Fat America


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
this is why, for the most part I have absoutly no love nor respect for fat pepole. they are lazy whining *******s.

I used to be one.

There is this girl who I know who is about 220-230 pounds, give or take. she doesn't like it. She goes on talking about how she went to the doctor and she doesn't know if it's the birth control that made her gain all this weight (According to her over 70 or 80 pounds) or a thyroid problem or all these things.. and everyone is trying to console her telling her about yes it's probably a thyroid problem

so I ask her.. what do you eat? how often do you work out?

she says "my diet is trickey" because I live in a dorm (tricky = i eat like a fat *****) and while I don't work out as well as I should, I am "working on that" (well until you actually WORK on it you will be fat, lol, you can't short sale calories lol)

So I tell her look, If that is a problem, and you are serious I have no problem at all writing you up a diet that you can stick to needing nothing but a microwave and a mini fridge and if you stick to it weight will shed off.

she ignores me and starts talking about the thyroid problem again

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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Yeah, I know. Most of them give a weird excuse for their weight like: "it's in the family". It's only in the family because the whole family eats like crap. She can be endomorph or have a thyroid problem, but that will not make you 230 pounds.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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It's funny how fat people always want to pull the thyroid card. It's like they will cling to any excuse they can find for being fat OTHER than being straight up lazy and undisciplined. Nowadays you see so much fvcking pandering to lazy slobs that no one believes they are actually fat because of laziness, a slow metabolism, and a sh!t diet! "It must be my thyroid, or my genetics, or birth control....."

Let them be fat, I say. Thanks to our socialist president your tax dollars will be paying for their fat healthcare!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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so backbreaker, how did you loose your weight? It wasn't before rehab was it?(you know what I mean) Or though diet and exercise?

I went from 290 to 180 on diet and exercise...but i have since got lazy and im back up to 220. My goal is to get to 160 before the year is out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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backbreaker said:
this is why, for the most part I have absoutly no love nor respect for fat pepole. they are lazy whining *******s.

I used to be one.

There is this girl who I know who is about 220-230 pounds, give or take. she doesn't like it. She goes on talking about how she went to the doctor and she doesn't know if it's the birth control that made her gain all this weight (According to her over 70 or 80 pounds) or a thyroid problem or all these things.. and everyone is trying to console her telling her about yes it's probably a thyroid problem

so I ask her.. what do you eat? how often do you work out?

she says "my diet is trickey" because I live in a dorm (tricky = i eat like a fat *****) and while I don't work out as well as I should, I am "working on that" (well until you actually WORK on it you will be fat, lol, you can't short sale calories lol)

So I tell her look, If that is a problem, and you are serious I have no problem at all writing you up a diet that you can stick to needing nothing but a microwave and a mini fridge and if you stick to it weight will shed off.

she ignores me and starts talking about the thyroid problem again
I totally relate.

I hate the fat speak bull cra*, with a passion.

You've never seen anyone fat from the lack of food.


Big Boned.
Medical problem.
Diet not working.
She is old, or it comes with age.
Water retention.

Seriously though the money to be made on diet fads and telling fat people the latest diet comfort fad (simple an excuse for the fat fuc* to feel comfort in telling the world they are cutting down on one mars a bar more a day).

I fully believe fat people are lazy but also they do it for attention.

But in all honesty, making this a gender issue, I usually encounter the most rampant BS eminating from womens mouths, more than a mans.

A man will pat his stomach and take ownership "yeh its the beer", a women? no fuc*ing way - That shi* is a result of some unknown force cumulating in her being a 'VICTIM'.

Edit, I also like it how when these fat gits start a diet, for example to eat fruit and veg, they eat enough fruit and veg in one day to support a small African nation.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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One of the correspondents with our company has a 12 year old kid who claims at that least 80% of his class is fat. They were saying the average boy/girl was 160-180 lbs....that's as heavy as I am! What had precipitated to that conversation was that the dad and his kid were waiting at the house for someone else to arrive and we wanted to offer them something to eat/drink. We offered the kid some reeses and he declined. Same with juice/soda. I was almost floored, and obviously started up a conversation asking questions.

its nice to see this sort of thing still exist, but its so rare. While I am sure the dad had an active role there, the kid stood the fvck up and took responsibility.

The fat epidemic is growing. Statistics cite the accepted 66% of society is obese, but I am seeing closer to 80%. Its going to cost us a lot more than a couple of bucks off our income taxes...


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Totally agree about the women, Jonwon. Lack of ownership is just in their nature.

From a physiological perspective, women generally have slower metabolic rates than men, and a greater propensity to store fat. They have more adipose cells per kg of body mass, and once an adipose cell is created, it cannot be "burned" or "lost", only deflated like a lipid-filled balloon. This makes it very easy to re-gain they weight they lost. It serves them in childbearing, and most women are also averse to physical work---i.e. exercise. Combine these factors with sedentary lifestyles and you have a perfect recipe for obesity.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Warrior74 said:
so backbreaker, how did you loose your weight? It wasn't before rehab was it?(you know what I mean) Or though diet and exercise?

I went from 290 to 180 on diet and exercise...but i have since got lazy and im back up to 220. My goal is to get to 160 before the year is out.
I had started at 230ish, actually closer to 240.

I decided to go to rehab in the middle of my weight loss.

I did not want to use going to rehab as an excuse to put back on the weight so I came up with something that would work for me while I was there. I went in about 215 and came out 45 days later about 200.. which considering I got no exercuse whatsoever in 2 months is not half bad.

and that was still with me eating bread because they would not let me bring in a knife to cut my pineapples lol so I can make pinapples and tuna.

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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Colossus said:
Let them be fat, I say. Thanks to our socialist president your tax dollars will be paying for their fat healthcare!!
Let me quote Speakeasy from the "It Passed" thread here:

Speakeasy said:
It's funny that every industrial nation in the world except ours has "goverment controlled healthcare" and none of their citizens would trade their system for ours in a million years. If it was so awful, why aren't industrial Asian and European citizens asking to go back to a private system?

Guess what? That government controlled healthcare is why it cost a fraction as much for medicine in France than it does for the same thing in America. Their governments don't allow pharmaceutical companies to charge outrageous prices for drugs. Their governments regulate the price. Here it's the free market and they charge whatever the hell they want. And what are you going to do? Pay it or die of illness. What choice is that? The most powerful lobby in our country is the pharmaceutical industry and they have bought off our government so that it passes legislation in their favor. That's why we can't get any bill that controls the cost of health care. We are like the cattle, the corporations own the farm.

Now put the whole picture together. You also have powerful lobbies in agriculture that put the brakes on regulations that would make our food healthier. American diets are increasingly full of high fructose corn syrup, even in places where you wouldn't expect it, like bread. Our meat is more pumped up with steroids and anti-biotics than ever. We are eating genetically modified food that is banned in other countries. Now corporations lobby to keep us eating unhealthy food and fattening the population, then when everybody is sick, the corporations make massive profits off the healthcare and medicine. We, the common people are literally cash cows. And not only that, we are programmed from birth to fear any regulation of questionable corporate practices as communism and brainwashed to think that whatever is in the best interest of corporations is in the best interest of all of us. There is a reason that the pharmaceutical industry is the single most profitable industry, and at the same time the biggest lobbyist. THINK ABOUT THAT!

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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Just walk away. Don't waste your time. There is no point talking to somebody like that. It's the same reason I won't argue with militant feminists or people who are convinced racism is everywhere. Because they're not even interested in hearing a different point of view. All they want is validation for what they already believe.

It's not just women. It's not just fat people. It's not any one group. American culture as a whole is really big on generating excuses to justify lazy and irresponsible behavior. The average person would rather sit around and find reasons to continue feeling like crap than work to make themselves feel better. You can't help somebody like that. And I don't waste my time trying anymore.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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It's funny that in Japan or France, you don't have 1/3rd the population walking around complaining about their thyroids. Is there something unique about American thyroids that makes them go haywire?

Never ask a fat person about their diet. They will all swear up and down that they eat like birds. Most people grossly underestimate their caloric intake unless they make a conscious effort to keep track.


New Member
Aug 4, 2008
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I don't hear the thyroid excuse often, but that's because the women in my hillbilly town feel no shame for being morbidly obese. The men are happy to get anything they can so women have no incentive to improve themselves. I'm lean and strong at 150-155 lbs and I underweigh the average single female in my city by at least 30 pounds. I feel tiny next to these behemoths. As soon as the job market thaws it's time to move where women aren't so freaking huge.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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speakeasy said:
You also have powerful lobbies in agriculture that put the brakes on regulations that would make our food healthier. American diets are increasingly full of high fructose corn syrup, even in places where you wouldn't expect it, like bread. Our meat is more pumped up with steroids and anti-biotics than ever. We are eating genetically modified food that is banned in other countries. Now corporations lobby to keep us eating unhealthy food and fattening the population, then when everybody is sick, the corporations make massive profits off the healthcare and medicine. We, the common people are literally cash cows.
More conspiracy theories. I like your posts speakeasy, but I just dont buy this whole corporate-government-healthcare entity out to fatten us up for the cash slaughter.

A lot of the food made here is unhealthy. But guess what? A lot of food people eat in other glorified countries is unhealthy. No one is forcing you to eat it, and it's on YOU--the individual--to educate yourself.

The real reasons why Americans are so fat?? Because they are LAZY, habitually eat sh!t foods, and have NO dedication to exercise. And many people lead sedentary lifestyles. It's the same things physicians have been telling people for years, but everyone wants to think it's their "thyroid", or their bad genetics, or the horrible food the gov't is secretly trying to trick us into eating.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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Colossus said:
More conspiracy theories. I like your posts speakeasy, but I just dont buy this whole corporate-government-healthcare entity out to fatten us up for the cash slaughter.
I'm not saying it's a conspiracy per se, but what I'm saying is that there are powerful people with economic interests that profit off our demise. And there isn't much incentive for them to change.

Read this starting from the 7th paragraph down and then tie this into what I said earlier and how it effects healthcare costs in the long term. It will become pretty clear how much money is made off us at every level:



Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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speakeasy said:
I'm not saying it's a conspiracy per se, but what I'm saying is that there are powerful people with economic interests that profit off our demise. And there isn't much incentive for them to change.

Read this starting from the 7th paragraph down and then tie this into what I said earlier and how it effects healthcare costs in the long term. It will become pretty clear how much money is made off us at every level:

Interestingly enough, read up on national agricultural protectionist policies a few years ago. Sugar is heavily protected by the US government. As a result, cane sugar becomes more expensive prompting firms to switch to cheaper substitutes (corn syrup). This is not a conspiracy per se, but a concerted effort by lobbyist for American sugar industry which has nasty results for the general public.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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My question for you is why are talking to an overweight girl in the first place :D (jk). On a more serious note, I didn't know girls who weighed 220 lbs had a use for birth control heh.

Seriously I know what you mean. I managed to do well for myself in my years of fitness and I do get a lot of people asking me on where to start, what to do, what the "secret" is, etc. Years ago I'd go out of my way to create routines, meal plans, and even go to the gym with some of them (this is after I'd do my workout earlier in the day).

At the end of the day, 1 out of 10 would have the willpower to switch their lifestyle around. It irritated me to waste my time giving advice to people who I found were not serious in the first place. You learn to seperate the serious ones from the resolutionists, and those will listen to you.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
Actually, high-fructose corn syrup probably is one of the causes of increasing obesity.

A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.

In addition to causing significant weight gain in lab animals, long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup also led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in the abdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides. The researchers say the work sheds light on the factors contributing to obesity trends in the United States.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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Luthor Rex said:
Actually, high-fructose corn syrup probably is one of the causes of increasing obesity.
It's now in everything. Even stuff you'd never expect it to be in. Just look at the labels of everything you get at the market. If it's processed in any way, it's got HFCS in it. Put some ketchup on your plate? You just ate HFCS. Orange juice, yogurt, cereal, whaever it is, you're eating it. I'm convinced this is the main culprit, on top of people living more sedentary lives.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
My question for you is why are talking to an overweight girl in the first place
horse racing

It's now in everything. Even stuff you'd never expect it to be in. Just look at the labels of everything you get at the market. If it's processed in any way, it's got HFCS in it. Put some ketchup on your plate? You just ate HFCS. Orange juice, yogurt, cereal, whaever it is, you're eating it. I'm convinced this is the main culprit, on top of people living more sedentary lives.

when I first got healthy I used to have my fitday.com account (still do actually), I used to count calories, I'd freak out if i had a taco..

What kills people is not so much what they eat but how much of it. The avg person probably takes in about 4500-5000 calories a day and doesn't even know it. And it' s mostly junk food.

It's not like green beans.. can of green beans 60 calories. a Can. (green beans are like the miracle weight loss food. **** slim fast.. eat 3 cans of green beans a day, I will bet you that you will 1. eat less becuase they are filling, 2. shed weight because you aren't eating any calories)

Today "For dinner I had some lemon salmon, green beans and a fat free popcycle (kid wanted one..okay I wanted one so I let him talk me into it)..The popcicle is 100 calories. Salmon is about 280ish and the green beans is about 60 (i literary eat them by the can now)

Take my little sister who is actually in town visiting family (other family). They had chicken..you know.. chicken chicken. fried chicken, 2 peices is probably about 700 calories. mashed potatoes with gravy add another 400-600 calories, 2 sodas is another 250 calories plus bred which is probbly another 500 calories.

we could switch meals and a fat person will find a person to get fat off what i am eating and a skinny person will be able to make the friend chicken work. cut down to 1 peice of chicken, about half the potatoes and no bred, cut the soda replace with crystal light.. not the worst meal on earth.