Facebook date, am i friendzoned?


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
I arranged this facebook date with a girl who didn't want to meet me for a drink cos she felt it was not safe meeting a stranger, so i counter offered with coffee during the day in a public place and she accepted.

but from the start of the date all she kept talking about was her ex-bf who she was engaged to, i felt immediately friend-zoned so i kept saying 'look whatever happened with him put it to one side and forget it for a moment'

its like when she saw me in person she thought 'um no im not attracted to him' so decided to friendzone me, i just listened for a bit but then kept trying to steer the convo away.

she seemed a bit self centered only wanting to talk to her about her, she didn't ask me 1 question about me the entire date, low interest i guess?

its like she was using me for venting to get out her frustration, i mean in places i had her laughing but cos i was sitting opposite her it was hard to kino and escalate.

coffee seems too friendly but i had no choice cos she wouldn't meet somewhere more romantic.

turns out shes really young like only 18 so its like i was acting as a guidance counsellor for her.. also shes had a hard upbringing was a bit of a party girl, her step dad hits her and she hits him back. not great really. im surprised how together she is mentally given she gets hit.

should i just drop her? she has a good heart but i dont think her interest in me is there at all.

i made the vital error of not DHV'ing myself enough or saying things like 'if u impress me then..' cos on facebook i was doing that stuff a lot making her qualify herself to me. i think i supplicated too much on the date and my persona online is different.

anyway, i think the worst part was i said 'next time we should speak in spanish' her native language is spanish, that basically tells her im going to call again doesn't it?

im suppose to leave her with the thought 'will he call again?' which clearly i haven't now.

i tried following grey fox's guide to the 1st date in the dj bible but i dont think it gives info on making her qualify herself to you. i think i was too nice and didn't take any risks. i asked the questions to make her feel i was genuinely interested in her but i should have done push pull and negs more, i said 'you talk a lot' and did a hand motion of talking.. not really a neg i guess.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
Confused said:
I arranged this facebook date with a girl...
No. Stop right there.
Mistake #1: In my experience, Facebook and Myspace are the WORST places to meet/talk to a girl.

Confused said:
but from the start of the date all she kept talking about was her ex-bf who she was engaged to, i felt immediately friend-zoned so i kept saying 'look whatever happened with him put it to one side and forget it for a moment'
Mistake #2: Your being confrontational. Not gunna get you anywhere. Sounds like she's not over him yet, and you saying that is not gunna help your odds.

Confused said:
its like when she saw me in person she thought 'um no im not attracted to him' so decided to friendzone me...
Maybe so. It happens, especially when dealing with someone you met online.

Confused said:
she seemed a bit self centered only wanting to talk to her about her, she didn't ask me 1 question about me the entire date, low interest i guess?

Confused said:
turns out shes really young like only 18 so its like i was acting as a guidance counsellor for her.. also shes had a hard upbringing was a bit of a party girl, her step dad hits her and she hits him back. not great really. im surprised how together she is mentally given she gets hit.
Yeah that's not good.

Confused said:
should i just drop her? she has a good heart but i dont think her interest in me is there at all.
Most definitely.

Mistake #3:
Confused said:
'next time we should speak in spanish' her native language is spanish...
Just no.

Sounds to me like this situation is over for you, sorry.
BUT I'd say you don't need to worry about it, she was prolly too stuck up and f*cked up for you anyhow.

"On to the next one!" :rockon:


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like a lot of baggage was dumped on you for a first meeting. She is either not interested, or clueless. If you are working other options, I would next her.

But, if she is the only thing you are working on right now, maybe you can slow play her. (wait at least 5 days before "your" next contact) Just basically consider her a lost cause until she qualifies herself to you.

It seems like you really didn't enjoy the time with her that much. So, I would defiantly hit the eject button if she doesn't impress round 2.



Don Juan
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
I felt like her talking about her ex-bf was her testing me to see how i'd react to shut her down.

anyway i remember i was teasing her on facebook about how i like girls to dress up etc and she said how she wouldn't dress up and wear heels to a shopping mall for coffee cos it wasn't appropriate.

but low and behold when she greeted me she was wearing heels and dressed up.. so clearly she wanted to impress me, prior to meeting me.

but i dont look as good as my pics when they were took cos i was tanned at the time and now im pale with a few zit marks which haven't faded yet.

i'd like to bang her though but i just felt i should have done something during the convo to spike interest cos everytime she talked i had to wait like 5 mins before i could say something cos i tried interrupting a few times to steer away the convo,

tbh my other dates turn out like this, its like i need to be prepared to make her qualify herself to me, should i be saying stuff like 'if u impress me..' etc etc 'what makes u think i'd like that..'

i know its prize mentality but i dont know how to convey that in questions.. i just sit there listening to their BS.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
jeeze... for god sake dont ask people out on the internet....

sorry to be rude but you have a long way to go.....

Confused said:
but i dont look as good as my pics when they were took cos i was tanned at the time and now im pale with a few zit marks which haven't faded yet
this is the same as a fat girl using old pictures of when she was thin and arttactive, then getting pissed when the dates are suprised and dissapointed at her apperance...this is false advertising

look one of the reasons she talked about her ex-bf was coz the Real-you was very dfferent to the internet-you, and she definately was instantly un-attracted when she met you...

how old are you ?