First meet up and she talks a lot!


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Well noticed this girl while I was working and she comes in every so often and finally asked for her number, texted her a day later and set up a meet up after I got off work, all that went well I really didn't think I would have gotten that far. This girl is also very attractive about a hb8, I don't doubt that she gets hit on a lot.

Well everything seem to be going good at the beginning with the communication about 50-50 but after about the first half hour she just took off talking a lot not that I really didn't mind it, she wasn't being boring and she was being funny too, but she wouldnt really give me a chance to talk myself, it was about 90% her talking and 10% me. She also made it really difficult to feed off of what she was saying I would get lost sometimes because she was just talking so much, she almost really didn't even give me a chance to really introduce me.

This whole experience lasted about a little over two hours, I didn't have much time to hang out with her and I told her that and most of the talking was done in the car outside her place (after I had picked her up and drove to get something to eat with her, it was to go but never ate it until she got in her place), she said she would need to go, but than talk for about another hour. All in all I thought it went well she gave me her extra time when she said she had to go already and she was showing me a lot of kino herself putting her arm around my shoulder when she was telling her funny stories. I was also teasing her with a lot of playful insults also (when i actually had a chance to talk) which she picked up on and called me out on it, but seem to work since it kept her around

But I honestly don't know if she was attracted to me since she really didn't give me much time to talk myself and show myself off. Either way I told her to text or call me sometime and than she flipped it on me and said for me to get of hold of her. This was yesterday, should I invite her to hang out with me again today after work? Or should I wait a couple of days before contacting her again. What the best thing I can do in this situation to increase my chance of success with this girl?

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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Iggy69 said:
But I honestly don't know if she was attracted to me since she really didn't give me much time to talk myself and show myself off. Either way I told her to text or call me sometime and than she flipped it on me and said for me to get of hold of her. This was yesterday, should I invite her to hang out with me again today after work? Or should I wait a couple of days before contacting her again. What the best thing I can do in this situation to increase my chance of success with this girl?
Should you hang out with her two days in a row? What is she, your wife?

You hung out with her yesterday. So, tomorrow send a text. Just something quick and interesting. A funny story. "Found $50 in the cafe this morning. It's gonna be a good day." She'll respond. But don't let it turn into one of those corny, long text conversations.

Then wait another day and invite her out to something.

Don't be the guy who goes on a date on Monday, and then invites the girl for another date on Tuesday. Don't be that guy.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Iggy69 said:
Well everything seem to be going good at the beginning with the communication about 50-50 but after about the first half hour she just took off talking a lot not that I really didn't mind it, she wasn't being boring and she was being funny too, but she wouldnt really give me a chance to talk myself, it was about 90% her talking and 10% me. She also made it really difficult to feed off of what she was saying I would get lost sometimes because she was just talking so much, she almost really didn't even give me a chance to really introduce me.
I'd say she's very interested and was probably trying to qualify herself to you.

Her doing a lot of talking was working in your favour. While you were sitting there thinking "Fvcking hell, take a breath would you?" She's sitting there thinking "Oh, he's SUCH a good listener." For a first date that's fine, women lap that sh!t up.

Don't wait too long to make your intentions clear though.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
I'm in a similar situation. Went out with her yesterday except I did most of the talking. I was thinking of asking her out again tonight but I guess two days in a row is too much. But yeah it seems good that she was doing all the talking.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Dude are you fvckin nuts?!?! THIS IS AWESOME.

The truth is girls especially early on don't really give a **** what you have to talk about - a girl that goes 50/50 on you early and then 90/10 is a huge IOI. Girls love talking about themselves. Smile, pay attention, now is a great time to recall some of the things she said later on (to show you were listening)

You are golden my man. Best part is you don't have to worry about if you say something stupid since she loves talking about herself. Just relax.

Don't come off needy - if you send a text I say use a recall on her , it will give you points.

Goodluck Soldier.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Ha, she actually stopes by my job again, not specifically for me she was doing some other shopping. But last night when we had parted ways I had texted her what she had my number saved under since she still had not asked for my name, took her a while to text back but than asked for my name and I told her to refer to me as big daddy, I texted a minute later with my real name. She actually called me big daddy when she seen me I took that as a huge IOI.

I than asked her what she was up too and told me it was ladies night out and she was going out with her friends, I told her I call her tomorrow and she told me to call her anytime. Of course I won't call her tonight though, what next? Should I still do a simple text tomorrow or actually set up a date tomorrow when I call?

I just got out of a 3 year relationship about 3 months ago so I'm a little confused on what the right thing to do next is, personally I think I'm in the clear and can afford a f'up or two with her, but want to avoid it as much as possible, I'm back new to the game so I'm trying to play it off as cool as possible and not look needy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
dude when a girl calls you big daddy that's pretty much like the freaking air strip landing signal telling you to fvck my brains out.

i mean seriously dude it doesn't get much more clear than that
I just got out of a 3 year relationship about 3 months ago so I'm a little confused on what the right thing to do next is, personally I think I'm in the clear and can afford a f'up or two with her, but want to avoid it as much as possible, I'm back new to the game so I'm trying to play it off as cool as possible and not look needy.
call her and tell her to come over your house and proceedt o fvck her brains out. there is nothing else left to be done at this point


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
call her and tell her to come over your house and proceedt o fvck her brains out. there is nothing else left to be done at this point
Only one problem with this after my break up I moved back in with my mom to get back on my feet, which I'm about there, probably be looking to get my own apartment next week, so this is kind of out the question... So what next? try to get her back to her spot?

This was actually one of the f'up I was hoping to be able to afford and hopefully something she'll let slide.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, something weird just happen everything was going fine up until today, I texted her to be ready when I got off of work and I'll go pick her up when I get off. She text back she's going to be at the mall with her friend, I'd tell her ladies night was yesterday and tonight is mine, she text back whatever, I texted her back if she was going to have anytime today and she texted back "idk friend" (without qoutes) I text her back whatever also and tell her I'll see what's up with her another time. Then no text back.

My gut feeling is telling me she is probably seeing another guy, but oh well, I guess that just how it goes. From here now I'm thinking I should not text her back at all until she text me first, would this be the right move to do next? Should I initiate anymore contact with her first from here on out or wait for her to make the first contact now?


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Serves you right for not going for the kiss. INSTEAD HEARING HER BLAB ALL NIGHT AND SITTING THERE LISTENING LIKE A F@G...Kiss this one goodbye. Make the h0e say no next time. ON TO THE NEXT.




Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Where did you read he didn't kiss her? I must of overlooked something.

I think calling her out on ladies night and tonight is mine is a bit aggressive and pushy. Just my opinion.

Best to just say : beers at 9pm at the bar, wear a cute top and a skirt. (if she knows you were going to hang out)

also, don't TEXT to setup dates , call her. Is she black , white, Asian ?

There is nothing wrong with Hearing her blab , just make the moves when the chances arise, cut the ***** off every once in a while if you have to.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Yea I think I messed this one up, I didn't kiss her on the first night, probably should have when I think back in it but she was still showing IL the next day she seen me, but now it all went downhill all of a sudden. I'm not going to try and salvage this with a phone call I think that would make me look needy at this point.

I think the best option is just to wait for her to text or call me back, and if she doesn't than I guess that's that, I think at this point it would be a bad idea to get a hold of her first.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
When a girl uses you to verbally vomit upon for two hours you are dealing with a selfish, confused nut job. The end result was predictable.

When I meet up with a girl who disrespects me by not letting me get in a word edge-wise I toss her to the curb as fast as I can.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
TRSX said:
I think calling her out on ladies night and tonight is mine is a bit aggressive and pushy. Just my opinion.
I second that.

and I'd give her space and little more than that. so no text or anything. This is actually a good thing, now you can solve the situation with your appartment.

i doubt she is already lost. maybe she felt like she has oversold herself and then you kinda acted like you owned her (or her time). so she was a bit harsh. if you back off chances are she will come to you again. dont mention this little incident or play it down if she brings it up. focus on the fun, make your move, get it done. at least that is how i would approach the situation.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
Iggy69 said:
Yea I think I messed this one up, I didn't kiss her on the first night,
lesson learned: if she cant shut up, close her lips with a kiss.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
Why give up so easily? She said she was out with friends again and here you are saying "I blew it". Be a man and ignore her/ hit her up in a couple days with a call and make plans


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
omega05 said:
Why give up so easily? She said she was out with friends again and here you are saying "I blew it". Be a man and ignore her/ hit her up in a couple days with a call and make plans
Well when I did ask her if she would have time later she replied with I don't know friend, calling me a friend at the end of it, that was kind of harsh I thought, maybe it was just her way of trying to get back some of that power she had given up.

She did say she was out with friends again, but I figured if a girl is really interested she would have made the time no matter what especially cancelling with friends and especially after the high IL she showed me when showing up at my job again.

I guess you right I'll phone her later towards the end of next week (or is this to long?) if she doesn't contact me first, give it one last shot, this time with a phone call and not a text.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
I think you are blowing this way out of proportion. Just don't contact her for a day or three and she will probably get a hold of you.

That being said, your text to her about picking her up, and then your emoness when she said she couldn't, was a little over the top.

Also, her text where she said "idk friend"? That was not her calling you a friend. That was her shorthand way of saying, "I don't know, I am with a friend, so its iffy".

You are way over analyzing this all.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
There should be a sticky at the top of this forum and all it should say is the following:

"Never listen to what a girl SAYS, instead for her true intentions watch her ACTIONS."

You are def over-analyzing and blowing this way out of proportion as Cordon said.

Who gives a shiat what she says? It doesn't mean anything.... SERIOUSLY!

I can't even count the # of girls who have called me "friend" "buddy" etc early on in a situation. Didn't stop them from wanting to hook up.

Remember girls use the word "friend" a lot more freely than guys do. Girls have different categories of friends.

Friends who are girls who are like their actual friend friends.

A guy who really likes them, but they only like all the attention he gives them cuz he's a chump; he is called "my friend."

A guy who they are attracted to, but not yet dating, he is called "my friend."

A guy who they phuck on the side aka phuck buddy, he is called "my friend."

Do you get it bro?

Don't give up and get all needy; this is what women do, its the only way they can be sure you are a REAL MAN and not a scared little boy pretending to have your shiat together.

Wait 2-3 days, hit her up again; shoot the breeze for a couple mins and if she is being receptive, set up a time to hang out.

Also small detail but will dramatically increase your success.

When you ask a girl to hang out give her a couple options, instead of just laying something on her at the last minute and then thinking if she's busy that it means she doesn't like you.

Rule of thumb, if you want to hang out with a girl on say Wednesday, called her up Monday night and set it up. But always always always give her options:

"Hey (girl's name); lets go get drinks at ABC bar this week; I'm free Wed and Thursday; what day works for you?

She'll choose a day if she's interested (if she truly can't make either day, she will say sorry and offer another time; aka counter offer).

The point being, if you set up the situation correctly, you will run into less bs and not over-analyze when there's no need to. You will also learn when to cut a girl who's wasting your time and be aggressive with a girl who's ready to phuck.

Build your confidence (inner game) and get some experience, don't be afraid to fail, that's how you learn.
