Female Seduction Tactics

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
I think most of the emotional pain men experience at the hands of women come from a general ignorance about how they seduce a man.

Its a simple technique. Lets just call it the "Build up, break down". Because that is basically what goes down. There are three steps:

1. Build up:

- This is when she sets her sights on the man and decides she HAS to have him. So she plays the perfect lover: constant sex, agreeable, down for anything, always available, fast responses to calls, low drama, happy, etc.

This hooks the man and convinces him that he hit the jack pot. Then he falls in love.

2. Break down:

- Now that she has the man under her thumb, she starts to attack his self-esteem to make it hard for other women to get him. She starts acting b!tchy, dramatic, starting fights / arguments. Sex declines. Starts making demands and rules, etc.

The man is hurt by her behavior and blames himself. He assumes that giving into her demands will make her "happy" and she will return to her "normal behavior". WRONG.

3. Whippification

- To put the finishing touches on his emotional enslavement and make sure he is totally whipped.. she makes herself unpredictable. Sometimes she is her old happy self while other times she is a c*nt. The man lives in constant fear of upsetting her and thus losing her.. so he panders to her.

This process ruins his confidence and self-esteem. He believes any other women he attracts will likely treat him even worse or not be as attractive, so he doesn't bother spinning plates.

He is now a slave. :yes:

This is the process gentlemen. Recognize it when you see it. Don't be manipulated. Knowing this process is what keeps me happy and free no matter how the women in my life are acting. I know their game.. so I bet them at it. :up:

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PlayHer Man again."


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
This is exellent. I dont know why some members dont like you because you do know whats up.

That process you described is exactly what my bestfriends girl did to him.
Hes totally whipped at the time, and i always tell him he can just walk away when she gets b*tchy for no reason.

Plus he now goes onto to say "Women are so complicated and confusing..." I always give him my two cents but you know how AFC's are.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
This post has nothing to do with seduction...and everything to do with the quote below:

PlayHer Man said:
2. Break down:

- Now that she has the man under her thumb
Thread should be titled "What happens to a man when he turns into a beta over the course of a relationship". You should NEVER be "under her thumb".

I disagree with the entire premise of the post that all women "seduce" men just to bruise their egos. This IS NOT the "normal" course of events. If a woman dates a beta and more and more of his chumpy actions come out over time...she will resent him for it. She essentially begins to take advantage of him, and the problem is NOT HER in this scenario...the problem is the GUY WHO WOULD PUT UP WITH THAT SH1T. This is why "game" is ever vigilant. IT DOES NOT stop after you become exclusive. You must remain the prize and have her seeking to please you throughout the course of the relationship. FOR IF you ever forget that....this thread and the events within it become a reality.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
TheException said:
This is why "game" is ever vigilant. IT DOES NOT stop after you become exclusive. You must remain the prize and have her seeking to please you throughout the course of the relationship.
This is the truth. It's OK to slip a little because nobody is perfect, but once you realize what's happening, you better snap that sh!t back into place or she's leaving.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
4. Detachment

While virtually all women will follow these steps unconsciously. If they are successful, they lose all respect for you and proceed to either:

a) Seek out a new man with self-respect, or
b) Set you up to be her Beta Male Provider

Really, this is a relationship sh!t test to determine if you are the man you initially presented yourself as (confident) or if it was just an act. Be a Man, don't allow yourself to be taken along for the ride. Not allowing her to proceed to steps 2 and 3 will allow you to maintain stage 1 (frequent sex, availability, low drama, etc) for as long as possible, allow you to maintain your self respect, and allow her to respect you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Agree with the OP, but want to add some anecdotal clarification to #2. IME, only the few disordered ones are trying to break down intentionally, what the normal ones are doing is trying to regain power they perceive as lost or in jeopardy. In this respect far more of them are like the car dealer who has agreed to concessions out on the lot, then tries to build advantage back into the actual sales contract. She is acting out to assuage a feeling of having "given up the store." IME it's far more a show of her insecurity than any malevolent intent.

This is often a result of the bad input support networks women have via friends, family, media, wherever. Her GFs and family tell her that she isn't "getting enough" out of the deal, often based on the control they exercise over their own AFC men. Media and prevailing culture tell her that she is a de facto victim, so any good feelings she has are misgiven, and bad behavior of hers in response is excused (can't "blame the victim") or even blameshifted to the man.

The analysis could go on forever as to the cultural what and why, more useful is how a man should proceed in the face of this. We tell ourselves that there are these quality women out there who don't behave this way, and the ones who do are trash, yet that's sugarcoating. Almost all of the 1000s of contemporary women I've met do these things to some degree, good ones, bad ones, all do it, so going immediately "hard" on them for this limits our options and peace of mind. I don't know the answer, but have walked from so many of these over the years when things were otherwise good, that there must be a better way.

It seems to happen at 2-5 months, and my response has been to shut it down entirely, which leads them to more network tapping and affirmation that they are in the right in all their minutiae, actually makes things worse. They act out more, I lay a definitive boundary, they tap their self-affirming network, and after a couple of rounds, I walk. Am left with a "silly BS f-cked up another one" attitude.

I don't want to have to be deceptive and manipulative by trying to throw them a bone or two to keep them happy, to let them "win" like one would a child. That's the very opposite of what reasonable people think of as a good relationship, ruins my respect for them. Aren't they supposed to be "equal?" Aren't they supposed to act like adults? Presumably they do in the high paying jobs and clients I have to compete with them for, how can they function in a working environment like adults, yet act like widdy babies at home and in their relationships? The answer for me over the last 15 or so years is just to resign myself that prevailing culture will not allow a persisting relationship with a woman based on maturity, accountability and common decency today... until I find a needle in a haystack, which may not even exist.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
TheException said:
This post has nothing to do with seduction...and everything to do with the quote below:

Thread should be titled "What happens to a man when he turns into a beta over the course of a relationship". You should NEVER be "under her thumb".

I disagree with the entire premise of the post that all women "seduce" men just to bruise their egos. This IS NOT the "normal" course of events. If a woman dates a beta and more and more of his chumpy actions come out over time...she will resent him for it. She essentially begins to take advantage of him, and the problem is NOT HER in this scenario...the problem is the GUY WHO WOULD PUT UP WITH THAT SH1T. This is why "game" is ever vigilant. IT DOES NOT stop after you become exclusive. You must remain the prize and have her seeking to please you throughout the course of the relationship. FOR IF you ever forget that....this thread and the events within it become a reality.
This is true.

But don't miss my ultimate point --> A woman's ultimate goal in a relationship is control, power and security. Which is more important depends on the woman.

She gets security by making the man insecure. Only an insecure man will be totally loyal. He MUST believe he can't "level up". To make him believe this, she must lower his self-esteem and confidence.

Women will play this game with alphas and what usually happens is she gets dumped or cheated on. Which is exactly what is supposed to happen. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
But don't miss my ultimate point --> A woman's ultimate goal in a relationship is control, power and security.
Id have to disagree, especially with control + power.

A woman's main goal when it comes to men is to gain attention while giving up sex in exchange. "Attention" takes many forms, and it does have some similarities to what you call "security". She seeks provisions, security, a REAL MAN, babies, family, drama, etc. Women will use sex + relationships as their main weapons to achieve that goal of attention. She will dole out sex and once she has "fallen" enough she will seek a relationship.

Women use sex to get relationships
Men use relationships to get sex

Women do NOT want to be the "controlling" or "more powerful" one in the relationship. They yearn for a true man to come and sweep her off her feet and LEAD. Its in women's biology to SUBMIT. Beta chump boys force her to be the dominant one in the relationship because they fail to grasp the concept of "masculine". That is what causes her to become unhappy and resent the beta boy, thus ultimately leading to a break up. A happy woman is one with LESS power and LESS control in the relationship...whether she wants to admit this or not. The best relationship is one that is slightly in favor of the male. So I would argue that women DO NOT SEEK to control or to gain power over a guy....BUT ARE FORCED INTO THE MASCULINE ROLE due to a lack of the guy's masculinity.

Understanding this point allows the guy to lead a successful relationship. I would say your post should not be a blanket statement stating that "ALL WOMEN SEEK TO GAIN CONTROL, BECOME POWERFUL, AND SEEK SECURITY." Rather you present an unfortunate all too familiar scenario of what happens when a guy does not ACT LIKE A MAN IN A RELATIONSHIP AND CONTINUE TO ACT SO THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF THE RELATIONSHIP. If your armor does receive damage and kink, and beta blood synthesizes....that lovely submitting girlfriend you once had....will turn into the powerful, controlling beast that you speak of.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
TheException said:
Id have to disagree, especially with control + power.

A woman's main goal when it comes to men is to gain attention while giving up sex in exchange. "Attention" takes many forms, and it does have some similarities to what you call "security". She seeks provisions, security, a REAL MAN, babies, family, drama, etc. Women will use sex + relationships as their main weapons to achieve that goal of attention. She will dole out sex and once she has "fallen" enough she will seek a relationship.

Women use sex to get relationships
Men use relationships to get sex

Women do NOT want to be the "controlling" or "more powerful" one in the relationship. They yearn for a true man to come and sweep her off her feet and LEAD. Its in women's biology to SUBMIT. Beta chump boys force her to be the dominant one in the relationship because they fail to grasp the concept of "masculine". That is what causes her to become unhappy and resent the beta boy, thus ultimately leading to a break up. A happy woman is one with LESS power and LESS control in the relationship...whether she wants to admit this or not. The best relationship is one that is slightly in favor of the male. So I would argue that women DO NOT SEEK to control or to gain power over a guy....BUT ARE FORCED INTO THE MASCULINE ROLE due to a lack of the guy's masculinity.

Understanding this point allows the guy to lead a successful relationship. I would say your post should not be a blanket statement stating that "ALL WOMEN SEEK TO GAIN CONTROL, BECOME POWERFUL, AND SEEK SECURITY." Rather you present an unfortunate all too familiar scenario of what happens when a guy does not ACT LIKE A MAN IN A RELATIONSHIP AND CONTINUE TO ACT SO THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF THE RELATIONSHIP. If your armor does receive damage and kink, and beta blood synthesizes....that lovely submitting girlfriend you once had....will turn into the powerful, controlling beast that you speak of.

The last bltch I dated had it all a** backwards too, MEN LEAD in relationships not WOMAN. I swear all her past relationships must have been like this. To top it off she was emotionally unstable, just took me to long to figure that out.

Open your eyes guys there are more and more broads out there they believe in this bullsh*t.

This website makes me sick to my stomach: http://www.aboutflr.com/What-Is-FLR.html


*on-going poll requested of men
51% of men confess to wanting to become a slave to their woman. 84% said their are willing if she wants
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Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
I don't disagree, but you're describing how any abusive / controlling / manipulative person operates. These people are aggressive, forward, seductive, and charming. They always go in and get what they want, and are very selfish about it. They MUST have their way, and be in control - otherwise they act like the spoiled, entitled bishes they are. They are also heavily involved in the "game" lifestyle. These fake bishes are big time players and manipulators. They control and abuse to keep others dependant on them. What you see in the beginning is a charade to lure you in - then, like you say, they pull a 180 and reveal their true colors.

These are BAD people, and can apply to anyone. Almost all of them have a troubled past filled with failure and rejection - which is where this behavior stems from. Do NOT sympathize, or fall for their charm... lest you become another victim. They're not quality or nice people AT ALL. They just know how to make people feel special and wanted - which is also a charade. Like any FAKE person - they act like they're caring / guiding - when they're really just degrading / controlling / abusing. You MUST be able to spot fake, controlling people.

The reason beta's fall for this - and why you cannot be one - is because they're naive, gullible, weak, insecure, understanding, empathetic, co-dependant, have low self-esteem, etc. They make easy targets / victims. The abuser / player is a predator; a wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't fall for their ****, or allow them to chip away at your self-esteem, and tell you how to run your life, point out your flaws, make you feel inferior, or otherwise remain dependant on them. This is what they aim for - and they lie their asses off. They are NOT looking out for you - everything they do is for themselves. At best, you're their scapegoat so they can look down on you, control you, and feel better about themselves.

In many instances, they pull an immediate bait and switch. They'll show interest in YOU - to get you to show interest in THEM. Once they have you chasing after them - after conniving you into it - they treat you like dog****, and manipulate you like no other. Lots of teasing, false promises, guilt trips, projection, etc.

****ty people exist out there, and MANY of them are heavily involved in the player lifestyle. Be very cautious of abusive personalities. They have no quality - only street skills. They know how to charm / manipulate, and keep others hooked on them - and in need of their approval. They're losers, and can't attract **** by being themselves. Don't be blinded by lust, charm, the "challenge, victimization pleas, the perceived "value" factor, etc. This is all abusers have going for them - and the huge charade they pull in the very beginning. This is not the real them, and they can't act for long. When they start manipulating, teasing, blaming, attacking, guilt tripping, belittling, sabotaging, insulting - THAT'S the real them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
dasein said:
Agree with the OP, but want to add some anecdotal clarification to #2. IME, only the few disordered ones are trying to break down intentionally, what the normal ones are doing is trying to regain power they perceive as lost or in jeopardy. In this respect far more of them are like the car dealer who has agreed to concessions out on the lot, then tries to build advantage back into the actual sales contract. She is acting out to assuage a feeling of having "given up the store." IME it's far more a show of her insecurity than any malevolent intent.

This is often a result of the bad input support networks women have via friends, family, media, wherever. Her GFs and family tell her that she isn't "getting enough" out of the deal, often based on the control they exercise over their own AFC men. Media and prevailing culture tell her that she is a de facto victim, so any good feelings she has are misgiven, and bad behavior of hers in response is excused (can't "blame the victim") or even blameshifted to the man.

The analysis could go on forever as to the cultural what and why, more useful is how a man should proceed in the face of this. We tell ourselves that there are these quality women out there who don't behave this way, and the ones who do are trash, yet that's sugarcoating. Almost all of the 1000s of contemporary women I've met do these things to some degree, good ones, bad ones, all do it, so going immediately "hard" on them for this limits our options and peace of mind. I don't know the answer, but have walked from so many of these over the years when things were otherwise good, that there must be a better way.

It seems to happen at 2-5 months, and my response has been to shut it down entirely, which leads them to more network tapping and affirmation that they are in the right in all their minutiae, actually makes things worse. They act out more, I lay a definitive boundary, they tap their self-affirming network, and after a couple of rounds, I walk. Am left with a "silly BS f-cked up another one" attitude.

I don't want to have to be deceptive and manipulative by trying to throw them a bone or two to keep them happy, to let them "win" like one would a child. That's the very opposite of what reasonable people think of as a good relationship, ruins my respect for them. Aren't they supposed to be "equal?" Aren't they supposed to act like adults? Presumably they do in the high paying jobs and clients I have to compete with them for, how can they function in a working environment like adults, yet act like widdy babies at home and in their relationships? The answer for me over the last 15 or so years is just to resign myself that prevailing culture will not allow a persisting relationship with a woman based on maturity, accountability and common decency today... until I find a needle in a haystack, which may not even exist.
What PlayHer Man said seems like the perfect response to such behavior..

PlayHer Man said:
Women will play this game with alphas and what usually happens is she gets dumped or cheated on. Which is exactly what is supposed to happen.
It makes sense that when a girl keeps pulling BS on a man after multiple attempts from him to shut it down he should simply go out and spin more plates. Set the frame from the beginning. "Behave or you'll be treated like just another ho, another plate in my rotation." Why should we as men bother being faithful when the woman is actively, whether consciously or subconsciously, trying to sabotage the relationship? It's a win win situation. If he happens to still like the chick, she'll still be in his life and he won't have to deal with as much BS from her because he'll be seeing/fvcking other women. In the event that she finds out what he's doing he can tell her exactly why he chose to do it. If enough men do this perhaps women will start behaving themselves better in a relationship. A man is suppressing a natural urge to spread his seed when he becomes monogamous with a woman. The least she could do for such a sacrifice is give him compelling reasons to stick with her.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
TheException said:
This post has nothing to do with seduction...and everything to do with the quote below:

Thread should be titled "What happens to a man when he turns into a beta over the course of a relationship". You should NEVER be "under her thumb".

I disagree with the entire premise of the post that all women "seduce" men just to bruise their egos. This IS NOT the "normal" course of events. If a woman dates a beta and more and more of his chumpy actions come out over time...she will resent him for it. She essentially begins to take advantage of him, and the problem is NOT HER in this scenario...the problem is the GUY WHO WOULD PUT UP WITH THAT SH1T. This is why "game" is ever vigilant. IT DOES NOT stop after you become exclusive. You must remain the prize and have her seeking to please you throughout the course of the relationship. FOR IF you ever forget that....this thread and the events within it become a reality.



Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
"PlayHer Man" - how about a thread on the best ways to seduce HER (in style) ?

I'd be interested to see your outlook on it....

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
JoeMarron said:
It makes sense that when a girl keeps pulling BS on a man after multiple attempts from him to shut it down he should simply go out and spin more plates. Set the frame from the beginning. "Behave or you'll be treated like just another ho, another plate in my rotation." Why should we as men bother being faithful when the woman is actively, whether consciously or subconsciously, trying to sabotage the relationship?
:up: :up:

Spot on. Lots of great responses overall.

adam225 said:
"PlayHer Man" - how about a thread on the best ways to seduce HER (in style) ?

I'd be interested to see your outlook on it....
Wrong approach dude. A man's job is f*cking not seduction. Spin plates and close women regularly. Some will fall for you and some won't. In the end they are seeking value more than love. They want a man's love more than they want to love a man. REMEMBER THAT.

Its the woman's job to sell the "relationship". Your job as a man is to be sexy, valuable and f*ckable. That's it.

Men need to get out of this emo mindset pushed by fags and women. Leave the emo's for the homo's. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
I see what you're saying. I was more getting at knocking her all over the place emotionally and sealing the deal. I'm trying to get a picture of how you are when you approach a women you want.

I normally try to ensure she knows she is below me and that I could do better if I wanted. There's times when I've praised them on one thing (like how they dance) then knocked them down on something else (like how they are dressed or certain look). I've found it to work quite well. Specially on the one's that have been spoilt by too many desperate doormats trying to get down their panties.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
adam225 said:
I see what you're saying. I was more getting at knocking her all over the place emotionally and sealing the deal. I'm trying to get a picture of how you are when you approach a women you want.

I normally try to ensure she knows she is below me and that I could do better if I wanted. There's times when I've praised them on one thing (like how they dance) then knocked them down on something else (like how they are dressed or certain look). I've found it to work quite well. Specially on the one's that have been spoilt by too many desperate doormats trying to get down their panties.
Ok gotcha.

Well my approached to a brand new woman I want to f*ck is basically just being friendly and flirtatious. If she engages me then I make sure to touch her at some point (arm, face, back). I'm just bold. She will either be turned on or creeped out.

Bold moves are the fastest way to get a date or get a women into bed. Just go after what you want and don't be afraid to fail.

REMEMBER --> Big risk = Big reward :yes:

Just make sure you enjoy yourself. If a woman isn't fun to interact with, she is either a c*nt or not attracted to you. Walk away and don't try to force chemistry or attraction. Why? --> Because the early stages set the frame. If you kiss her ass now.. you will have to keep doing that. Best to only entertain women who go with your flow. Anything else is beta.

My most frequent opener: "Hey, what's your name?" Nothing fancy.