Field Report Day 2: Text Game Weak


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2015
Reaction score
Hello again everyone,

This time im headed to a rock concert (Pepper, Less Than Jake). I wore a HIDEOUS yellow hawaiin shirt with boats and fish on it, with stylish pants/shoes to see if it could spark a conversation. I took an Uberpool to thr venue, and began chatting up the driver, a cute filipino girl, then we went to pick up another passenger, a girl named Ana. She walks and shes a cute skinny, pale geeky type with purple streaks in her hair. Exactly my type, game on. I know i have to be quick since im on a time limit when i get dropped off. Long story short, i get her number and she shoots me a txt.

At this point i number closed before i even got to the venue. This amps me up and im a ****ing social butterfly when i get there.

Im pretty sure i ****ed this one up just by having weak text game. I have no problem opening, being charasmatic, and getting numbers. But my sticking point is ALWAYS the contacting after.

I'm going to post our conversation, and i would like you guys to tell me where i fvcked up..

Her: Hola!
Me: (Send a picture of the concert) Concert is UH-MAZING! How's "girls night"?
Her: Looks awesome! And its good haha.
Me:So question, why are you giving your numbers to strangers in uberpools haha?
Her: Haha why are you asking for peoples number in uberpools?
Me: Last time i checked, I gave YOU my number ;] and cause I'm a beautiful social butterfly
Her: (Sent me of a gif of the caterpillar from a bugs life that says "Someday ill be a beautiful butterfly")
Me: Someday, once you emerge from your anime cocoon, cutie ;) (she told me she was into anime in the car)

No response for the rest of the night.

Tomorrow i tried calling her, to just say hi and planned a date, no answer. I didnt leave a voicemail.

About two hours later, i sent a message saying "Hi, hows your day going?" No response.

I know i ****ed this one up, im not worried about that. Theres other girls with other mumbers. I just dont wanna make the same mistakes twice. Suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Agreed with sergio... my text game sucks too, but not this bad... no offense...

a couple mistakes...
-text convo right away, would have just said... Hey, its XXX. Great ... (an observation about something she had)... Left it like that for a day or two...
-asked why she gave number out? Sounds like you got nothing better to say
-Called what sounds like quickly? NEEDY!
-Texted two hours later? NEEDY!
-The "cutie" was out of place... women have to earn compliments!

-I have noticed early on in interactions, women don't seem to like phone calls, or just don't answer.
-If someone doesn't answer, don't send another message
-messaging is like tennis... if you hit the ball over the net, let her hit it back!


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2015
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Ok I don't know what you mean by "beautiful social butterfly" but it comes off as pretty lame.

And "one day you emerge from you're anime cocoun", did you intent to neg her ?

I'd not have asked why she gave me her number because it's obvious. Next time just write "whats up, wanna hang out tommorow at xy?" And see what she writes you.
Yeah i think ive been trying to establish rapport over text too much, next time i think im going to use texting for logistics and thats about it.

And i was using the "beautiful social butterfly" as a sarcastic joke in context, cause i was ****y-funny with her.

And this girl already thought i was funny, so the coccoon thing was supposed to be a neg, but considering she thought i was interesting enough to give me her number, idk if a neg was reall neccesary.

Thanks for the advice man!



Don Juan
Jan 26, 2015
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Agreed with sergio... my text game sucks too, but not this bad... no offense...

a couple mistakes...
-text convo right away, would have just said... Hey, its XXX. Great ... (an observation about something she had)... Left it like that for a day or two...
-asked why she gave number out? Sounds like you got nothing better to say
-Called what sounds like quickly? NEEDY!
-Texted two hours later? NEEDY!
-The "cutie" was out of place... women have to earn compliments!

-I have noticed early on in interactions, women don't seem to like phone calls, or just don't answer.
-If someone doesn't answer, don't send another message
-messaging is like tennis... if you hit the ball over the net, let her hit it back!
Yeah, one of the facets i need to work on, at least im concious of the fact haha. I think my main problem is resisting the temptation to text IMMIDIATELY.

Thanks for the input


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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I used to do the exact same thing, feeling like I was missing an opportunity if I didn't respond. Have to learn to exercise patience.

For example, I had a great date with one girl and kiss closed. I felt like I wanted to message the next day, but I waited because I knew I couldn't setup a date yet. So, I begrudgingly waited, text 3 days later, and we chatted for a bit. Asked for a second date, which she couldn't do... So I pretty much wrote it off, figured low interest, and she is out of town for a month. She has been texting me almost every day since she left with pics and stuff.

You just have to always be willing to walk away... ALWAYS!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Her: Hola!
Me: (Send a picture of the concert) Concert is UH-MAZING! How's "girls night"?
Her: Looks awesome! And its good haha.
Me:So question, why are you giving your numbers to strangers in uberpools haha? [Seems validation seeking. Remember, girls give you there # all the time--Uberpools, drive thrus, leave it in your mailbox lol). Here I would've texted her "Trouble lol" unless you wanted to see her after, then: "You seem cool. If you don't turn up too hard, let's grab Denny's after."
Her: Haha why are you asking for peoples number in uberpools?
Me: Last time i checked, I gave YOU my number ;] and cause I'm a beautiful social butterfly [Might want to eliminate that line ;) The only time I text adjectives describing myself is if a girl gets upset I'll text: "I know I'm bad. I'll make it up to you."
Her: (Sent me of a gif of the caterpillar from a bugs life that says "Someday ill be a beautiful butterfly")
Me: Someday, once you emerge from your anime cocoon, cutie ;) (she told me she was into anime in the car) [Yeah. This is bad--totally fell into her frame. The good news is that this is how 99% of guys text so you don't seem like a total weirdo, the bad news is it doesn't work and she didn't want you to be like every guy when she slipped you here number.]

No response for the rest of the night.

Tomorrow i tried calling her, to just say hi and planned a date, no answer. I didnt leave a voicemail. [Girls aren't expecting you to call--low probability.]

About two hours later, i sent a message saying "Hi, hows your day going?" No response. [Never ever ever ever text a girl this again. Promise me lol. A hot girl gets this exact text at least once or twice a day--randos in FB or IG use it all the time. She's just a rando--you shouldn't give AF how she's doing. Here you're straight up taking value & asking her to lead the convo.]