Finding your "nice guy" and "jerk" balance.


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
This will probably be my last post, as I've learned something tonight which caused me to come very close to getting my game where I want it to be.

I notice a lot of recovering AFC's go from their AFC behavior to being a complete jerk. Here's my answer to finding that balance.

Be a humble jerk!

Kinda contradicting, I know. But trust me, it's possible. The key to it is knowing when to keep your mouth closed. That's it...

We all know that when we're good at something, it's always best to hold your tongue to prevent others from feeling inferiour... The same holds true when picking up women. Sure, it's cool to boast to your friends that your a pimp and it's kind of funny when they don't believe you. But as long as you have the game to back yourself up, they will become intrigued. I have proven that tonight.

So, when is the proper time to hold you tongue? That's up to you to judge. I remember one of my big mistakes (which would lead me to oneitis, anyways) was I would go on and on about a girl I just met to my friends and how I was able to use my brand new skills to get her interested. Big mistake. If you find a girl that completely intrigues you, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. You bring attention to the girl you're trying to bag when you do this which causes other guys to want to hook with this chick in an attempt to out do you. Plus, it makes you sound fake, anyways. This holds true, especially when they still see you as an AFC. In addition to this, don't brag about how you can pick up you're so good at picking up women to other women. This just feeds them ammo to shoot you down in case something goes wrong, which can be devistating.

Another part to avoiding total jerk syndrom is to realize the fact that they ARE women, not dudes with vaginas. You cannot treat them like you would treat your buddies. They are emotionally unstable and will take offense if you keep neghitting 'em or teasing them too much. (I've heard that no more than 3 neg hits is a good idea, and agree completely with that. It's also only good before any type of rapport is built up. After that, limit it to once or twice, and usually about something they personally did to you. i.e. flaking out on a date, mentioning that they hang out with you too often.) Offer a compliment here or there. Embrace them in a good hug. Don't be afraid to turn them down if the hug they give you isn't good enough, but don't completely back off. "Woah woah woah, you call that hug? *wink*" works wonders. And don't forget to flirt. Physically or vocally. Being able to make a girl laugh just by looking her straight in the eyes means a LOT, especially if they are VERY confident.

With all that being said, hopefully this will help out, even if only a little bit. I'm sure there is LOTS more to add, and I hope some of the more experienced DJ's do add bits and pieces, if not whole appendixes to this. But right now, I've definitely got to go to bed. Had an exhausting night tonight.

Take care fellas, and hope the information proves useful to SOMEONE on the board. ;)


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Very good advice! Well, mostly. :)

But seriously, being somewhere in the middle is the best way to be.

And if a guy gave me one too many "neg-hits," I'd assume he had something against me, so I would stand up for myself and insult him right back. I don't like the feeling of being picked on, and "neg-hits" would feel like a personal attack, and I couldn't let anyone treat me that way.

So maybe that makes me "emotionally unstable," but there you go....

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
This will probably be my last post, as I've learned something tonight which caused me to come very close to getting my game where I want it to be.
Sounds like you had a personal awaking experience so tell us what happened.


New Member
Mar 29, 2004
Reaction score
I'm still trying to find that middle ground. Sucks kinda because
before learning about becoming a PUA, I was pretty good with
communicating with people and got along with almost anyone.
Granted, I was thought of as a nice guy probably by everyone.
It seems I have a hard time connecting with people on that friendly level now.


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry for the long delay in my post. I've ventured off to Korea for a while. Anyways, I wish I could inform you all on what happened, but I've forgotten most of it. However, I would like to add some to my original post.

What happens is, when most guys learn that they're acting like women instead of like men, then look at themselves and decide, well, this is the way I CAN'T be, so what way CAN I be?

For me, it was the exact opposite of what I was. Why? Because I knew the nice guy side never worked. So I figured the best thing to do was be the exact opposite. Avoid the NICE GUY syndrom at ALL COSTS. This caused me to go from the loathable nice guy to the crazy mofo jerk. And it worked!!! ... Well, enough to get me to know the girl before she got completely turned off by me for being a complete ass to her.

Here's the hard part to remember. You know those nice guy tactics that never work? Well, don't forget about them COMPLETELY... That's where I had my trouble. When I went from nice guy to jerk, the key things that I learned from it was how to give a woman a good time and how to let her know that you're the boss. I kept doing this, and eventually, they would learn that they would never have any say so in the relationship (and that is very important to them. Well, at least when they THINK they do.) When she sucumbs and becomes submissive, switch back to your nice guy routine (but don't over do it!!! Don't turn into that mushy smootchie on the cheek I wanna buy you a dozen roses nice guy) and turn off the jerk till she starts to think she's winning control. This is where is gets fun, cause now she's interested, but think's your a push over. And when you put her back into her place, it shocks her, and makes her work harder to try and win that control. Eventually, she'll do anything in her power, maybe even sleep with you, to get control.

As always, feel free to reply, I'd like to know anybody else's spin on this.