Feedback Wanted - She's changing


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I'm going to simply type my situation the best way I can describe it, and then you guys can attempt to tell me what's the best plan of action. Let me preface my post by saying that I'm posting because this girl is beginning to change and I'm wondering if I might have caused it.

So there's this call, we'll call her B. I've known B for a little over a year, f*cked second time I met her, been seeing her since. I had the upper hand in the relationship for an entire year. She would drive to my house, pick me up, f*ck me, and then buy me breakfast in the morning. This went on for a good long time. One time I even had come down to my school, f*ck me, and then drive me somewhere to f*ck someone else. I had this girl on lock down. Eventually she told me she loved me, which I knew would happen. She got all emotional and sht after we did it one night, and I simply played it how it's supposed to be played. At the time, she brought up other girls even though I told her to stop asking questions she didn't actually want the answers to ...

B: I love you though, the thought of you with another girl makes me cry (crying)
Me: You know other girls have nothing to do with how I feel about you right?
B: I know but I want all of you
Me: We've been over this; you know I'm at college now. It's not the right time. I can't see myself in a relationship until the end of college, maybe.
B: (silent)

That's basically what I tell her every time, like, it always comes back to the fact that I am in college and I can't limit myself to one girl right now.

Anyway, the point of this post, though you don't know either of us, is to find out what I did to cause her to change. In the past few months we go weeks without talking, and usually she would hit me up. At first I was actually too busy to get at her, but now I've decided to move on simply because her IL obviously has dropped. What did I do wrong, if anything? Or is there simply an expiration date on plates, so to speak? How is it possible that I did anything wrong if I literally was on my game 24/7 around her?

Just some end notes. My behavior did not change the entire time we were seeing each other. What I mean by this, is I did nothing different and she randomly just stopped hitting me up like usual. That's why I'm confused, and more so because I haven't f*cked up with her like I did with the last girl; I can see why she acted the way she did, but not B. Additionally, this is merely for my personal knowledge. I could not talk to this girl ever again and I would be alright. I realize that the situation that occurred the night we slept together could've occur ed with literally any girl that; there was nothing "special" that made her specifically matter.

Thanks for your input in advance.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Women change. Everyone changes, but women change in ways different from you and I and in ways we don't understand as males.

If she's destabilizing and starting to become a handful, then just cut it off. But be cool about it, don't let it be a blow up. The destruction an angry woman can cause in your life has no end. You don't know this girl THAT well; if she's in it enough to drive you around and all that other stuff she maybe in it enough to put a brick through your window. A true DJ not only knows how to get it started but also how to shut it down properly. All your relationships are going to end, be able to see the signs and respond accordingly.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
To answer your question, she no longer has hope for the two of you. She possibly thought she could change you and have a real relationship, but as it turns out, that's not happening and your actions hurt her. She gave up and is moving on.

Possibly could be salvaged if you gave her what she wanted, a real relationship, but you don't want that, as you made it clear. So just leave her alone.