Four Things I've Learned

Hog Ridin' Hellion

New Member
Jan 11, 2003
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1) Words mean almost nothing, attitude means everything. The attraction game works on a gut/emotive/intuitive level. Words are just window dressing on the real process. Right attitude+wrong words=success, wrong attitude+right words=meaningless. For proof of this, just look at how an unfunny joke told in a funny way becomes funny, whereas a funny joke told in an unfunny way becomes ****. It's the same in attraction.

2) If your honest gut feeling tells you there's a chance, don't ever give up no matter how hard your BRAIN tries to dissuade you. This follows from the fact that attraction is a gut level game. The brain is a stranger. It doesn't know what it's doing. It doesn't know how to do the natural thing. It will mostly mess things up, because it's best at things like warning, planning and thinking, all things which have basically no bearing on the process of face-to-face attraction.

3) Nothing else matters as much as use of eyes, body language, and voice tone, especially at the beginning. Consciously trying to develop these things is a process concurrent to the process of developing your attitude. Both rise simultaneously. For proof of this, notice that you naturally use different eye movements, body language, and tones of voice depending on whether you feel nervous, down, happy, or confident. It's the same in the attraction game. Cultivated attitude can pick up a sagging body, and an emproudened body can raise up a depressed mind.

4) Get into her on every level--body, mind, and soul. Be aware of her totality, and approach her simultaneously on every level. The more levels you approach her at, the better intimate you can become quickly (unless you're BOTH in it for quick sex). Notice the subtle details about her that make her an interesting human being. Let her know, <<subtly>>, that you are aware of them. Don't just say "Hey I like you, you're smart!" instead make her <<feel>> that you have noticed and appreciated that side of her. Aim for the totality--Use eyes, body language, voice tone, words, touch, and other communication systems all at once, as one unit. This takes some work until it gels, but when you get to that point you will no longer have to coordinate everything frantically like a drunken sea captain in the middle of a desperate battle, but will be able to just BE seductive and DO seduction--which is a word that I think should mean "the act of intensely projecting sensuality onto another"--effortlessly.
It's EXACTLY like learning how to play a musical instrument--a matter of learning details, then putting them together until you can just PLAY effortlessly, have fun, and let the programs you've implanted in your psyche through practice run the show.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2002
Reaction score
Good post.

It is just like playing a musical instrument. You ned to learn the basics, then keep improving from there. While learning to tie in anything additional you pick up on the way.


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2002
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Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
A very nice synthesis of various aspects of DJism.

You've captured several of the main points that unite all the bible entries...something noone has taken the time to do before.

One thing that bothers me is "Words mean nothing" -- I definitely don't agree with that's much too strong.

Regardless, his would be a great starting place for anyone to begin reading before they delve into the details of the bible.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score

notice how he said "words mean almost nothing" not "words mean nothing" :)


excellent post there, i've read quite a lot of articles from this forum and I'm quite sure it's the first post I see summing up those four elements... keep it up!