FR: Wanna be alpha? Learn from the Master!


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I woke up took my shower, flexed a little in the mirror and ate my traditional whey enhanced oatmeal porridge from a large bowl. That **** would hold my hunger away for an hour or two so I headed away for school.

Normally when it's summer I look ****ing good. But now when it's winter I grab an extra layer of clothes and put on my winter jacket and leave it open. That **** is enough to intimidate every ****er who crosses my way.

Although I was late for my lesson I knew that being late also means you get to be the ****ing center of attention. And hey, is it wrong to give the ladies a good look at something which makes them horny instead of learning how to spell "Sewerdigheitskeit"? I don't think so. At least not in my book.

Anyway, last week I had seen some really great looking hotties in my class and being alpha I couldn't approach them that lesson without seeming very needy, and I am truly not, I don't ****ing care what happens. Got into the lesson nooded at the teacher and walked to a seat next to the girls holding gaze with the hottest of them and giving her a smile. She was looking nice, with two coloured hair and a tanned face.

I put my backpack down at the chair next to me and removed my winter jacked standing a little turned so I could see them in my peripheral vision and semi-flexed my butt. Hell yeah, I saw the girl took a poorly glance at my butt. "That's good" I thought "It's a nice butt". To all you peacocking losers out there who walk around buying hats, shoes and ****... having a girl looking at your rock hard butt... that's ****ing peacocking...

I sat down and opened my zipper to my shirt so my T-shirt could be seen and opened my book sitting 90° turned so I could talk to the chicks. German language is made up for making jokes about so I ****ing made those girls laugh so they almost fell off from their chairs. They were giggling like small school girls who had said the word "poo" for the first time.

I left it at that and then I walked off from the lesson when it ended. It was not only the teachers words which rang in my head... alot of words like "bumsen", "Bestraffe mich Lifeforce" and "fick mich hart!" went into my head when I thought off that nice bird.

Some off you ****ers may wonder why I didn't go for the number. That's a lot reasons for this and I'll ****ing lay it out in "a dummies guide" of way.

*First off asking for numbers are ****ing lame, that shows you are interested and that means she'll think she can get a shot to trample my balls. No ****ing way...

*second... having time to make them like me on No-date time is the ****. Less expensive and not so ****ing needy as you ****ers who walk around and getting 10 numbers and maybe getting one date. My girls show up or have a good reason not to.

*I want to avoid the whole dating **** and keep it real. Dating is rigged so women get the upper hand... just meeting them and talking to them they cannot defend against... and lastly... you get some time to figure out if she is worth in... and yeah.. she often have friends with her so it's tripple the ****ing odds...

*Yeah, and not asking for numbers but having ****ing awesome rapport makes it possible to get instant rapport once you bump into each other again even if it is a year from now. And guess = easy girl...

I walked home, had a flirty SMS waiting from a girl who think she's gonna be the one who tie me down. Read it, took some ****ing food and removed my shirt and flexed in the mirror. Those lats was sour as hell... must have punched them hard the day before.

Alpha way :D


The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score

You got it.

I don't run around grabbing numbers. it IS lame. It gets turned into an odds game rather than being real and meeting someone naturally.

Awesome post, even if some of the details are a bit much haha.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Originally posted by Lifeforce
Although I was late for my lesson I knew that being late also means you get to be the ****ing center of attention. And hey, is it wrong to give the ladies a good look at something which makes them horny instead of learning how to spell "Sewerdigheitskeit"? I don't think so. At least not in my book.

Some off you ****ers may wonder why I didn't go for the number. That's a lot reasons for this and I'll ****ing lay it out in "a dummies guide" of way.

*First off asking for numbers are ****ing lame, that shows you are interested and that means she'll think she can get a shot to trample my balls. No ****ing way...

*second... having time to make them like me on No-date time is the ****. Less expensive and not so ****ing needy as you ****ers who walk around and getting 10 numbers and maybe getting one date. My girls show up or have a good reason not to.
You've hit on something that a lot of DJs miss: getting them to like you on "No-Date Time". Many people on here try just getting a number and then a date without taking time to SHOW her that you're a cool guy. No... doesn't work that way.

*I want to avoid the whole dating **** and keep it real. Dating is rigged so women get the upper hand... just meeting them and talking to them they cannot defend against... and lastly... you get some time to figure out if she is worth in... and yeah.. she often have friends with her so it's tripple the ****ing odds...

*Yeah, and not asking for numbers but having ****ing awesome rapport makes it possible to get instant rapport once you bump into each other again even if it is a year from now. And guess = easy girl...

Alpha way :D

Well, you gotta get together with them eventually SOMEHOW! :crackup:

But, great post.

BGMan :cool:


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
If you're sore from going to the gym, looks like somebody doesn't go to the gym enough, eh ? I can't remember the last time I got sore.......but hey, maybe I'm not working out enough anymore...

lol.........just breakin' balls bro.......relax


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
great ****ing FR man, your the ****ing god and you are all over the ****ing HBs. Oh, yeah: ****ing ****ing ****ing. :D


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lifeforce

*First off asking for numbers are ****ing lame, that shows you are interested and that means she'll think she can get a shot to trample my balls. No ****ing way...

*second... having time to make them like me on No-date time is the ****. Less expensive and not so ****ing needy as you ****ers who walk around and getting 10 numbers and maybe getting one date. My girls show up or have a good reason not to.
For those of us not in school and have to work for a living, it is necessary to get the number (unless you plan on trying to bang them in the next hour or so). However, within the context of going to class or where you can see the same chicks on a regular basis, I agree.

Good post Lifeforce. I like your attitude.


Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
There's nothing wrong with showing interest.

You'll have to do it at some point, so might as well be up front about your intentions, as long as it's not done in an AFC type of way.

Numbers aren't necessarily lame, although I would only take a phone number after I've tried a F-close.

Not every girl is going to f*** you the first time you meet her, no matter how tight your game is.

Nothing wrong with getting a number and setting up a day 2.

All this BS about 'faking disinterest' is just that - BS

These girls know why we approach them, why we talk to them.

Asking them 'who lies more, men or women?' or some other lame opinion opener is weak.

They know what we want.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Derek: Yeah, I don't have a list in my back pocket which says "do this or do that". I have the best thing in the world with me. My gut. It has two modes, either it's silent or it's twisting around the later meaning stuff aint' goign to good.

I think you get me wrong Derek. I'm not "faking disinterest". I am only talking to the girls! You know, socializing. I never do any PUA **** ever. I don't even get in a mode where I am suppossed to meet women. If I see some cool chick I go talk to her you know. It's just not that I go around and trying to pick women up. I go with their own pace and take it easy. Women IMO like it slower because they will show almost no resistance to you at all.

If you refer to the guy with long hair with the abnormal body language when you talk about "who lies more" then we are on the same page what NOT to do.

fan27: Thanks dude... You still have hobbies right? Still have friends? Still do stuff in your spare time? Those things are awesome to meet women or just have fun. :)

lebrambo: Dude, first person I've found who swears more than I do. ;)

BGman: That's my point exactly. The other point is not "not to meet", it's just to avoid the term date. Hanging out or just meeting up, maybe even with her friends. It's all OK as long as you can handle the situation. If her friends like you then you have a powerful ally on your side.

Thanks Jay. =)

C00L - Doctor swole isn't real, I am. It's a long way to ripping off my shirt and hitting the crowd with a lat flare and saying "game over" to a biceps pretty boy with 13" water pistols while I hit a side chest and a back double bis.

Lol, thanks Badass Canadian. All my FRs contain me flexing and stuff.. so I can't stop now. Just giving you all a sneak peak to what's going on in my head. :D

ACtually thought I would be flamed for this. lol


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lifeforce

Normally when it's summer I look ****ing good. But now when it's winter I grab an extra layer of clothes and put on my winter jacket and leave it open. That **** is enough to intimidate every ****er who crosses my way.
Leaving your winter jacket open isn't intimidating. this just sounds funny. I picture mysefl walking past some guy with his jacket open - believing he is intimidating me - solely because his jacket is open.

Originally posted by Lifeforce

I put my backpack down at the chair next to me and removed my winter jacked standing a little turned so I could see them in my peripheral vision and semi-flexed my butt. Hell yeah, I saw the girl took a poorly glance at my butt. "That's good" I thought "It's a nice butt". To all you peacocking losers out there who walk around buying hats, shoes and ****... having a girl looking at your rock hard butt... that's ****ing peacocking...
You flexed your "butt," are your pants skin tight? do you regularly flex your "butt" to attract women?

I have a picture of a guy wearing 2 layers of clothes, walking around with his jacket open, wearing skin tight pants. ****y peacock.

I'm not trying to knock your stuff - I'm just noting some parts of your post that I found really funny.

hmm constructive... I understand why you haven't gone for the number close, i usually use this for class prospects too... it works well, and you're right, it is economically sound... if you notice her becoming more and more receptive - id make a move sooner than later.. run it.. then move on to the next one..


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Girls like butts, you don't flex yours?

Hell no, my pants are not skin tight, but my butt is ****ing cast in iron so it can be seen. Plus, no matter how loose, butt area is usually pretty tight.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, United Kingdom
Some off you ****ers may wonder why I didn't go for the number. That's a lot reasons for this and I'll ****ing lay it out in "a dummies guide" of way.
Personally I think of myself as more of a scholar than a ****er. I'm sure that there are better ways of expressing yourself than using our good old friend ****.