FR: typical woman mentality


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Background: last night, outside the club, I kissed closed an hb7 who was visiting town, double Ds, looking really hot in a tight tube dress. Before her friend dragged her away, we exchanged phone numbers.

Today's text exchange:

ME: wat you doing today?
HB: bla bla
ME: bla bla
HB: we want to go get sushi [with her friend who she's visiting] then go to the beach, where is a good sushi place?
ME: [place X] on [such and such streets] if your not going for super fancy. Nobu in west ho if you r tryin to drop a couple hundos lol
HB: how do you spell your name so I can put it in my phone? [I do have a complicated, non-american name]
ME: [drak_ool]
HB: Did you want to take us to Nobu?
ME: lol do I look like a banker to you?

The convo went on for a little longer, then I did end up meeting up with her and her friend at the beach. Didn't get more than some make out sessions with the target, as I couldn't get a wing man to go with me and her friend was c0ckblocking.

The 2 interesting parts to me were how, one, she assumes I want to take her out to eat (with her friend!) even though we spent only a few minutes together at that point and made out a couple times outside a club. And two, when choosing between a decent prized restaurant and the most expansive sushi place in LA, she goes swinging for the fences.

How can a girl justify to herself asking a guy she barely knows to spend $200-300 on her when he hasn't even banged her yet?

crazy how many women out there have this hustler mentality...


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I doubt she really thought you'd take her to that place, but it was still a good sign that she asked you. It's just flirting from a girl with expensive tastes - neither is bad. You also handled it properly. If she kissed you then you can take her to dinner somewhere less expensive. Then, you might go to the expensive place for a drink and appetizer at the bar, and tell her you are not planning on proposing so there is a budget.


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Would you care or even bother to post about this if you had another 2 or 3 girls in your rotation? Get more options and these complaints become irrelevant.

drak_ool said:
Background: last night, outside the club, I kissed closed an hb7 who was visiting town, double Ds, looking really hot in a tight tube dress. Before her friend dragged her away, we exchanged phone numbers.

Today's text exchange:

ME: wat you doing today?
HB: bla bla
ME: bla bla
HB: we want to go get sushi [with her friend who she's visiting] then go to the beach, where is a good sushi place?
ME: [place X] on [such and such streets] if your not going for super fancy. Nobu in west ho if you r tryin to drop a couple hundos lol
HB: how do you spell your name so I can put it in my phone? [I do have a complicated, non-american name]
ME: [drak_ool]
HB: Did you want to take us to Nobu?
ME: lol do I look like a banker to you?

The convo went on for a little longer, then I did end up meeting up with her and her friend at the beach. Didn't get more than some make out sessions with the target, as I couldn't get a wing man to go with me and her friend was c0ckblocking.

The 2 interesting parts to me were how, one, she assumes I want to take her out to eat (with her friend!) even though we spent only a few minutes together at that point and made out a couple times outside a club. And two, when choosing between a decent prized restaurant and the most expansive sushi place in LA, she goes swinging for the fences.

How can a girl justify to herself asking a guy she barely knows to spend $200-300 on her when he hasn't even banged her yet?

crazy how many women out there have this hustler mentality...


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
A woman's body is for sale, and she dolls/ offers it up to the highest bidder.

Dinner dates are only for women you've banged. Maybe she's a dinner wh0re. Don't feed her.

Why don't you take her walking in the park or for coffee? Take control. :yes:

Also, listen to what BigT said.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Typical club skank trash mentality, you mean. A lot of girls from these scenes are living a quick-life, and carrying along people for the ride (ie, using them). You should not go in with a formal dating mindset. They'll probably just have their fun for a while, get what they want - then leave. They travel in packs, too.

It sounds like they're trying to use you already. They don't typically hold back, aren't afraid to use people, and are pretty forward. Don't think you are special, or anything. They already asked if you wanted to take THEM to a fine-dine restaurant after knowing you for only a few minutes. I can guarantee its not to "get to know you" - its so they can get a free meal, and probably a free ride. They wouldn't ask you to take both of them if the one was genuinely interested. Club skanks typically aren't. You'll find them asking for a lot of favors, probably messing with your head, having some fun with you (making out, possibly sex), and basically only coming around when they want something. ****-blocking isn't uncommon, since these are typically the fake, catty, competitive, crazy types.

I see no good coming from these two. Nor would I invest anything in them. Just have fun - as they are - and be ready to eject (or get ejected). The club scene is very come and go - as is the lifestyles of those who frequent them. Making out and fooling around - even having sex - is very common. It doesn't mean anything. Nor does exchanging numbers and asking you for favors. Most encounters last a few weeks to a few months at most.

This shouldn't be mistaken for a typical female mindset, though. Club skanks, bad girls, gold diggers, attention *****s, etc aren't to be classified as anything other than trash. Hot, good for sex trash, but trash nonetheless. There needs to be a strong separation between good women and garbage women, or else you'll start stereotyping, becoming bitter, hating women, etc.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
drak_ool said:
How can a girl justify to herself asking a guy she barely knows to spend $200-300 on her when he hasn't even banged her yet?
Because plenty of other guys would and do. So she asks you, "Hey I like you, I guess, do you want to spend some money on me and my friend like every other guy would? Tee. Hee."


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
BigT said:
Would you care or even bother to post about this if you had another 2 or 3 girls in your rotation? Get more options and these complaints become irrelevant.
interesting take on my post BigT. My purpose was not rant, just to examplify a common problem with American women, especially those in SoCal. Compared to other "take me out" demands, this one stood out because out of two choices, she goes for the most extreme one. Not that I would have taken her and her friend to either place, just goes to show they will push that hustler mentality to the extreme. And unfortunately some guys fall for it...

As for your concerns for my rotation, I got laid last night after the club (booty call) and am working on several more prospects. However, no matter how many women I have fvcked or am currently fvcking, some of their behaviors will still bewilder me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bad sign. Women asking for sh*t from you, especially that soon after getting to know them, see you as a wallet and not a man.

And never say "hundos" ;)


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
You can't generalize from this one girl to 5+ million females in socal.

drak_ool said:
interesting take on my post BigT. My purpose was not rant, just to examplify a common problem with American women, especially those in SoCal. Compared to other "take me out" demands, this one stood out because out of two choices, she goes for the most extreme one. Not that I would have taken her and her friend to either place, just goes to show they will push that hustler mentality to the extreme. And unfortunately some guys fall for it...

As for your concerns for my rotation, I got laid last night after the club (booty call) and am working on several more prospects. However, no matter how many women I have fvcked or am currently fvcking, some of their behaviors will still bewilder me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
BigT said:
You can't generalize from this one girl to 5+ million females in socal.
You can use one case study (this woman) as an example of a common phenomenon (women's entitlement mentality) that is pervasive in SoCal, especially in LA.

Now of course, if you would like to argue that women in SoCal don't have an extreme entitlement mentality, I'd love to hear (read) your points.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
you could use that generalization for the entire u.s. female population