FR: a breath of fresh air


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Just had a date with a 19 y.o. yesterday. Cute, tall, long hair, slender, nice boobs, great ass. I was set up with her by her mom (met the girl last week for the first time), who’s a classmate in my master’s program, so I couldn’t be my aggressive self. That could be a good thing though, I’ve been working on toning down my game and making it less obvious to the girl than I am going after her. The resulting ambiguity creates a good amount of sexual tension, which makes the date fun. So didn’t go for the kiss close at the end, but got a stream of txt from her instead.

She lives about 45 min from LA, so I used the opportunity to visit one of my favorite towns in SoCal (also forced her to drive, wasn’t gonna meet her on her turf) as well as catch up with two friends who drove down from Santa Barbara (usual anti-flake strategy of setting up two events at once, much needed in SoCal).

Overall it was a breath of fresh air to hang out with a teenager, something I had not done since my college days. Sure, she’s immature, but maybe so am I since I enjoyed listening to her blabber. Plus I can’t get over her body… I’m also attracted to the idea that she is somewhat “untainted.” Sure, she’s had at least one bf and is sexually active (a good thing, don’t feel like dealing with virgins anymore) but she hasn’t even started college yet…
I’ll post more as the situation develops. I was busting her balls most of the time, actually didn’t throw one compliment at her in 6 hours (I know, I spent a ton of time with her) and she replicated in kind mostly, but had a few slips that showed how she really feels about me. I’m still debating whether I want to close the deal or not based on the mother situation (our field is very close-knit and I wouldn’t want her to trash talk me after I break her only daughter’s heart).

Question for the guys with more experience here: how do you handle the age difference, how do you talk about it? I only brought it up when I called her a baby, or saying that I was “babysitting” her and I noticed that was the only thing that, even though she pretended not to, she felt a bit insecure about. Would you push with those kind of comments? I feel like they would get old after a while, I’d love to her your opinions…


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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You're 27. To us, an 8 year age difference doesn't seem like much. But to her, it's like a fvcking ocean of time. The difference is basically half her age.

Just chill with her dude. It's hard to go out and stuff because she can't drink. I got with an 18 and 20 year old last week. You just treat them like the spoiled princesses they think they are. Neg them, hard. Display your value, but always make them feel comfortable. It's inevitable that they will be intimidated by older men. Keep it casual, like it's just a regular occurrence for you. Don't get too drawn in by these chicks though. Some times we can get in close to their college lives and their freedom of bills and such.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
SoSuave666 said:
Neg them, hard. Display your value, but always make them feel comfortable.
That s pretty much what I did and she just ate it up. I couldn't help to think of myself as a 19 y.o. and how much better I would have done with women if I had the mentality I have today back then... Instead, in those days I would have probably been walking on eggs, offered to pay for her (the date actually cost me $0, for those keeping track of such things), compliment her, try to build rapport out of nothing, beat every convo subject to death... Damn, I came a long way!

Funny example of older women's innate sense of insecurity around their younger counterparts: so I asked my friend who came down to see me what she thought of the teenager. Her answer: "she's way too young and immature, only so so looking [keep in mind the girl writing this is 9 years older and about 20/30 lbs heavier] and you can do muuuuuch better." Hint of jealousy here? haha