Female Friends


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
Personally I don't have any close female friends nor do I have any desire for female friends. I come from the When Harry met Sally school of thought. I basically want to fvck any women that I see. I have a tonne of female acquantances, females that are in our social circle but I wouldn't consider them close friends.

I personally don't see anything positive coming out of it. If she's beautiful & attractive, then I want to fvck her, if she has good enough qualities to be a TRULY good friend, then why wouldn't you want more from that person?

If she is that good of a person, then I would probably want a relationship with her. Why wouldn't you want a relationship with a beautiful attractive women with a great personality? Isn't that what we are all looking for?

Personally I've always thought that a guy who is friends with a women is merely to AFC to make his intentions known for said women.

On the other hand, I wouldn't want my significant other to have one of her best friends be a man. For one, that means to me that she is naive and secondly I can't see any good coming from it.

What do you other MM think about having female friends? Whats your stance? Do you have close female friends?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Chick friends can help you expand your social network by introducing you to more hot chicks.

Plus if you maintain a DJ way of being around this friend you will always have a chance with her if you want her.

Also haven't you ever wanted to have a fat chick friend Macavoy that would tell you jokes and give you candy and free rides to places?

I think every DJ could benefit from having such a happy go lucky AFC female gopher to syphon goods and services and happy times from.

Hot chicks do this all the time to male AFC's they are unattracted to for one reason or another after all and its of benefit to them.

Why shouldn't we get in on the action? lmao.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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I value friendship. Friendship to me is the equivalent of having a brother or sister.

If you view a person (male or female) as a brother/sister...then those people are your friends.

A man that uses "friendship" to get closed to that woman or for that matter other women has a serious character flaw. And it is NOT a DJ. Let's make that clear. As he is simply pretending to be a friend in order to get something. That's now how things are don.

Now if he has a social group in which he hangs out with...that's a different thing. As that does not make them his friends.

The term "friend" should not be thrown loosely.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario

The female acquantances in my social circle accomplish all the above. My point is, I don't have female friends where I go to them for support like I do my male friends nor am I there emotional tampon.

Personally I would do just about anything for a "friend" and I expect the same thing from my "friends". The same isn't true for people in my social circle, they aren't true friends. Do you see the difference I'm getting at?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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Personally, I have many female friends who have been loyal and faithful as friends. Some have come on to me and I had to turn them down but they understood where I was coming from when I rejected them.

Moreso now during my journey out of the Matrix I appreciate the inherint good qualities of the female gender to add a different perspective as a friend to some of life's trials. I value their friendship as they value mine.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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I read it again Mac.

Yeah dude the same type of friendships I have with chicks is what you are getting at ie the acquaintance thing.

I only have two actual real female friends as in friends I would consider as close as my guy friends.


Because they have been there for me in very harsh times.

Why I wouldn't have a relationship with such women?

Well one of them isn't all that attractive to me and the other one is always getting drunk and drugging up all things I do not want in a relationship.

So my stance on this to answer your question is having female friends is alright if that is what you truly want and they have shown you just as much loyalty as a guy friend would.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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I am with you Macavoy. I cannot be a friend to most woman. Most guys who have platonic lady friends are AFC's who were never able to get in her pants. Now there are rare instances.... I had one female friend who I was close with. We ended up fvcking but it never worked out between us and later she ended up hooking me up with a few of her friends and I ended up fvcking them. This girl was a freak and I ended up hooking her up with one of my friends.

This type of girl rarely exists. Most girls will not do anything to help you out. Especially if they see you as a prize and there GF are hotter than her. Lady friends are more likely to ruin your game than to help it. I don't have any lady friends because I relate better with men.

If you could get a lady friend like I had than its great. But you must understand there are very few of those. Most of the men who have alot of platonic friends are either gay or AFC's


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I used to have a lot of female friends, especially in high school, but even then it was either me wanting to be a bf or them wanting to be a gf. At this stage I have no desire for it. Part of me doesn't trust women right now, that's different from making friends, but I prefer to see women as sexual.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Latinoman said:
I value friendship. Friendship to me is the equivalent of having a brother or sister.

If you view a person (male or female) as a brother/sister...then those people are your friends.

A man that uses "friendship" to get closed to that woman or for that matter other women has a serious character flaw. And it is NOT a DJ. Let's make that clear. As he is simply pretending to be a friend in order to get something. That's now how things are don.

Now if he has a social group in which he hangs out with...that's a different thing. As that does not make them his friends.

The term "friend" should not be thrown loosely.
100% agree!

i dont understand this notion that you can't like a woman who you don't want to f*ck.

i think the reason a lot of guys experience this is because they basically are only 'friendly' with women they find attractive. the women they don't find attractive they simply aren't that friendly to.

im not saying they are rude. im saying they don't take any time to bother getting to know them.

perhaps its because they don't have anything in common with them and as such never really get into a conversation in-depth enough to really get to know them.

but i'm of the school of thought that you should be open to the possibility of meeting cool and interesting people as you walk through life. don't assume that a woman has nothing to offer just because a) shes a woman and b) you aren't interested in f*cking her.

then again, this attitude i have has only really developed say after about the age of 27 or so. up until that point my only interest in woman was sexual - so i kinda get where some guys are coming from .


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2007
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I used to have female friends. Now I understand that there are some guys out there that need to be around people. (you know what I'm talking about my extroverted buddies) When I'm with my dude friends, I am like THE DUDE. Whenever I'm around females, I feel neutral like a 40-50 year old man living with his mama playing with his xbox 24/7 wondering why I am still single. If I was around a single woman I was sexually attracted to, I'd feel like a man, so why would I want to be around women who don't turn me on?

Some guys out there pretend to be friends too with a girl. Let me put this honestly, You're not making a move on her cause...you're not so sure about her or not so sure about being attracted to her. That's the truth. A girl that I am ****ing attractive with, man I am going to make the move not at the end of the first date, but in between. I never understood why guys WAIT till the last moment to kiss or whatever. Just get it over already. If she don't like it, well too bad, I move on right then. For guys that "wait" well to girls in their mind they think you're just not that into her. And it's the truth, girls are not dumb.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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I'll probably get crucified for posting in this thread, but I think it's worth noting an alternate take on female friends, for anyone who doesn't already know my POV.

The way I see it, female friends are the best thing since sliced bread.

I really didn't have too many female friends when I was in my 20's. Hell, i didn't have too many until about three years ago. Most female friends I had back then I was in the friend zone (or some variation thereof) with.

But since I broke up with my ex I started meeting a LOT of new women, through my work, my existing social network, and the occasional chance meeting.

Most of these women are fun, outgoing, attractive, and for some reason they like to be around me ;)

So what's a guy to do with these women if he doesn't want to date them for one reason or another? He keeps them around as "friends".

When I say "friends" of course most of them are more like acquaintances. Actually one or two of them I would consider pretty good friends, the rest a little less so.

So I have a good dozen or so female friends I hang out with from time to time. Some guys can't pull this off, but for me it works. I get to meet lots of NEW women through them, and I get to have a great time in the process.

So what's the secret to making this work? Well, first of all I am NOT in the friend zone with any of them. This is the most important thing. DO NOT spend time with a woman who has rejected you! It's unhealthy, and it's bad for business when meeting other women.

The second thing is that they have to see you as a MAN. they have to know that you might not be fukking them, but you do get action from other women, at least from time to time. If you do it right, most of them will think you are a mack daddy playboy despite how many women you date or fukk, and this is a great thing, cause the social proof that you gain from having women interact with you when they think you are a man-wh0re is priceless.

It's a win-win proposition if you can pull it off. You get to go out and have a great time with your friends and almost always have girls along, which in turn attracts more girls, and the cycle repeats itself.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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Is this the male equivalent of the hot HB AW with lots of beta-boys hanging around to pump up her ego? If so, is that a good thing?

Also, don't these women act as c0ck-blockers? Of all the women who wanted to get with me, none of them were hooking me up with their hot friends.

Finally, how do you not end up being a gay boy, if you don't advance the ball with them?

What I generally find is the females who are interested that I don't reciprocate drift away, or sometimes get pissed, b/c they feel rejected. I'm wondering how you are managing this differently. I would not mind having more female friends, but I don't see how to keep them in their place when they want more.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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MacAvoy said:
Personally I've always thought that a guy who is friends with a women is merely to AFC to make his intentions known for said women.

Not always. This is binary thinking. I have a handful of female friends who are fun as hell to hang out with, but i wouldnt put the wood to them. Most (if not all) of them would jump on it if i even gave them a little bit of a lead...which is undoubtedly part of the glue that holds the friendship together. See "the ladder theory".
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Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Colossus said:
Not always. This is binary thinking. I have a handful of female friends who are fun as hell to hang out with, but i wouldnt put the wood to them. Most (if not all) of them would jump on it if i even gave them a little bit of a lead...which is undoubtedly part of the glue that hold the friendship together. See "the ladder theory".

this man speaks truth. It's all about who has the power in the relationship. My female friends are girls who know that I would NEVER commit to them. I have told them this. The cute ones I'hve told that I would fvck thehm but that we would never work as a couple. I set the frame of our friendship. They give me advice on women, they help me shop and get my clothes and house looking nice. They introduce me to their single friends. They are great assets.

I bust their balls. I call them out on their bull****. I don't cater to their ego. They love me for it. They will do anything for me because I am real with them. I'm not faking friendship to get in their pants. They know that the pvssy is just for fun...it doesn't mean everything to me.

Weak men can't have female friends.

Check this out. One of my female friends is trying to branch swing to me from her current boyfriend.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2001
Reaction score
I think a true female friend is rare. Extremely rare...like I've never had one, rare. I've known women through the years that I have called friends, but in truth the "friendship" only existed out of their attraction toward me. The second the attraction abated, they were no longer there for me in any way. In their mind, I was a potential boyfriend or fb. The friendships only existed in my mind.

And now that I'm older, after spending a lot of time on this site, trying to integrate into my life the segments of this site I found value in, the situation is worse.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I think a true female friend is rare. Extremely rare...like I've never had one, rare. I've known women through the years that I have called friends, but in truth the "friendship" only existed out of their attraction toward me. The second the attraction abated, they were no longer there for me in any way. In their mind, I was a potential boyfriend or fb. The friendships only existed in my mind.

And now that I'm older, after spending a lot of time on this site, trying to integrate into my life the segments of this site I found value in, the situation is worse.

really the knowledge of how your friendship works should make it easier to control. It did for me. Once I understood the 'friendship dynamic" and why they wanted to be my friend it all made sense. I don't come out of any interactions feeling cheated and neither do they.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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thedeparted said:
Also, don't these women act as c0ck-blockers? Of all the women who wanted to get with me, none of them were hooking me up with their hot friends.
Ahhh...yes....sometimes they do, BUT.....that's why it is important to establish your freelance status with any given group.

I had this problem with a couple of the groups of women I know, one group because I had dated one of the girls (who moved away) and the other because the hub of the group is an AW in every sense of the word who wanted all of the attention on HER all of the time.

I analyzed the difference between these two groups of women and ANOTHER group of women that I hang out with where there are NO problems in the c0ckblocking department, and I realized that the difference was that in this last group I had SET THE FRAME early, by having sex with one of the girls in the group ASIDE from the one who really liked me.

Once I came to this realization I was able to re-establish the frame with the other two groups and I have since gotten action through both of them.

Finally, how do you not end up being a gay boy, if you don't advance the ball with them?
This is what I never understood. Why it is that you either have to be sticking your c0ck in a woman or ignoring her?

Every single one of the women I hang out with knows that I am 100% heterosexual and they respect me as a MAN. I will be as quick to bust their balls as I would with any guy I know. Actually more so.

What I generally find is the females who are interested that I don't reciprocate drift away, or sometimes get pissed, b/c they feel rejected. I'm wondering how you are managing this differently. I would not mind having more female friends, but I don't see how to keep them in their place when they want more.
See, it's a win-win situation.

You don't HAVE to be banging a chick to keep her around.

Women want attention. When I am around them they get what they want. I happen to enjoy myself more when there are men AND women around. So I get something from it myself, and the side benefit is that I have social proof with outside women, and since these women DO see me as a sexual being, I get the benefit of even better social proof amongst the group when I meet any of their friends. You might think i am full of sh!t, but my reputation precedes me, and it's amazing the power that it has to influence attraction.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Colossus said:
Not always. This is binary thinking. I have a handful of female friends who are fun as hell to hang out with, but i wouldnt put the wood to them. Most (if not all) of them would jump on it if i even gave them a little bit of a lead...which is undoubtedly part of the glue that holds the friendship together. See "the ladder theory".
Yep.....it's all about maintaining that spark of chemistry, even if you don't want to pursue them.

I've never had sex with most of the girls I hang out with, but every single one of them KNOWS at least one or two women I HAVE had sex with. Hell, I don't have sex with that many women at all, but my female friends think I'm a total pimp. they make comments all the time about me calling them to do something "cause none of my girls are available".

I've even messed around with a few of these women, but I can take or leave having sex with them. And it's that sizzle in the air that makes my relationship with them so much fun and seems to attract women who I sometimes DO fancy.

Even some of the most intelligent posters on this board will condemn the idea of having female friends, but I know for a fact that it CAN work to a man's advantage.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
I bust their balls. I call them out on their bull****. I don't cater to their ego. They love me for it. They will do anything for me because I am real with them. I'm not faking friendship to get in their pants. They know that the pvssy is just for fun...it doesn't mean everything to me.
Some of the best times I've had were over the past few years hanging out with my female friends.

And I can attribute much of my knowledge of women from being the "fly on the wall". We start talking about sex, and pretty soon they feel comfortable enough to open up about the one night stand they had or the sex toys they bought the other day. I am real with them, and they are real with me, cause they know I won't judge them like most guys would.

Weak men can't have female friends.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "weak", they just have a different midset, and maybe they haven't yet figured out that you don't have to separate a sexual relationship from a platonic one.....there is an area in between that exists that some guys know how to take advantage of.