finding mature women

captain A

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2013
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I'm sure this has been discussed.
But I'm curious as to what kind of luck some of you guys have with more mature women.
My situation is that I've never had kids and never got married. I've never wanted either of those things. It seems that a lot of higher quality women get snatched up by the time they're 26 or 27 leaving a lot of BPD, AW and gold diggers running around in the field. As I've gotten older, I've noticed my success rate with younger women go up significantly but just because of experience, I have a hard time relating to them.
I'm approaching my thirties and I feel that as men, we definitely get better with a little bit of age. I'm better looking, have a more keen social sense, better fashion....just better all around but it feels like a very in-between sort of time - much like the one you get between 18-22. I don't like dating women with kids and the youngsters either annoy me or I know within a few hours of talking to them that I'm not what they're looking for so it's hard to be motivated.

Thoughts, anyone?

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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captain A said:
As I've gotten older, I've noticed my success rate with younger women go up significantly but just because of experience, I have a hard time relating to them.
Relate to women with your hard time. Politics, religion, sports: relate to men. Only men can be your friends. Women are for fvcking and for incubating and nursing your sons.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I hear you OP, late 20s myself and young girls are too much culturally different and annoying to deal with but older girls simply dont have that freshness which motivates me to go after them.

If it may help I can tell you what Im doing now, chase and bang young girls and go out with older girls only for their company but overall I have to agree with Burrough, if there's no sex or pillow talks involved you just deal with men.

Sure its pleasable to go out and have dinner with a girl you find comfortable with but if they are young they are a pain in the ass to deal with and you have to keep an eye open all the time, if the're a lil bit older they no longer have the look to stimulate you.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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Interesting I'm currently seeing a woman 9 years older than me and I have to admit, it's a lot better than the girls in their 20s.

They're more stable job wise, have a sense of independence, live on their own (no roommate drama to deal with that comes with younger) and they're more a pleasure to talk to/appreciate a good flirt and get turned on by it. Younger girls seem to get so much attention by anyone that it can seem too challenging and fleeting at times. Not to mention sex with a mature women is usually better they seem to be open minded and adventurous.

My all time favorite aspect is how if they're established and independent they could care less what you do for work since they don't need your "security" it enables the fun physical part to bloom faster and easier.

Downside is I don't know long term if I could date a mature woman for a long period of time. Doesn't seem practical especially since most have kids.

Just my two cents


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I couldn't date women much older than 30. I'm just not physically attracted to their bodies. There's nothing sexy about wrinkles and cellulite.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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Bokanovsky said:
I couldn't date women much older than 30. I'm just not physically attracted to their bodies. There's nothing sexy about wrinkles and cellulite.
Surprisingly, there are some like the one I've been talking to have very fit firm bodies. More firm than girls I've dated in their early 20s.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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tryst type said:
Surprisingly, there are some like the one I've been talking to have very fit firm bodies. More firm than girls I've dated in their early 20s.
There are always exceptions, of course. Some women hit the gym hard around the time they turn 30 to compensate for the decline in their natural beauty. But as a general rule, women don't exactly age like wine...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
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I've found that women in their 40's can be quite attractive given they take care of themselves. It seems that ~age 40 is when the princess complex goes away and women are a little more realistic about what they bring to the table, and what they think they're "entitled" to. I do prefer late 20's early 30's but I have met some ridiculously attractive 40 somethings in my meetups.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Down Low said:
Relate to women with your hard time. Politics, religion, sports: relate to men. Only men can be your friends. Women are for fvcking and for incubating and nursing your sons.
This. I really don't understand men who say that can't "relate" to a woman. As long as your penis can relate to her vagina, that's all that matters. Okay, it doesn't hurt if she has a good personality, but she does not have to be your debating partner.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I mean down low always makes this point and its a good one, HOWEVER there are women who are so boring that you simply cant stand to be around them. Also dumb women are more prone to acting on emotion.
I hear you about boring broads but it's not necessarily a function of intelligence. I've known some pretty smart girls who were totally boring and not so smart ones who were fun to be around. Also, I wouldn't say that smart women are less prone to act on emotion. Women are strange creatures. They can be highly educated and overtly intelligent...and still irrational as f*ck at the same time.

captain A

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
Oh I totally agree with Down Low....I don't want somebody to dump my crap on at all..that's why I have friends and a solid social network.
I enjoy younger women - but at the same time I don't like dealing with some of the B.S. younger girl stuff that comes with it trying to pry into your social groups, wanting texts, trying to get more dates...basically trying to get the benefits that only come from being mutually exclusive...or trying to become mutually exclusive.

I don't have a problem with getting exclusive with someone if they're right but it's really hard to find the "right" people. In the past four years I can think of three women that I've met that I actually would have gotten serious about - and I did with two of them....didn't work out in the end but they were good experiences overall. They just get fewer and farther between it seems like.