless of what the guys did but it certainly didn't help. In future, I'm going to get them to cut that **** out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
i remember when a guy i knew, did almost the same thing to me. i was making this girl laugh her head off and out of the blue the guy said "i think he likes you". i just shrugged it off. then when a slow song came on i asked her to dance and she did. then when we came back from the slow dance and she was flicking her hair and being really flirty. he rolled his eyes and said why don't you guys get a room and get it over with and this made her uncomfortable.

so i said holysh@t and rolled my eyes and said "c@ckblocker" in a girly voice. i then said to him "is there something your not telling me? do you really have a puss under your pants because i thought women friends just pull that crap". he then was speechless and felt stupid. the girl just laughed and a kickazz song came on and to change the mood, i said i loved the song and grabbed her hand and went to the dance floor. during the dance she asked me what was his problem and i just told her that he had a bad day at work.

i didn't get laid that night but 2 weeks later i did and the guy who tried acting all cool stopped hanging out with me.