Fellas, this will save you time and trouble


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
CarlitosWay said:
Seriously do some people have reading comprehension issues? lol

I was gaming some servers (**** actually all of them) last night and I "thought" I had one genuinely interested, after some rapport/****iness and obvious interest shown in her, I tell her let's exchange numbers. She says in a little bit. I'm like well whatever I'm going to leave (place was closed), she saw me leave and didn't come over to exchange numbers. I could have walked up and came off as desperate for the number, she was cute but there's a whole bunch of cute girls everwhere. I did my best, her loss.
Brother you have to understand that hired guns (chicks in stores, strippers, waitresses) are paid to act like they f*N like you. That "obvious" interest shown in her was what she shows every other guy that flirts with her at her work place. When it comes to these type of gals you have to be a real a**hole to them to get at them. You gotta be the opposite of every other guy out there who flirts with them and gets a response and in their mind they think this girl likes them (when in reality they get paid to be nice and flirty).


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
f283000 said:
Correct. It follows the basic principle that women who are interested in a man will not deny him back to back. Whether it be you calling her twice and getting no response, to her flaking you twice on a date. Whatever it is there are many scenarios.

Women are not so difficult to figure out. Do you think a woman would not call back the man of her dreams and keep him waiting for a week? even if he is not the man of her dreams if she sees him as boyfriend material she will give him a chance.

Being ignored/flaked on/disrespected are not signs that a woman is attracted to you. Most women if interested in you will not give you such treatment but some just can't pull the "let's just be friends" bullet right away (like many can) and hope you will understand their disinterest and go away. Most guys just keep chasing and will get nowhere.

This is also about keeping your dignity and self respect. There is a limitless supply of women out there. You just have to respect yourself enough to put away those women that are not interested in you and erase them from your life. I know it may be hard for some guys and they will keep cell phones/myspace profiles of girls they have pursued but never gave them the time of day. Time won't change a thing, get them off your life immediately if they don't give you want you want. Not only will you feel more self respect but they will respect you as well.

You will be more respected by erasing her from your myspace then by you keeping her on there hoping to get lucky for example. A woman respects a man that won't accept her terms of the deal. She didn't give you what you wanted and you stayed around means she won't respect you. Get rid of such women from your life.
You are right with time doesnt change a thing ! I asked 3 years ago a girl her phone number on her online yahoo id and say that her phone is broken .Guess what! Try few days ago after 3 years and guess what ?! The same answer.:yes:


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Need advice on a situation...i reached out to this girl to go on see a movie she agreed we went. The next 2 attempts at going out with she rejected (had other plans, "didnt get the text") So based on your theory I should next her, which I did. Fast forward a month and she begins to talk to me more and invites me over to watch a movie at her place. What should be the next steps? I do really like her but feel so damn confused.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
bruceartest24 said:
Need advice on a situation...i reached out to this girl to go on see a movie she agreed we went. The next 2 attempts at going out with she rejected (had other plans, "didnt get the text") So based on your theory I should next her, which I did. Fast forward a month and she begins to talk to me more and invites me over to watch a movie at her place. What should be the next steps? I do really like her but feel so damn confused.
first of all this thread was worth bump, its awesomely simple and efficient.

as for the above, movies for first dates are generally bad. she agreed and went with you so thats a good sign, lcear interest, what we need to know is how it went? any escalation? any kissing? making out?
something has or hasnt happened and she has now done a 180 which isnt unusual for a movie date, they are for LTRS.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
The two-strike rule is a tried and true method for screening women you've just met.

Though you might apply the one-strike rule when you originally email or text. After good rapport and a date are established, then you can apply the two-strike rule.

One exception is if she provides a rain check both times - in that case, just go silent and if she blows up your phone apply the three-strike rule.

If she ever cancels 3 times call her on her bad behavior, tell her it's over and wish her the best. You should really never take her back in that case, even if she begs. At that stage it's ok to literally make her promise to submit to your every whim - in writing.

Once you've been dating a girl it's more driven by how often she initiates (should be 50% of the time and more than once a week) and how quickly she responds (should be the same minute normally).

NOTE: you can be dating 6 months, and the very first time she ever cancels (or worse, forgets) a date, you can know you're on the way out, so be sure to go LC for a significant amount of time should even one strike happen at that stage, especially when you get "that gut feeling".

ALSO don't be afraid to blow her off sometimes. She will forgive you instantly, trust me. Tell her you lost your phone!

Finally: the only exception to every rule is there's an exception to every rule.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
What about when a girl says she can't go out with you because she's scared it will go wrong?

is she implying that she would go out with you and wants you to convince her it won't go wrong or is she just letting you down nicely?


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
sylvester the cat said:
What about when a girl says she can't go out with you because she's scared it will go wrong?

is she implying that she would go out with you and wants you to convince her it won't go wrong or is she just letting you down nicely?
if she is making an excuse that sounds illogical or irrational then its pretty much Bullsh!t

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
betheman said:
if she is making an excuse that sounds illogical or irrational then its pretty much Bullsh!t
well if you know the girl it sounds pretty logical. she's quite a timid sort, we work together, she's 15 years younger than me and i think she's in love with me.

also i'm a bit crazy and unpredictable. a bit of a wild card, albeit a dependable one (if that's not a contradiction in terms) with a good heart.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
sylvester the cat said:
well if you know the girl it sounds pretty logical. she's quite a timid sort, we work together, she's 15 years younger than me and i think she's in love with me.

also i'm a bit crazy and unpredictable. a bit of a wild card, albeit a dependable one (if that's not a contradiction in terms) with a good heart.
its a sh!t test then, how did you respond?

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
betheman said:
its a sh!t test then, how did you respond?
well i'd asked her out face to face. she ummed and ahed before eventually saying no (which she said hurt her more than me).

then she emailed saying she was scared it would go wrong. she then walked up to me and told me not to respond to the email. i emailed her back anyway saying i didnt think the same way and that i thought it would be ok.

she didnt respond.

i've gone NC on her since. i'm polite and friendly when i see her but that's all.

it's been 6 weeks since i asked her out.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Don't ask her again too quickly? Wait two weeks? Sounds a hell of a lot like trying to find out when she's in heat, but you're too lazy to learn the signs of heat, or too lazy to do reconnaisance / surveillance / information gathering and time it correctly. So you wait several days and try again. If you again make a pass when she's not in heat, you just reminded her that she said "no" before, and she'll probably remember and automatically replay the rejection in the near future. Thus, it's not two strikes about her character. It's two strikes about yours.

Why apply arbitrary rules and hope to luck out, when there's so much information about female biology?


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
sylvester the cat said:
well i'd asked her out face to face. she ummed and ahed before eventually saying no (which she said hurt her more than me).

then she emailed saying she was scared it would go wrong. she then walked up to me and told me not to respond to the email. i emailed her back anyway saying i didnt think the same way and that i thought it would be ok.

she didnt respond.

i've gone NC on her since. i'm polite and friendly when i see her but that's all.

it's been 6 weeks since i asked her out.
and you think this one loves you?????


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
If you value your time, then 2 strikes is the way to go.

-It's just the right amount of persistence without coming off as the creepy annoying guy who won't take the hint.

-It will weed out the attention wh0res who will string you along for the attention and/or free dates.

-It will weed out manipulative and annoying "Rule's Girls." Who wants their drama and insecurities anyways?

-It will weed out women who may potentially get with you as a fallback option/last resort desperation date. More likely than not, she will ditch you as soon as something better comes along.

Sure you may lose out on a few lays had you "stuck it out" but to me being a man is about living life on YOUR terms. Whatever her reasons for not getting back to you or rejecting your advances should be completely irrelevant to you. That's HER problem to fix. If she comes around great, but you're not gonna sit and wait for her to make up her mind.

As a man with options, you should be focusing on career success, networking and making new friends, staying in shape, spending time with family, and hobbies you enjoy. The kind of women you want around are the ones that respect your hustle and appreciate your efforts to court them, not stonewall and cause headaches just because its fun or they don't have the courage to tell you upfront they're not interested.


New Member
Sep 24, 2014
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I started out in the dating scene 40 years ago. I wish I had known about the 2 strike rule back then. It would have saved me a lot of time, trouble, frustration, money, etc.

I've been married twice; the second time now for 12 years. I guess I'm lucky - my current wife doesn't play all these silly games most women play.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
Hey Mike, thanks for bumping this thread back up to the top, I had never seen it before.

This rule (two strikes) has been my mantra since getting back in the game and coming to SS. I feel that a one strike rule is a little heavy handed, I'm a busy person so I understand that sometimes schedules don't line up. Personally I feel it's unreasonable to expect a women to drop everything in order to make a date with me.

Two strikes makes it possible to be flexible while still guaging their interest level. Nothing looks weaker than a man trying in vain, multiple times, to get a woman out. Trust me, I learned that the hard way.

Great post OP :up: