Fr #98983579835


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo New York baby!
FR #983733535

Without any BS, I’ll just type out what happened:

Situation #1

I had been shopping all morning, and I was absolutely exhausted. So naturally, I buy some drink [clearly Canadian blue raspberry] and walk into Abercrombie+Fitch and sit down on the comfy leather couch in the reception area. Not long after a mother and daughter walk in, and as the daughter is looking around her mother sits across from me in a leather chair, next to the TV. I begin to talk with her about shopping:

Anthony GRRR - Long day, eh?
Mommy - You have no idea... she <her daughter> looks in every store, tries everything on... TWICE, and then hits ME up for the money, who invented this system?
Anthony GRRR continues the conversation about cloths/shopping/teenagers for around 5 minutes, all the while nursing my blue raspberry soda...
Anthony GRRR - What I don’t understand, well, why are these clothes so expensive? <As we are chatting I see a cute French girl walk in, and we make eye contact and share a smile... I continue chatting on, only this time directed @ the French girl> You know what I mean? <hesitant smile and head nod> In fact, I work at G+G down the hall, and we just got our fall line in... some pretty sexy stuff if I do say so myself... and its less than HALF what things cost here!
French Babe - Really?
Anthony GRRR - Is that a ‘Really, you work in an all girls clothing store?’ or ‘Really, those cloths do sound sexy’
She giggles and we begin talking about the cloths, I pat the seat on the couch next to me and she comes and sits down. We talk about cloths and she mentions she used to live in France, and how the styles were different. That got us talking about the world outside of the united states/shopping. When I finished my drink I decided to tie things up...
Anthony GRRR - My oh my! Its 1:03 and 37 seconds, and I still have 3 stores to check! It was spectacular talking with you... I’m Anthony, BTW”
French Babe - “Oh you too, and I’m Caroline”
Anthony GRRR - “Its wonderful to meet you Caroline <girlie hand shake, I hold her hand as I close> We should get together sometime <she agrees, as we are still holding hands> Lets exchange #’s, and we’ll take it from there”

Situation #2:

Later that night I was at work, and two attractive women walk in. I smiled and greeted them both, talked briefly about the new fall line/sales. Right off the bat sis #1 found a cute shirt, and held it up to look @ it... then, out of nowhere sis #2 GRABS the shirt and bolts for the dressing room [they are 18ish, btw]...

Anthony GRRR laughing loudly - Come on now! You can’t let her get away with that... @ leased put up a lil resistance!
Sis #2 laughing too - OMG, she’s sooo nuts!
Anthony GRRR - It would certainly appear so...
Sis #2 - I can’t believe she did that! She’s crazy...
Anthony GRRR - Well actually, this could be good for you. Let her pay for it, then just <bunny ear quotations> ‘barrow it.’
Sis #2 laughing and showing really good body language - That’s a good idea!
Anthony GRRR wink - That’s what they pay me fore, these moments of brilliance... if only I could figure out how to tie my darn shoes <shrug>. I’m Anthony, btw
Sis #2 - I’m Jackie, its nice to meet you
Anthony - Well thank you... so, been @ the mall shopping long?

We talk about shopping for a few minutes, her sister comes out of the dressing room and I introduce myself to her, and fill her in on our wildly entertaining conversation. Her sister buys the shirt, and I go back to working. As they were walking out of the store I called to Jackie...

Anthony GRRR - Hey Jackie <hand wave, as if to say ‘cmere’> we should get together sometime, why don’t you write down your #, and we can take it from there.
Sis #2 surprised and excited - Yeah, that’d be great <scribbles down #> This is my cell phone, I have tons of minutes so you can call me anytime...
Anthony - Cool. Well, see you soon, have a nice night <I go back to working>


I called both girls last Sunday, neither answered. I called back on Monday evening [9:15ish] and talked about what they ended up buying while shopping, and how I am redoing my room. After 10 min of convo with Jackie [sit #2]...

Anthony GRRR - Ahhh, brb, gotta put the phone down!
Jackie - Oh dear...
Anthony GRRR just pretended to have a convo with someone - Hello? <Hey> [mocking her voice] Hey... anyhow, I need to get going, but would you like to get together at the end of the week?
Jackie - Yeah sure...
Anthony GRRR - Hmmm, I’m busy wed and fri... are you free thurs?
Jackie - Yup
Anthony GRRR - Great, lets grab a bite to eat, Italian or Chinese?
Jackie - I like ‘em both...
Anthony GRRR - Well that’s no fair, you’ve got to pick one silly!
Jackie - Italian
Anthony GRRR - OOO I’m liking this already! Do you know where rizzo’s, on eggert, is?
Jackie - I love rizzo’s!
Anthony GRRR - Spectacular! Rizzo’s @ 8 on thurs, see ya then <click>!

Then I called Caroline [sit #1], basically the same deal, but after 5 min of convo she said she needed to get going for whatever reason, and asked if I’d like her to call me back...

Anthony GRRR - Naaa, I’ll tell ya’ what, I’ll give ya a call later, sound good?
Caroline - Yeah, that’d be great, thanks!
Anthony GRRR - Tty in a bit <click>!

Needless to say I didn’t call back, but will do so tues [today] at 9 oclock or so.


Pretty straight forward, just showing you guys how to use the situation at hand to make approaching easier. Any comments, questions, suggestions, or sits of your own you’d like to share... GO FOR IT ;)!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Congrats on the #s. That's a helpful example of how to to get the #s I'd say. My biggest problem is holding a conversation with someone and getting the #. Just gotta get more experience out there. BTW why does it say "Anthony GRRR" instead of just Anthony?

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score

Finally someone posts a field report which isn't like OMG I'm such a fvckup I sat next to a girl and she said pass the salt what do I do?!?!?!?

Just a few points:

1. You grabbed digits in front of her MOM? Haha, that's great, I'd think a mom would be the ultimate co ckblock. I've never approached a girl with her parents, I saw them as an insurmountable obstacle. I guess I'll have to start. :D

2. For the phone call w/ Caroline, good decision not to call her back. What I like to do when a girl gives me a sh!t test like that is to say "I'll try to call you back" so that way when you don't she doesn't feel like you went back on your word or something. Not a big deal, but it's good to do.

And Anthony, with this post which masterfully cuts through the BS, you have inspired me to go do some cold approaches for the first time in a month! I'll attach my field report tomorrow.



Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
What MoAF did in the first example was a great pick-up infront of a parent. He immeditly began making a respectful and an "all together" personality with her parents.

Normally I don't pick up while the parents are there, unless I know the parents and they know me already.

That was nice.


Master Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
Reaction score
Very nice Anthony. Although, I am curious about why you went against the golden rule for first dates. Do you not think it is necessary to go on an action date? Maybe you are able to keep the conversation exciting enough through a dinner so she won't get bored at all?

Hey I am not trying to be an ass here, I just wanted to point out a spelling error that I have noticed in a few of your posts.
You can’t let her get away with that... @ leased put up a lil resistance!
it would be "at least". Just letting you know...


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo New York baby!
Well actually, to clarafy, caroline was NOT her daughter... her daughter was trying stuff on. Caroline walked in as the random mommy and I were already talking. I inniciated the conversation with the hopes of her daughter walking back before I finished my drink, but no such luck [she was a cute blond, who could resist?]. If the daughter would have walked back, I'd have handled the conversation the same way.

GM - Well, it just seems fitting. My last name begins with a sylabol that sounds like GRRR, not to mention I seem to have picked up the nickname 'Anthony the Tiger' after the cereal frosted flakes <shrug>.

Dan - See above. Also... good point, saying 'try' is a lot smarter. Fortunitly, I don't give a 'fiddle 'n beans' whether or not she gets angry.

KINO - lol, crap, I'm getting all this recognitioin for no reason :(. Ok, I've decided to make a pickup infront of a parent next time I get a chance...

Zele - I can do whatever I want on a first date... why? Because I'm me, goddamn it. Actually, you'll find that as you become a better conversationalist anything that puts you two in a fairly isolated setting with time to talk, your fine. ALSO - shes in college, so I know we will have tons to talk about [with those extra yrs of life, women get wayyyyy more interesting] and action wouldn't be nessesary. Oh, and sorry, everyone knows my spelling sucks ;). I used spell check in the post, but obv it doesn't pick the best grammar as well <shrug>.


Unfortunitly I'm going to have to cancel my date for thurs :(... coach has pulled a scrimage practice on fri... and I'ma have to LEAVE at 7 to get there, and that means waking up @ 6, and that means going to bed @ 9. And I am going for the F close with this one on the first date... so that means I'll have to reschedual for sunday [no fri/sat dates for first dates, fela's!]. Later

- Anthony The Tiger


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
keep us posted what happened?

and plz post other field reports, i find taht yours are the most inspirational and helpful

later man


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
Originally posted by MoAF
ALSO - shes in college, so I know we will have tons to talk about [with those extra yrs of life, women get wayyyyy more interesting] and action wouldn't be nessesary.
i cant even explain how true this is

i have grown quite sick of younger woman
average 16-17 yr old:
hobbies: shopping, hanging with friends, talking on the phone, partying. (thats it)

and all they is:

"i dunno" "not much" "me blah blah blah me"

i dont know how i ever put up with it

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Great post!
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Good job son. Now make something awesome happen and gives us your updates.