Field Report #20 from alphawolf :)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
TWENTY – 3/1
BLAH. That’s how my day was. Some good, some bad, and it averages out to BLAH.

Carrie flaked on me for lunch, but I’m not worried. It’s probably because she’s so into me that she KNOWS that if we get together she’ll end up cheating on her boyfriend. She wants me, but she’s afraid… that’s okay, though. When she gets bored of him, or he walks out on her, I’m gonna be the one she runs to for some sexual release.

I went to Barnes & Noble today before I hit up Braddock for some chicks. I opened an ugly lonewolf for the hell of it, and she was kind of standoffish, since her boyfriend was downstairs – he came up as I was leaving. Then I stopped by a Subway cuz I was hungry, and I opened this cute little Hispanic girl who I thought looked like a senior. Turns out she was 18/19 and had already graduated. She was into me, and when I would stop talking, she would start talking about another topic or continue on an old one. BUT did I close her? NO!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Dammit. She was into me. I wasn’t ****y or playful, only said like one joking comment and was just being normal. I’ve gone from approach anxiety to approach hesitation to closing hesitation. Oh well, I’ll get over it, I just gotta remember to close every set with a phone number – **** this e-mail bull****.

Then I went over to Braddock High. Miguel couldn’t make it since he got caught up at work. ALL OF THE GIRLS THERE LOOKED LIKE BABIES!!! Seriously, they look way younger than I thought. What happened to all the 17 year olds that looked like they were 20? ****. Oh well, I’m not gonna pickup at a high school anymore, the girls there still look like KIDS… Jesus what was I thinking.

If I’m gonna look for younger girls, I’ll hit up a community college, since that’s where the majority of them do their first two years, and are new to the semi-adult life. The chick from Subway was one of these and was talking about how she finally gets to go out now, and blah blah blah. Total nice girl, though – but I like them like that. They make interesting girlfriends.

Three things I need to remember – approach more, always close, and flip all their switches.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Cape Town
You want to approach more?
Give yourself a scorecard the next time you go out.
It works like this
For every person you walk past and you say hi you get a point, for every person you get more than a hi(a question of where something is) you get 2 points, for an intro of urself and a 2 min convo , you get 3 points, for getting a number you get 4
and likewise wif every person u dont have the balls to say hi or approach you LOSE points etc..


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
You want to approach more?
Give yourself a scorecard the next time you go out.
It works like this
For every person you walk past and you say hi you get a point, for every person you get more than a hi(a question of where something is) you get 2 points, for an intro of urself and a 2 min convo , you get 3 points, for getting a number you get 4
and likewise wif every person u dont have the balls to say hi or approach you LOSE points etc..
That's a fvcking good idea.

Puts in perspective what you actually do instead of what you think you are doing.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
." I opened an ugly lonewolf for the hell of it,"

What I want to know is why would you even show this type of desperation to open a ugly one?

I don't think you like this wild cannon running around trying to open every woman that you see, nobody is that stupid so why bother with the uglies.

It's the alpha females that you should only count. And you should only count them if you F-Close them. Nothing else is even worth talking about on this forum.

Almost is not good enough in my book. Nobody wants to see how you have failed in your day sir. So let's keep it positive please.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
What I want to know is why would you even show this type of desperation to open a ugly one?
Practice would be my guess. There's no such thing as waste experience. I've tried some skills on many average chiks and it helped for the hotter one's.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris
." I opened an ugly lonewolf for the hell of it,"

What I want to know is why would you even show this type of desperation to open a ugly one?

I don't think you like this wild cannon running around trying to open every woman that you see, nobody is that stupid so why bother with the uglies.

It's the alpha females that you should only count. And you should only count them if you F-Close them. Nothing else is even worth talking about on this forum.

Almost is not good enough in my book. Nobody wants to see how you have failed in your day sir. So let's keep it positive please.
Wasn't out of desperation. Just felt like talking, and she was there. So I said f.uck it and just opened her.

Who said I failed? I got IOI's from the chick in Subway but didn't close. Okay, didn't complete the set, but whatever, I just think it's funny. I post reports to show guys where I am, so anyone following along and behind me in progress can say "okay, he's been where I am, and he's getting better, so I won't worry so much".

I don't get a lot of feedback on this forum, but that's cool. I get enough feedback from my lair, my mentor, and myself.

By the way, if you talk to me, don't say the word SHOULD if you're talking about my beliefs/values. I go for what I want, even if what i want is to open a chick for the hell of it, or just to talk to a guy - I'm being sociable, not everything is about DJing.

The one thing I liked about your post is that you post a reminder of not wallowing about failures. But I wasn't wallowing, and I sure as hell didn't fail.