Flake stories and experiences


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
What are you flaking experiences from women and how did you deal with them?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
I saw this post and I HAD TO REPLY!! So here goes... Last week I dated a women for the first time and it really seemed to go well enough. Kino was great, eye contact, body language and the whole nine. So well I called her soon after the date and got another date. Well the women talked to a lady friend of mine and made it seem much different. She told this friend that I made her feel old (she is 10 years my senior), said I wasn't really nice and I didn't pay her any compliments.

I was real confused so I left a message for the lady I went on date with and called a few other times. She never called me back and I never heard from her. So I was really thinking about not going out even though we had set up another date. Her friend basically told me that she was expecting me there. I decided to go.

Sure enough she was there and we had a really nice night. Her friend met us at the bar later and my date began telling her how great the date was going compared to the other night. She told my brother how much she liked me when I left our table. Later as the night was closing her damn friend wrote on a small piece of paper that I needed to pay for the date's tab. Now this pissed me off, but I am not sure if my date thought this or the friend. However, she did invite me to her place for a night cap moments earlier so paying the tab was not too bad. So at 3:30 am my Designated driver-twin brother took us to Kroger to buy wine.

We get at her place as my brother drops us off. We have a nice time in her living room with music and wine. Only bad thing is that I had been drinking way too much and I think that she kept filling my wine class up everytime I went to use the restroom. I know she did once because she said so. By the time the romance started I was really too drunk for anything. Whiskey ****, ya dig! I do the best I can the rest of the morning and when I sober up I am hung over and still really not up to par sexually like I wanted to be.

She really seems into me telling me all kind of crazy Shyt and told me things I needed to do for her like growing my chest hair out because I shave it. By the time the afternoon arrived I was ready to GO!!! So my brother took us back to get her car and I told her I would call the next day which is appropriate because we had sex.

I call the next day and leave a message and she hasn't called me. It was yesterday when I called her. I see her friend at work and she tells me that the girl I went out with was at her apartment and they just colored her hair (my date's hair to brown). She is a natural blonde. Her friend said, " She told me that you liked brunettes." I said yeah, but a natural blonde is quite special too because you do not see often.

My point is this..... The women won't call, but the dumba$$ gets her hair colored for me because I told her I usually am into brown hair. This girl got all emotional on me during the night at her place too. I like her, but her phone etiquette sucks! She is a major flake! I told her friend that I thought she was freaking flake. I am dying to see what happens next, because after (2) bad experiences with the women not calling me, I am not calling her. Good thing I do not have Oneitis with this one because she has some serious issues.