Female Interruption Mechanism


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
I've been wondering... You guys encountered this interruptions in your Don Juan Lives. For Example, One hot babe that you would like to meet suddenly interrupted by her girlfriend. Or By her cellular, or by her relatives or by her family.

Just one question though...

How do you overcome this interruptions and take her attention with you instead?

P.S. This thing bothers me time after time. I was blacked out.

I need your comments... Thanks



Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Essentially there are two methods when out sarging, let's say night time setting (ala bar/club).

If you've raised her interest level and she has the attraction to you, then she should also be subcommunicating this to you via her bodylanguage. Let's take a real life example I had with a girl and her UG friend at a nightclub in the OC.

I approached her with firm, direct BL and an appreciative smile and quite simply said, "Hi, what's your name?" At which time her UG friend interjects, "What line did he just feed you?" My reply, "I said hi, is there a problem with that?"

I turn to her and bust her on her rude friend, so we're laughing. We shake hands and while I don't release her hand, she also doesn't release my hand. A good IOI. I tell her she's beautiful and I'd like to get to know her better.

Again the UG interjects with wanting to know what "lines" I was pulling on her friend. I pretty much give her only cursory attention. While talking to my girl, I grab a chair and sit next to her.

I'm holding her hands and make sure to PHYSICALLY turn her by her shoulders to point her entire body to me. I also place her knees in between mine so we have this very locked, very intimate appearance to the outside world while we're still holding hands.

Eventually the UG gets it and leaves to dance with a black dude.

If it's a large group, the best bet is to engage them all and then isolate the girl.

For cell phones, you should tell her to hang up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Bid your time. Interruptions are part of life, you can't "beat" them. If a person is waiting on an important call that they didn't tell you about then what are you going to say really?

People break into my converstations all the time, that's what comes with being popular:D It can be fustating but the patient person doesn't mind it so much. If I'm having a deep conversation with my girl or whatever people know not to try to jump in because that's just how we are. Infact if it's that important she'll flat out tell them to "Shut the f*ck up" and go back to talking to me. If something is that important then by all means tell them to "shut the f*ck up." Other then that just bid your time, the attention doesn't have to be on you always.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
This one is interesting. I have been on a date with a lady, at a lounge, enjoying a drink with her, conversing, and her cell phone rang, and she picks it up, and it's like "Hey, whats up?" And she chatted away for a good 10 minutes and ended the call with, "call me tonite" and it was with a male....

Needless to say, it (the date) ended ugly.

A few weeks ago, I was out again, similar circumstances, and the lady's cell rings, and it is another guy, and she excuses herself to the ladies room to go talk to him.


Is this not rude, and what is a good solution to it.?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by JackPrescott
This one is interesting. I have been on a date with a lady, at a lounge, enjoying a drink with her, conversing, and her cell phone rang, and she picks it up, and it's like "Hey, whats up?" And she chatted away for a good 10 minutes and ended the call with, "call me tonite" and it was with a male....

Needless to say, it (the date) ended ugly.

A few weeks ago, I was out again, similar circumstances, and the lady's cell rings, and it is another guy, and she excuses herself to the ladies room to go talk to him.


Is this not rude, and what is a good solution to it.?
Hahahaha, this reminds me of that heniken commercial where the guy is sitting there watching the girl yap away on her cell phone looking pretty board. The girl goes to fill up her beer with the bottle in front of her, but it's empty! So she reaches across the table for his and fills up her pint glass with his beer! The screen flashes to black with the lettering "The last straw" Then goes back to the table and the guy is looking away and doing the signiture motion, for "check please"

I've called girls who are on date's like this and spoken to them for like 10-15 mins. I suppose the guy could of said something but who knows. Usually when i'm on a date and a girl gets a call from a guy, I'll sit for 5 mins no more, then roll my eyes and do a rolling motion with my hand (move it along sweetheart) and they'll usually speed things up get off the phone. Then it's back to our date.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
If a girl I'm with(not just hanging with, but on an actual date) does that, I usually end it right there or at least let her know I don't like it. I'm not going to sit there and play with myself while someone's chatting away. If I don't get the respect I give by not holding convos on mine, then I'm bailing.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by JackPrescott
This one is interesting. I have been on a date with a lady, at a lounge, enjoying a drink with her, conversing, and her cell phone rang, and she picks it up, and it's like "Hey, whats up?" And she chatted away for a good 10 minutes and ended the call with, "call me tonite" and it was with a male....

Needless to say, it (the date) ended ugly.

A few weeks ago, I was out again, similar circumstances, and the lady's cell rings, and it is another guy, and she excuses herself to the ladies room to go talk to him.


Is this not rude, and what is a good solution to it.?
Yes, that Heineken commercial is what if felt like, especially when the first girl told the guy she was talking to "Call me back tonite"...Wow. But I'll use your 5 minute rule, but cut it down to 2. After 2 minutes, she can go home with the guy she is on the cell phone with, or cut the conversation short.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Cell phones SUCK. I ****ing hate them. But at least u got blown off by plastic... a girl I was out with got a call from a guy, and invited him along to coffee with us after dinner!? I knew they were just friends but I didnt care, I called a friend of mine and told him to meet me at the coffee house ASAP.

My friend and the girls friend show up at about the same time, she starts talkin to her buddy, I sit for one minute listening to their gossip, then get up and go sit with my friends for 15 minutes. We go wild, make a lot of noise have a great time... next thing I know she ditches her friend and comes over to my table and leads me by the hand to the couch, later that night to the car =)

Dont put up with womens bull****. But dont wine about it. FIND SOMETHING BETTER to do. Shes on the cell in a quiet coffee house? Grab a paper. Shes talking with her wing @ a club, flirt with the bartender. She gets distracted at a resteraunt? Pull out YOURE cell phone. Thats life.

Dont say, "Oh Id wish you didnt waste 10 minutes of my life talking to some other guy." Either get up and enjoy yourself doing something else or be completely, bluntly honest with her. "Ok, honey, Im sure hes adorable so Ill give you two minutes to seduce the boy and get off the phone, then im leaving"



Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
So what is the best response to this type of interruption?

Cellphone... well, I think you can hold the phone or lean back to punish her for doing such stupid thing. And interruption from circle of friends... Well if they aren't your friend yet, you can befriend them then later get close to them with her, while you make the tease or pause her every time she talks, then if she is very eager to talk, you can put her in private and pay all the attention to her.

How was that?

Interruptions really a peice of screw-ups in dates right? So How do you deal with it?

Its hard for me though, and the last time I was interrupted, I walked away.

I didn't call her... I played hard to get... But the best solution to interruption, still, I do not know. So If you guys know how to deal with it, share something.
