FR: She won't fvck me now?


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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Read this. It's good.

I've banged this chick 3-4 times the past month, have only known her for about 2 months. She is kinda involved with some other dude, but I am pretty sure she is in love with me.

Friday night she was texting me, asking where I was at and to come meet her at this bar/saloon near where I live. I finally agree, and show up a few hours later, fashionably late as usual. She is with a very drunk grenade friend, who I immediately suggest we get a cab, so I could get the block out of the way. We get the grenade a cab and send her on her miserable way.

My date & I go back into the bar portion of the saloon and she orders drinks (she knows what I drink, ordered for both, and paid). She looks at me and says that I am her wing-man tonight. I just laugh it off and go with it.

After we get our drinks, we go to this private couch area and start talking. A HB8 approaches me and comments on my cardigan sweater and definitely wanted me. My date is the super jealous type, I look over, and she looks PISSED. I shrug off the HB8 as politely as possible. The girl I am with turns to me and says, "that is exactly why I could never date you," she then further explains that she could never trust me. I kind of ignore that comment, and she continues saying how she wants me, but the timing is bad. How I am the best looking one in this bar, etc. She tells me I need to open up to her more and then she drops a mega bomb on me, saying she is not going to sleep with me anymore, not until we are dating! I am not going to lie, it kind of flustered me, but I calmly reply "That's fine. I am tired of feeling like a sex object." She kind of laughed and said that I probably think she is just a skank. I forgot to mention, that this girl says she does not date and will not date, because she is 21.

Anyways, we dance for a bit, have a few more drinks and then she asks me if I want to take a cab back to her place. This bar was like 5 floors, so we take the elevator back to the first floor to leave. And she was giving me the DTF look so bad in the elevator. I am thinking there is no way I am not getting it in tonight.

We get back to her house, go right to her room, and she gets naked. She climbs on me and tells me to take my jeans/belt off. She slides off me, and undresses me. We make out and she is grabbing everything, I am grabbing her pvssy she is very wet. Out of no where, she pulls away and says we aren't fvcking until we start dating. She then says we will date in 2 years. Anyways, I heat her up again, fingering her pvssy and tell her "I know you want the real thing" she says "yes" so I am about to stick it in and she says "NO! Stop! We can't!"

She then gives me the best bl0wjob I have ever gotten in my life. I am still determined to get it in, like 30 mins later, I start fingering her again, she is moaning like crazy and very wet. I ask her if I can put it in and she says no we can't. She then gives me another great bl0w job until I *** in her mouth.

The rest of the night, she is literally grabbing my d1ck, kissing me, telling me how much she wants me. She also dropped some emotional **** on me, saying she would hate it if I was with someone else. How she would kill the broad (half seriously). In the morning, I try one more time to get it in and she just will not let me put it in. We get dressed as she has to drive me home in the morning and she starts dry humping me and I tell her that she wants it fvcking bad, to let me put it in. She still wouldn't let me!! It drove me fvcking crazy.

WTF is this ****?


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2010
Reaction score
It sounds like she is trying to use her pvssy to get some control.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Portland, OR
She wants you for herself, but just keep doing what you're doing and she'll eventually just go back to normal seeing that she can't tame you.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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I've gone pretty cold since this night. She has as well. Pretty funny.

This girl is off the wall. I love it. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
It was your " I am tired of being used as a sex object" response that got her panties wet. And it was your uncontrollable feelings in the bedroom that got her dry.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
amoka said:
It was your " I am tired of being used as a sex object" response that got her panties wet. And it was your uncontrollable feelings in the bedroom that got her dry.
Not even close


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
How did I miss this thread? :)

I had a similar thing happen to me at the start of the year, let me think, it was the third and last 'date' in, I'd previously fingered her in public while enroute to a bar so I was expecting some proper action that night. Come the next morning and four BJ's (with all the trimmings) later, I still couldn't get her panties to drop (cue the jokes about the 'surprise' she was hiding in her knickers).

OP, what you and I experienced is just a messed up kind of anti-slvt defence, and not a particularly good one at that. Hell this girl was actually contemplating letting me fvck her in the a$$ because 'that wouldn't count', obviously BJ's don't 'count' either.

Next time we were scheduled to meet I put a fracking bolt through one of my tyres and had to bail on her. I got the impression she hooked up with her ex that night instead and they may have wound up getting back together, the trail went very cold after that.

See, she only blew me so it's ok, she gets away with a nice clean conscience, she's not a slvt, what are you suggesting?! I think your plate is using the same rationalisation, if you can even call it that.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
am I the only one that thinks women like this are more than a bit fcked up in the head?
I wouldnt be hanging around

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Come on dude all women do this. She wants you all to herself DUH.

If you would have told her "baby you are my girl" when she said all that **** you would have gotten the fvck of a lifetime...


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
betheman said:
am I the only one that thinks women like this are more than a bit fcked up in the head?
I wouldnt be hanging around
In my experience that or

  • The girl sincerely likes you and doesn't wanna move the physical relationship to fast
  • The girl is banging another guy as is in the OP's case
  • The girl is using her punany to control you as another poster mentioned

In my opinion, the girl wants her cake and eat it too, OP a girl like this is just trying to steal the frame, leave her in the back burner, and continue to meet higher quality/caliber women, she's the type of girl who you only call when you don't get any at the bar.

Here's a similar story. I met a girl several months ago, who would flak constantly (she was manager at some grocery chain and would work weird hours) eventually we did meet up etc. One night after the club she called me wanting to "see me"(she had just got done clubbing as well). After a few text I knew I was "in", I drove to the taco bell were she was at (15 minutes from my house) she bought me food(yah) we go home, I kill those nasty tacos, and I'm about to get up in her booty. The chick tells me "no wait" blah blah, I didn't even try to push through the LMR, i was so furious that she denied me after basically telling me "it was on" she pulled the old bait and switch, needless to say I never talked to her or texted her again.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Personally, I would have "frozen" her and if after a subsequent attempt the shit wasn't happening, I would have gotten up and left.

She's using her pussy to hold your freedom ransom. Now it's your move: give in and let her know that her pussy can control you OR stick to your guns... and still try to stick it... errr... in her. ;)


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score

She texted me saying that she got her STD test back and it was all negative.

She has stated a bunch of times in the past she doesn't trust me. And I've raw dogged her a few times before this. Come to think of it, I remember her calling me one night freaking out about me not using a condom.

She was waiting for the results of the test, that's why she wouldn't let me fvck her. Hilarious.

She was also late night texting me two nights ago telling me how badly she wanted it and missed me.

Life is good.