First Date Requesting Dinner after Drinks before we meet


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I always found drinks and sharing apps (finger foods) together to be quite sensual and extremely conducive to sex afterwards.

Food engages all of our senses - sight, smell, taste, touch.. Food (especially sharing finger foods) is an utterly sensual experience, you guys who dislike on first meets/dates are missing out on a great opportunity to connect leading to some very hot sex afterwards imho.

It's also a great way to determine how entitled she is. If she offers to split or pay for a dessert (to share) or gets the tip, she's a keeper.

If she cops an entitled attitude like she expects you to pay the entire bill, have sex and then get rid.
I see you are back for more. Once again you represent only one female and you feel your advice is gospel. you also have a strong personal bias. Few females are good at providing advice, you aren't one of them.

The men that give advice here have dated thousands of women and have far more applicable experience. Please put your selfish reasons away and remove yourself from the forum.

Your lack of self control and ability to walk away is your biggest problem in life. Once again you prove my point.


I see you are back for more. Once again you represent only one female and you feel your advice is gospel. you also have a strong personal bias. Few females are good at providing advice, you aren't one of them.

The men that give advice here have dated thousands of women and have far more applicable experience. Please put your selfish reasons away and remove yourself from the forum.

Your lack of self control and ability to walk away is your biggest problem in life. Once again you prove my point.
I take everything on here with a grain of salt, it's no different with Catsmeow's posts. Let's try to to get back on this subject. I'll be seeing her tonight and will provide an update


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but this is my first encounter.

We agreed on drinks Monday at 6 and she texts me last night asking if we can go somewhere to eat. Many posters have mentioned that there's chicks out there that want a free meal. Which is definitely true in some cases. My other thought is she might wants to prematurely extend the date, but that seems a little fishy.

So far,
-Quick exchange on Hinge and she texted me an hour after I gave her my number
-She has read receipts on and texts right after she reads it
-Had a 30 minute call, but lasted for more than an hour

What's your take on this?
If you want to AVOID feeding women on First Dates then don't meet at DINNER TIME. 6-7pm for most people.

Perhaps a time constraint on your part could help you determine if your date is worth a meal. "I've got to run an errand and feed my dog at 6:45. Come with me we'll do that and then we can call the chinese place down the street. "

I've had some fun first dates just running errands. It gives you something to do when the conversation might lag. I also have interesting errands that they may not have experienced before.

But in reality, I wouldn't ask a woman out on a date between 5 and 8 pm if I didn't think she was worth a meal.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
If you want to AVOID feeding women on First Dates then don't meet at DINNER TIME. 6-7pm for most people.

Perhaps a time constraint on your part could help you determine if your date is worth a meal. "I've got to run an errand and feed my dog at 6:45. Come with me we'll do that and then we can call the chinese place down the street. "

I've had some fun first dates just running errands. It gives you something to do when the conversation might lag. I also have interesting errands that they may not have experienced before.

But in reality, I wouldn't ask a woman out on a date between 5 and 8 pm if I didn't think she was worth a meal.
Pretty hard to do during the week with people working early the next day most times.

Very very few people are going to want dates starting at 9pm when they have to be up at 5 or 6 am to go to work the next day. I mean I have gotten push back for trying to have an 8pm start time as too late

This is not practical at all for the majority of people who work normal hours and who aren't dating on a weekend night.

I'd say literally 95% of my first dates fall between those hours during the week, so this is of no benefit to me. I'm not taking every first date out to eat. I'm not taking any of them out to eat, actually


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
I always found drinks and sharing apps (finger foods) together to be quite sensual and extremely conducive to sex afterwards.

Food engages all of our senses - sight, smell, taste, touch.. Food (especially sharing finger foods) is an utterly sensual experience, you guys who dislike on first meets/dates are missing out on a great opportunity to connect leading to some very hot sex afterwards imho.

It's also a great way to determine how entitled she is. If she offers to split or pay for a dessert (to share) or gets the tip, she's a keeper.

If she cops an entitled attitude like she expects you to pay the entire bill, have sex and then get rid.
Cat, if I were asking a woman for a first date,

I'll pick you up with a cooler with some cold drinks and a Snackle box and we will take the dogs to the lake to swim and play fetch.

Word of warning...I don't have any HOT PEPPERS in this assortment. If the oils get on any "sensitive parts", it kinda distracts from the mood...

If we hit it off and my dogs like you, then maybe I'll fix you dinner at my place, because I know what you like from our conversation at that point. If you aren't jumping my bones by then....Well I'm not gonna ask for another date...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2020
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I think a meal for 1st date is a bad idea. Stick to drinks,weed out the freeloaders


Mar 6, 2017
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Sep 10, 2014
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Cat, if I were asking a woman for a first date,

I'll pick you up with a cooler with some cold drinks and a Snackle box and we will take the dogs to the lake to swim and play fetch.

Word of warning...I don't have any HOT PEPPERS in this assortment. If the oils get on any "sensitive parts", it kinda distracts from the mood...

If we hit it off and my dogs like you, then maybe I'll fix you dinner at my place, because I know what you like from our conversation at that
point. If you aren't jumping my bones by then....Well I'm not gonna ask for another date...
Bro that's way too much effort. Ain't nobody got time for that.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
@catsmeow2 What threw me off was the proposal for dinner after, apps are completely fine. I don’t want to agree on dinner for the first meet.
If a woman will only meet you if she gets a free meal, how interested do you think she is in meeting you?

And that being the case, what's the point in even meeting her at all?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Guys, to clarify I never said buy her a free meal.

I said share apps (finger foods), it's a mutual endeavor and she should offer to split or pay for something.

An after-dinner drink or the tip.


I always did. My dates never let me pay, but I would insist on buying after dinner drinks or leaving tip.

I always found it sexy and fun! Casual, low key.

Is this me being solipsistic? Lol Talking about what I like? What I think is a great way to connect leading to some hot sex afterwards?

It creates a certain "vibe" which women respond to. Every woman I know feels this way.

I realize many women are entitled and truly believe men should wine and dine, even on first meets.

So I hear ya in that regard and to those women, it's best to avoid.

Anyway, I only came back for @Chowdah because he's a good guy and thought he'd be open to hearing a different POV, I didn't mean to upset anyone.

There's a direct message in my inbox right now and to the poster who sent it (you know who you are) I'm not going to read it.

Bye guys. :)
It doesn't matter if eating food with a guy is sexy to a woman - it's not sexy to a man. If it's not mutually attractive, then that activity can GTFO.

Women like to watch chick flicks with guys and cats like to walk on the kitchen counter. It doesn't mean we should let them do whatever the F they want. Lmao.