FR: aggressive at the bar+txt game gets the lay


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
people have been complaining about not enough FRs so here I come to the rescue. I've been out of commission for the last 2 wknds as I am spending time with my little siblings. Before that I was in Vegas were I banged 3 chicks, one of them I knew from before, the other two... Not much to say, we were drunk at the club, took them back to the place I was staying, got them to play strip pool (the trick is: my friends' pool table is slanted, impossible to make a shot even when sober lol) and threw them in the room when they got down to their panties. Not much game involved, just a lot of high energy and relentless approaching.

The week before though, I scored this 22 y.o. hottie in an interesting twist of events. I had met her about a month prior, with 5 minutes to go before last call at this bar/club in a city 45 min from where I live. As she was walking by we made eye contact, she smiled at me so I grabbed her arm "let's get one last dance in." She follows me to the dancefloor and we start grinding hard, making out within minutes. As the lights go on and the music stops she tells me "I'm not going home with you, you should find another girl." I'm like "that's cool, I'm not that kinda guy. You really thought I was that easy?" [big smirk]. Anyway, I hand her a business card, tell her to hit me up sometime and bounce.

I get a txt from her that same night, "nice to meet you" or w/er, I respond in kind and move on.

Over the nxt month, we kept exchanging txts, usually initiated by her, but sometimes I would throw in the random "happy friday" just to see where we're at.

Fast forward one month, I tell her I'll be back in Orange County (I live in LA), let's grab a drink before an evening class I had. She agrees to meet me, shows up all dolled up (big IOI in my eyes), and is pretty impressed to see me in a suit and tie, looking all sort of professional and 180 degrees from how she saw me the first time. We chit-chat, I make it a point to hold back on sexual talk, just throwing some negs at her here and there. Overall, I could see she was pretty impressed/intrigued.

We meet up the next evening at another bar/club, again she shows up in a super tight black mini, way overdressed for the place but looking off the hook. This time I revert back to aggressive game, we're making out hard on the dancefloor, lots of groping. About an hour in, I tell her I'd rather go back to the jacuzzi. She comes back with me to the place I'm stayin at, but we barely make it through the front door that she jumps all over me.

She did put a LOT of LMR, I actually got to hit it in the morning as that night she wouldn't go past a bj. That did piss me off somewhat. but the sex more than made up for it.

2 lessons here: the night's not over until you're back home, alone. Just cuz you only got a few minutes left in the club doesn't mean you should give up. Perseverance is key, as I always say.

Lesson #2 is that txting works, no matter what some of our anti-technology DJs will have you believe. It helps build rapport at a minimum effort on your part. So that by the time you get a face to face meeting, half of your work or more is already done...

Hope this motivates others to put some more reports. Come on troops, get out there and slay some skanks!


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
nice report. Doesn't sound like you dropped much dough on this one (not sure about the Vegas ones :| ).. the "last dance" move was smooth, and it's nice to see that you did just the right amount of texting, and then actually closed the deal.

22 y.o. girls do lots of LMR. I'm glad you were able to deal with the BJ and not walk out the door (as I probably would have). You got it the next morning.

Overall solid 'A.'


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
Awesome FR, man. Thanks for posting. I love that "end of the night approach". Even if I am having a bad night, around last call I always get this sudden increase in motivation to approach. Almost feel invincible sometimes.

What other lines/methods have you tried for this last minute approach?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Zarky, considering I made her buy one round at the bar, I prob dropped $20-30 on this one. Is that acceptable? lol

As for the txting, living in LA I spend a lot of time stuck in traffic, bored, so i really don't mind playin that game.

The LMR was really annoying, esp after how much interest she showed throughout the seduction. In fact, when we just met for a drink she drove 20 miles in SoCal traffic to see me, spent more time on the road than at the actual bar.

Pdubb, the end of the night is where the magic happens, girls are drunk, and the ones lookin to hook up are on the prowl. Honestly I don't really use "lines" in my pickups, I usually go with something situational, try to get them back on the dancefloor, or convince them to go to an after hours place.

A huge no-no I want to point out (learned this harsh lesson through personal experience): NEVER, under any circumstances, take a girl you want to bang that night but haven't hooked up with in the past to eat. Late night food is the killer of all romance. The girl sobers up, her ASD is re-energized, plus for me there's just something so unsexy in seeing a girl gorge herself as if she was eating her last meal.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
drak_ool said:
A huge no-no I want to point out (learned this harsh lesson through personal experience): NEVER, under any circumstances, take a girl you want to bang that night but haven't hooked up with in the past to eat. Late night food is the killer of all romance. The girl sobers up, her ASD is re-energized, plus for me there's just something so unsexy in seeing a girl gorge herself as if she was eating her last meal.
Great FR.

Absolutely agree. Plus the food makes her very tired.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
drak_ool said:
people have been complaining about not enough FRs so here I come to the rescue. I've been out of commission for the last 2 wknds as I am spending time with my little siblings. Before that I was in Vegas were I banged 3 chicks, one of them I knew from before, the other two... Not much to say, we were drunk at the club, took them back to the place I was staying, got them to play strip pool (the trick is: my friends' pool table is slanted, impossible to make a shot even when sober lol) and threw them in the room when they got down to their panties. Not much game involved, just a lot of high energy and relentless approaching.

The week before though, I scored this 22 y.o. hottie in an interesting twist of events. I had met her about a month prior, with 5 minutes to go before last call at this bar/club in a city 45 min from where I live. As she was walking by we made eye contact, she smiled at me so I grabbed her arm "let's get one last dance in." She follows me to the dancefloor and we start grinding hard, making out within minutes. As the lights go on and the music stops she tells me "I'm not going home with you, you should find another girl." I'm like "that's cool, I'm not that kinda guy. You really thought I was that easy?" [big smirk]. Anyway, I hand her a business card, tell her to hit me up sometime and bounce.

I get a txt from her that same night, "nice to meet you" or w/er, I respond in kind and move on.

Over the nxt month, we kept exchanging txts, usually initiated by her, but sometimes I would throw in the random "happy friday" just to see where we're at.

Fast forward one month, I tell her I'll be back in Orange County (I live in LA), let's grab a drink before an evening class I had. She agrees to meet me, shows up all dolled up (big IOI in my eyes), and is pretty impressed to see me in a suit and tie, looking all sort of professional and 180 degrees from how she saw me the first time. We chit-chat, I make it a point to hold back on sexual talk, just throwing some negs at her here and there. Overall, I could see she was pretty impressed/intrigued.

We meet up the next evening at another bar/club, again she shows up in a super tight black mini, way overdressed for the place but looking off the hook. This time I revert back to aggressive game, we're making out hard on the dancefloor, lots of groping. About an hour in, I tell her I'd rather go back to the jacuzzi. She comes back with me to the place I'm stayin at, but we barely make it through the front door that she jumps all over me.

She did put a LOT of LMR, I actually got to hit it in the morning as that night she wouldn't go past a bj. That did piss me off somewhat. but the sex more than made up for it.

2 lessons here: the night's not over until you're back home, alone. Just cuz you only got a few minutes left in the club doesn't mean you should give up. Perseverance is key, as I always say.

Lesson #2 is that txting works, no matter what some of our anti-technology DJs will have you believe. It helps build rapport at a minimum effort on your part. So that by the time you get a face to face meeting, half of your work or more is already done...

Hope this motivates others to put some more reports. Come on troops, get out there and slay some skanks!
Texting is how pretty much everyone younger than 35 communicates today. It is not bad or good for "gaming". It is just the new standard of communication. It is just simpler than phoning, unless you really need to talk about something serious. Of course the business world is a very different story.

What I take from your story is what I learned years ago and what I should reiterate for newbies:

1) If she dresses up when meeting you, SHE IS INTO YOU. Take that as a sign. She is basically waiting for you to make a move. So make a move stupid!

2) If she initiates communication, SHE IS INTO YOU. Take that as a sign and escalate.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Texting is how pretty much everyone younger than 35 communicates today.
trust me, I'm with you 100% on this. yet i still see guys on SS talking about how they never txt, or some stupid rule like "only 3 txts and then set-up a meeting or she's out", etc... Wonder how many 20-something girls they bang?!?

TillTheEndOfTime said:
If she dresses up when meeting you, SHE IS INTO YOU. Take that as a sign. She is basically waiting for you to make a move. So make a move stupid!
My usual rule of thumb is to do exactly the opposite of what a girl expects me to do 90% of the time, then 10% of the time actually meet her expectations. That keeps her guessing and the hamster spinning :D

Because I had been very aggressive during the initial pick-up, I was already planning of acting in the opposite manner during our 1 hour drink session. When she showed up all dressed up, that only solidified my determination.

Also, since my time was limited, there really wasn't any place that I could have escalated it to that I hadn't visited during our initial encounter (heavy make out, grope-dancing session on the dancefloor). No point in making a move, which she expects me to make, if all I can get is another make-out.