Field Report -


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, long time no post.

So here's some of the backstory about my most recent adventure. Lately I've been gaming my (former) friend's gf. She's been pretty damned flirty in person/online and she's one of the few chicks I at least have some respect for.

She's 17 (I think) and I'm 18 so age isn't an issue. She's fairly cute too, but not hot. In all honesty I'd rate her a 5-5.5

So anyhow, we made plans to watch "Serenity" at my house. I showed her the first episode in the series (Firefly). We talked a little bit during it and I got some light kino in but I mostly wanted her to see the episode so she'd understand the movie.

After the first episode we took a break and made some popcorn, I busted on her ass in a humerous fashion and when she hit me with a pillow I tickled her (finding out that she's very ticklish). We got our food and went back to my room (where the movie was going to be playing).

We're set up, I tickle her a couple of times (not often at all, just when she tried to make fun of me/punched me in the arm) and near the end of the movie we're sitting side by side on my bed and I started getting nervous for some reason. I asked her if she still thought this was a "make out" movie. She replied that she thought it was a makeout movie that she would "come up for air" for (since it was pretty decent).

Anyways our faces were like 6 inches apart and I didn't make my ****ing move! It pissed me off, I can honestly say this is one of the few times where I didn't just do what I wanted with the chick. For some effed up reason I wanted her to make the first move but realize that was a mistake.

(Oh yeah, and during the 'intermission' we had she checked her MSN, she immediately blocked her BF upon signing in and his brother, saying that she was arguing with him at the time and didn't feel like doing it at that moment)

So the movie is over and I stupidly looked at her for a couple of seconds near the end (I was hitting myself in the head, mentally, for not making a move) and she remarked "You're creepin' me out". That kind of woke me up and I tried to salvage what I could out of the night.
I got my pants on (I was in shorts/wifebeater, but had shaved and gelled hair for her coming over, so I looked nice and casual) and my jacket and walked her to the bus stop.

She seemed slightly anxious to leave (she had to meet her bf for coffee later in the evening or some such) so I kind of mellowed out for the walk and cooled it down. At one point I made a remark about hanging out again and she said "you think I'm going to do this again?" with a kind of smile on her face.
So I abruptly turned around and started walking back to my house (didn't stop 'till she apologized). Before the bus came I just lifted her off her feet and gave her a hard hug (shrugs) I figured I would go for the caveman effect or something.

So I'll email her on Wednesday or some such and organize a hangout in another week or two. After that blunderous lack of move making I want some time to get my **** together before I try again.
Plus I have a tentative movie date thing with another chick for this coming Friday.

So that's my tale for tonight guys.

PS - Anyone who posts that "don't go for other guys' gf's hurble flurble!". The guy screwed me over in the past for no particular reason and screwing him over (and his gf, in the literal sense) would be a sweet vindiction.

Also, if any of you guys have read my previous posts you'll know that I've made my fair share of mistakes with women. All I can possibly hope to continue to do is to learn from my mistakes and do the best I can. So feel free to be harsh, but be fair as well in any criticism you have.

In summary - things I learned tonight -

1) Don't be a ***** and go for the gold, if this turns out to be the only shot I had at bagging her, I'm going to be much more dissapointed that I didn't try anything then if I had and been rejected.

2) Make sure you know what you're up against if you decide to shag another guy's gf. This guy is a pale, skinny bastard and lives on the opposite side of town. Not exactly worried.

3) However at the same time I was stressing myself out worrying about "will she get pissed" and such if I did the kiss. I think what I have to do is just go for it until it feels natural.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Why didnt you have real clothes on? Dont be disappointed, learn from your mistakes and fix them. You blew some chances but as long as you learn from them they wont be in vain. thatll help you out
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
she was getting creeped out because you guys were in the intimate zone, she was EXPECTING you to kiss her and you didn't do so and and while you mentally slapping yourself, your confidence level and whatever you had going for you was in the most part destroyed by your hesitation and although you didn't have a mirror in front of you, your body language was not the same and she clearly saw that you can't hold your composure. Personally, your chances of hooking up with are either flushed down the toilet or you could still have a chance if she's really as easy as I'm assuming. The little f*cked up line she spat at you at the bus stop shoots my assumption down though to a ceratin degree. Look, never in the history of the world did nice guys finish last. They saw the opportunity and asserted themselves and some became heroes and others became a statistic to luck and circumstance. In your case you killed yourself man. At least for tonight. First and formost I don't care if Johnny boy screwed you over in the past, you need to find another girl because she's obviously easy and not really worth your time if she's seeing your friend or you just plain and simply shot yourself in the foot with her. Listen, you say you have a movie date again but with another girl. Go for what you want and GET IT, you will get it if you go for it most of the time when it comes to you isolating the girl. Now, if you chicken out again don't even bother posting about how you crumbled in the face of opportunity a second time because we won't hear it. Well I won't. Go get em boy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
It's ok, you just froze up.

That's perfectly alright.

Now your chances with this girl aren't too good. She has a boyfriend because he asserted himself, swept ehr off her feet, put in the work and made the moves necessary.

F*ck her boyfriend.

Some girl with a boyfriend who knew me and would woop my ass hella IMed me and said we should kick it.

I kept teasing her, kept saying "I'm not kissing you, you have a boyfriend..... but I can't stop you from kissing me" and I kept looking right at her pretty eyes.... you could really tell it was bothering her.... and she was like "yea whatever....."

I smiled at her, KEPT LOOKING IN HER EYES, and she was like "you know what? **** it" she jumped on top of me and made out with me

It was great..... it wasnt so great when dude found out... haha


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Well, it's my first attempt to ever try a pickup on a 'taken' woman and I learned some valuable lessons so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Besides, I was hoping the community might benefit somewhat from being able to learn from my mistakes, which I will always (try) to post here for that exact reason.

Sarge on


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
I'm curious AC/DC, what did that boyfriend do?