FR: of no actual FR


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
This isnt your typical field report I just felt like sharing it in hopes of some comments/advice.

Ok Im 17 and me and the fam went down to Disneyland in Anaheim.Super hot weather and we were in the park for a total of 3 days.While I was there I saw the most beautiful girls I have EVER seen in my entire life and literally saw one every 10 seconds.I was stunned and I suddenly knew why this place was so magical.You guys can call me out on prizing them so high but Im not even kidding it was unbelievable

I only approached one set

Thats right.Only one set of this short blonde girl who was her blonde friend who happened to be with their parents nearby.Quick interaction nothin special.

What was stopping me?
-I was always with my family to which I have a very clingy younger brother and snoopy ass parents like you wouldnt believe.Leaving out of sight would raise suspicion and my mom especially very nosy.
-Girls with parents as well.I guess Im just not at the level yet?The level to pick up girls who are by their parents.I dont think I ever will and I also think its creepy as ****.
-I dont like the idea of approaching with no end result.Sure I could reduce AA but for a guy my age and with girls this age,having a quick 2 min conversation when I get the time and ending with nothing but a "Well nice talking to you.Bye" is not my style.

Yep excuses there.Share your thoughts guys I wanna see if anyone else has had this before(im sure someone atleast)

Although I didnt go home empty handed.I think this forum taught me to gather any experience and retrieve whatever positive ideas you can from it.

I finally UNDERSTOOD BODY LANGUAGE.Sure before I went I heard about the whole hair stroke by girls and the body posture and the fidgeting but this was definatly cleared up for me.Alot of the girls I had noticed kept either
1)Glancing at me a few times after the initial eye lockup even while they with group of people.They also while waiting in line in front of me pretended to look around the scenery and **** and get another glance at me.LOL Theyy make it waaaaay to obvious sometimes;)
2)Hair strokes with hand and pulling of hair by the ear.I finally realised why this was so true because even me as a guy when I see hot girl I tend to wanna "fix" myself up a bit when I see em so this i understood fully.
3)Touching of the face/fidgeting around.
4)Smiles after intial eye contact.:D

I guess some of this stuff I should have realised before but even though this wasnt an actual FR,I still learned a heck of a lot.

Also any posts about "about time" or stupid **** just dont bother I just felt like sharingthis maybe it will help others aswell.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
-I dont like the idea of approaching with no end result.Sure I could reduce AA but for a guy my age and with girls this age,having a quick 2 min conversation when I get the time and ending with nothing but a "Well nice talking to you.Bye" is not my style.
You should get used to it. This is something you have to deal with for now until you get better. You need to practice opening so that you don't just stand there looking like an idiot because you've run out of things to say. If you're not a natural talker, the only way to fix it is with lots and lots of practice.

There's no quick fix. You don't just go from AFC to PUA without touching all the steps in between. If you want it bad enough, you have to be willing to put the work in and go through the sh!t that comes with it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Yea solid advice ya well before I was a natural talker I just dont know what was going on with me on this occasion.The worst thing for me is coming up with excuses which Im trying to get rid of BUT I think in this FR i truly believe that there were MANY instances were I simply could not approach with unavoidable obstacles.Atleast I learned and finally understood non verbal IOI's to which it tells me that I didnt go home with the same level of understanding that I began which I believe is the most important thing of all.