Fighting Bullies TIPS thread

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Ive seen lot of guys here asking for help of what to do because they are getting bullied on school . I have a few things i want to share with you that might help you .

Some Background.
I was very short guy until last year . Bullies were testing me all the time , to see if they can start to bully me . Sometimes they tried to bully but they ended up bad.
I didnt , and i still dont have too much strength :( . But i can make you sure
that i have balls of steel .

Lets start .

Bullies most of the time try to do bad things to you to get the attention , to have some fun while destroying your day , and get respect from others .
And , most of the time , they are bigger and stronger than us .

Im not gonna recommand you to take a combat sport . Personally , i wouldnt loose my time , to learn how to fight and sh!t to defend my self .
But if you really wanna join combat sport , i would recommand kickboxing . Its great for street .

I know that most of the time they are bigger and stronger than you . But that doesnt mean that they cant get beaten up by you .
Before they bully you , they test you to see if you gonna react or not .
So the best way to respond bullies , is to fight it back .

I know that most of guys here are gonna try to put this thread down by saying ONLY IDIOTS FIGHT and these kind of things . But trust me , they are wrong . Trying to walk away from them in HS its bad thing because theyll see that you dont response , that you dont stand up for yourself and bully you everytime they see you . Once you get in their list its hard to get out .

Anyway , first try to avoid the fight . But not in the kind way .
Just tell them in serious voice and serious face DONT FUCK WITH ME .

If they continue , and you see that the best option is fighting back (even if your scared ) , make sure to hit them first.

Most of the time , the one that hits first is the winner . But when you hit , hit hard , and continue hitting until he's on ground begging for you to stop.

Vital Points

Try to hit him on chin , nose , between nose and mouth , in front of their eyes , abdomen , balls . These are some great vital points that will get him unbalanced , give him huge pain and maybe some blood coming out .

But one more thing . This is serious sh!t . Dont do it unless its your only option without taking in consider options of being pvssy .

Things that might be handy

Try to avoid this . But to me happened people coming to my house and trying to beat me in my own house . WTF

I would use knife , baseball bat , chair and any long hard rod . Sometimes you gotta use them even through they can couse serious trouble with authority's.


Try to get some friends that will be there for you to help you . You need to have some solid friends that will help you on these situations and any other situations that youll have problem. Thats why friends are . And try to help them too when they have problems too . If someone bullies them , say to bully , DONT FVCK WITH MY FRIEND IF YOU DONT WANNA GET YOUR ASS BEATEN.

Point of this thread.
Yea i know . It sounds bad. It sounds like im idiot that tries to fight on every opportunity i have . Thats not true . Im just a guy , with low strength that is respected and noone fvcks with him . You have to be this guy too . I wrote this to help you only if you MUST fight . If you can solve it in better way , hell use your way , but dont consider as an option walking away and being pvssy .

Last Thing

Dont be pvssy , be man . Even if they are bigger you can win . Even if you get beaten up with fighting them back , no worry . Theyll not thing to try it again with you . All they want is a non-responsive AFC without backbone that will make them feel powerful .


This should be the in the begining , but anyway i wrote it here .

********This thread is not an personal advice or anything . Its just a reference . Its something that helped me survive from idiots that will have fun destroying my day . Noone destroys my day. Noone fvcks with me******** :box:

Hope it helps somebody .

Daddy The Pimp


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
I'd rock yo ****

1 hit knockout baby

Hair stylist

Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score

You have some good points listed, i just thought id offer a few more.

I was an amateur fighter on the boxing circuit for quite some time, and before that i say regrettably i did a lot of fighting when i was young, something im not proud of at all, but all of this has keyed me into a few things.

First of all, avoid a fight, simple as that. You dont know who youre fighting and i dont care how weak or unathletic they look you could end up punching someone with a chin of granite and get beaten senseless. The majority of people do not have a lot of fighting experience therefore are not going to throw that effective of punches in the first place, but what you want to avoid is a brawl. If youre going to fight, be the first to hit and do not stop. Hitting someoen square in the chin works in most occasions but you never know when youll run into the guy with a head made of concrete that it doesnt phase.

Hitting someone in the nose is not a bad idea. Ive had my nose broken a few times and while it really isnt excrucating, it cases your eyes to water temporarily and you can gain an advantage by blinding someone. Hitting someone in the solar plexus is effective if done right. Do not throw a straight punch at someones solar plexus, instead punch DOWN on the solar plexus, this allows you to make stronger contact and will disable just about anyone who doesnt see it coming. Avoid hitting someone on the forehead or in the temples, in 99 percent of the cases you wont hurt them very much, but the exception is the ears. Hitting someoen square and hard in the ear hurts, and it will screw with their equilibrium having their eardrum popped, thus giving you a further advantage. IF the fight goes to the ground and youre being overpowered, most people suggest to bite or gouge and while this makes sense, in the heat of the moment a bite might not even hurt someone. The most effective thing you can do if someone has you down is to get your hands on their finger and break them. No matter how much someones hand resists, fingers break pretty easily and will pretty much get the guy off of you.

OBviously theres a million things i havent covered, but thats as basic as i can get without going into extreme detail. The main thing is to just be calm, most people freak out in the heat of the moment. Keep your cool and use your head and more than not youll come out on top. Hope this helps, stay out of trouble:)

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Great points . Thanks for completing this thread . Thats all they need to survive from idiots . But hitting on ear i wouldnt prefer . It would cause bad effect , will pop their ear tampon and they will be deaf until they die . I wouldnt want to leave permanent marks in their lifes .

Also Solar Plexus , i forgot , its great spot to hit . If you hit the right way , they will fall and about 3-4 minutes they will have problems breathing .

Also i forgot one more thing .


If you have older brother or older cousins why the fvck dont you call them to help you ?

In one thread someone said I WANNA HAVE FAIR FIGHT .

Its never fair . Is it fair for you getting your ass kicked everyday ? No


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
i've always believed that it takes a real man to walk away from a fight than it does to give in. fighting should be a last option when cornered or overwhelmed.

but i do have a comment on one of your points. having friends to back you up can be effective i suppose but you cant forget about the bully's friends either.

bullies seek self reassurance, they get this by picking on people. you can usually diffuse a situation without having to throw a punch by making them feel low about themselves. or if you like, pull em to the side and find out what the deal is. believe it or not that actually works, just dont do it in front of their friends, they are the ones that the bully feels he must prove himself to.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Smothtalker .

Thats the way i thought it goes . I thought it would be best not to fight . Better walk away . But these guys , im talking from experience , they wont stop .

They will bully you every day , every time they have chance . Even if your will girls they will try to turn you down .

Thats the problem . But before they do that they will test you . If you tell that you dont give a sh!t about them theyll not keep doing it . But sometimes theyll get on your face and try to hit you . Than its time to do the things that i wrote .

And about their friends . Thats actually the hard part . For that you need your friends .


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
The best thing I do is wear boots and don't let anger get the best of you. I won't strike unless stricken first.

I wear steel toe boots (cost about $30 @ walmart). It makes you look dangerous. If a fight ensues, aim for the balls. Talking smack don't help. Just strike. You'll be less likely to be bullied again, even if you do lose.

I got into an altercation at a club when a guy got mad cuz his so-called woman started hitting on me. I asked him to leave me alone and go find another chick. He apparently had one-itis since he threw a shot glass at me. Without saying a word, with the steel toe boots, I kicked HIS SHIN! THE SHIN! THE SHIN! Very thin bone! And I broke it, putting him on the floor with one lick! The funny thing was he talked smack on the ground, then I kicked his ribcage like a NFL punter! I did get escorted out of the club after explaining what had happened, no harm done. As for the other guy, he was arrested since the shot glass missed me and hit a club employee in the process. It was all on tape!

All in all, avoid fights if you can. If need be, don't back down and stay on your guard. Fight dirty if you need to!


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
you have to realize that fighting never solves anything. seriously, violence only brings on more violence. if you start a fight with him its almost sure to escalate into something that you hadn't foreseen, for example. he and his friends may decide to jump you one day. or they could see you alone somewhere and beat the living **** out of you or even worse.
getting beaten up isnt even the worst of the problems that could rise from that, you could be arrested simply because you couldnt control yourself or the situation. fighting should be used as a last resort, i agree with the last guy, dont throw a punch unless they do first. im not saying you have to be HIT first, im saying watch for signs that they are going to swing and take action to avoid and counter. little things like clenched fists can tell you when someone is about to strike.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
Daddy The Pimp said:

In one thread someone said I WANNA HAVE FAIR FIGHT .

Its never fair . Is it fair for you getting your ass kicked everyday ? No

hehe, that was me :cool:, I would NEVER have my mates help me batter someone. You look worse with having your friends helping you beat the sh!t out of someone, rather than getting beat up yourself. Shows your a fvcking coward. I'd only ask my friends, if I was getting fvcking floored.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
SilverSonnet said:
hehe, that was me :cool:, I would NEVER have my mates help me batter someone. You look worse with having your friends helping you beat the sh!t out of someone, rather than getting beat up yourself. Shows your a fvcking coward. I'd only ask my friends, if I was getting fvcking floored.
There's little honour to be found on the battlefield Silver. Though honour is a noble emotion, it has little place in highschool. Guys arn't interested in being "honourable", they interested in winning, you should adopt the same mindset. I believe there's a rule of power somewhere about alligning yourself with people you can "use" (I don't like that term, but can't think of another way to phrase it)


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Alright guys listen here. DONT EVER USE A WEAPON IN A FIGHT UNLESS IT IS NEEDED TO DEFEND YOUR LIFE!!!! Trust me on this. If you shanked some guy, that would give you a FELONY on your record and pretty much ruin your life. Don't do that.

The thing that worked for me was I took down a guy that is about 110 pounds heavier than me. If you can do that, nobody will mess with you again.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
thats jailhouse mentality right there. "find the biggest guy in the yard and take him down"


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
You guys are in ****ing high school and some of you are talking about using weapons. You don't have to beat someone up to show dominance. In fact, if anything, it shows desperation.

None of you are hardasses. I could **** every one of you up :p

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Best thing to do with a bully is to just ignore him.

He'll look like a fool trying to get your attention, not you. If he pushes you or something like that then he'll just come off as an ******* to everyone else around.

Think about it, if girls(or anybody) sees some big guy pushing a little guy around and TRYING to make fun of him...what do you think they will think of the bullly?
They won't like him at all, just ignore the bully and he'll soon leave.

I wouldn't resort to fighting, if you clobber the guy...what do you think he'l do next time he sees you? He'll get ALL of his big friends and you'd be DONE.
Don't fight. It won't get you far.

Hair stylist

Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
MCristo said:
You guys are in ****ing high school and some of you are talking about using weapons. You don't have to beat someone up to show dominance. In fact, if anything, it shows desperation.

None of you are hardasses. I could **** every one of you up :p you could not.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Triple T said:
Best thing to do with a bully is to just ignore him.

He'll look like a fool trying to get your attention, not you. If he pushes you or something like that then he'll just come off as an ******* to everyone else around.

Think about it, if girls(or anybody) sees some big guy pushing a little guy around and TRYING to make fun of him...what do you think they will think of the bullly?
They won't like him at all, just ignore the bully and he'll soon leave.

I wouldn't resort to fighting, if you clobber the guy...what do you think he'l do next time he sees you? He'll get ALL of his big friends and you'd be DONE.
Don't fight. It won't get you far.
someone that thinks before he acts


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I agree with the advice to fight back. Bullies want easy targets. Most people won't fight back, and everyone will respect you if you do.

In regard to actual fighting, I would add to be very careful about punching someone with a bare fist. It is easy to break your own hand, plus scraped knuckles incriminate you later. I'd say that kicks, elbows, and knees are the way to go. I see as many cage fight knockouts from Muay Thai knees to the head as from punches. Elbows are so brutal that they are banned in most states' sanctioned amateur mma cage fights.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
If you can get good enough at framing, you can do whats similar to AMOGing techniques to make the guy look like an idiot. I somehow managed to do this to some guy who was alot bigger than me and could have beaten me easily, but I managed to nearly always turn the argument into a war of words and nearly always make him look stupid with my witty comments. I wasnt even that good at framing so if you get really good you can probably make it very hard for the bully to hit you without coming off as very bad.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
I've been in two school yard fights. Legit fights, where blood was flowing and knuckles were bloodied.

I'll share this wisdom now:

If you aren't looking for a fight, and are willing to get out of one, there's exceptional odds that you'll avoid it. You might get a thrill from being in a fight, but having to pay for the other kids' dental plan isn't what I'd call exciting.

There's other ways to show you're a 'tough guy'. Join a rough sport, football or rugby or lacrosse come to mind. When you're playing rough sports all the time, your desire to get in a fight will diminish.

I have no compunctions against knocking a guys teeth down his throat, but to get to that stage isn't easy, and I don't have enough respect for most 'thugs' to waste energy on them either.

If you want to fight, join the army... Petty civilian scuffles make everyone involved look bad.

Fight when it really matters. When your girl is getting beaten over the head by one of her Exs... When your mom is getting beaten by her 'boyfriend'... When your daughter is getting attacked by some dork... When your son is getting gang beaten... When your friend is getting attacked in an alley...

Yeah learn how to fight for sure, but as I said above, I don't have respect for most people who I 'disagree' with to bother fighting them. I made a promise to myself that the next fight I'm in will end with the other person having brain damage.

Do you know what that does? It places a real value on fighting for me. I won't get in another meaningless fight, and when I do, it's for real.

Give yourself a value system... What are you willing to get in a fight over?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
hey yo pimpin, aren't you Albanian? So what if u were short, it's weird that people even fVcked with you to begin with, knowing where you're from and connections you have.

Anyways I've been in TWO, not 1, public schools in MA. Both big, both public, but one is mad ghetto, the other is more suburban (both 2 years). So I know some stuff about these issues.

First of all, whoever here are freshmen in high school, and try to sound smart here... just read and listen and learn from older guys, and dont pretend like you know something about life that I dont know.

...especially if you are someone who probably gets bullied (triple t, I mean you). I agree with daddy the pimp on many things, probably because we went to same kind of high schools, and hung out with the other "immigrants".

-definitely try your best to quickly build some "connections" : older cousins, brothers, their friends, and try to get to know someone older than you. Make sure there will be boys to have your back if something goes down.

-boxing, judo, working out... whatever you like, but be active, healthy, and dont be an anorexic dork, OR a 300lb bag of sh!t. No excuse for that.

-Most important, id say: dont ever let anybody disrespect you. High school can be tough, so you also should be tough as well - simple as that. If someone slaps you, or pushes you, or starts talking sh1t and crossing the line... its on: do what you gotta do. period.

-You guys keep talking about "social proof", "social status", and "social value" on this site... fellas, YOUR SOCIAL STATUS will be called "b1tch" or "punk", or "homo"... you pick the word you like - IF you allow random idiots push you around like a chump. Hey, of course do not fight if you will never have the reason to do so, during the 4 years of high school (good luck with that). If you have a way with words, ur clever, and you know right people... perhaps nobody will fvck with you in the first place!

Which brings me to my final point: try to be THAT person. Whom people automatically respect. Those guys are rare. Sometimes you see one that you might know and think "hmm this person is cool, polite, popular, smart, and strong, and no one messes with him". You should stive to have all these positive characteristics.