Experts admit swine flu jab 'may cause' deadly nerve disease

Oct 3, 2010
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Health chiefs have for the first time acknowledged that the swine flu jab may be linked to an increased risk of developing a deadly nerve condition.

Experts are examining a pos­sible association between the controversial jab and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, according to a report from official watchdog the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Previously, the Government has always stressed there is no evidence to link the paralysing condition to the H1N1 vaccine.
Read more:

Jews, aliens, reptilians is not a false lead BS government spreads to hide the real truth. It's all a conspiracy. 9/11 was not an inside job. There is no end game or plans for one world government and global population reduction. Conspiracy theorists are lying bastards. We should round them all up and send them to death camps, while we at it let's limit freedom of speech and surrender our guns. The only way I'm going to believe all this sh!t is when they write a written confession and sue themselves. It is wrong to be cautious. :up:

Everything is nice and rosy folks, go back to your business.

**This has been a public service announcement posted by a guy who's too smart to get his butt shot with crap vaccine to protect himself against a made up pig flu. I'll wait 'till there is a human flu going around. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
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The flu itself causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
GBS affects people of all ages and both genders, although males contract GBS more commonly than women, at a ratio of about 5-to-4. GBS is more common in late adolescence and young adulthood, coinciding with an increased risk of injection with cytomegalovirus and Campylobacter jejuni. There is a second peak in incidence among the elderly.

From 4,000 to 5,000 new GBS cases are reported each year in the US and Canada. Guillain-Barré syndrome occurs at a rate of about 1.3 to 1.9 cases per 100,000 population per year, or roughly one person per 62,000 people per year. Hughes and Rees listed a series of 35 GBS studies from around the world, finding an annual incidence rate ranging from 0.4 to 4 GBS cases per 100,000 people per year, with a median value of 1.3 per 100,000 per year. Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have calculated the background rate of GBS as 1.5 to 3 cases per 10 million person-weeks of observation.

Most cases of GBS are triggered by a bacterial or viral illness. It is likely that GBS represents a clinical spectrum of different pathological entities with distinct clinical features and probably distinct aspects of pathogenesis. About 85% to 90% of GBS cases can pathologically be described as acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy or AIDP. Delayed recovery is more likely with variants known as acute motor or acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy.

About two-thirds of all cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome follow an acute respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. Campylobacter bacteria are the most frequent antecedent pathogen recognized, a finding confirmed in 14 large case-series.

Campylobacter bacteria have also been associated with Miller-Fisher syndrome, a variant of GBS characterized by ophtheralmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia. People most frequently encounter Campylobacter bacteria in undercooked food. Other microbes confirmed to be associated with GBS in case-control studies or found in large number or series include: Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, varicella-zoster virus, human immunodeficiency virus, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Campylobacter-associated GBS is a major component of the societal costs of Campylobacter infections. (source)
Several studies have been done to evaluate if other flu vaccines since 1976 were associated with GBS. Only one of the studies showed an association. That study suggested that one person out of 1 million vaccinated persons may be at risk of GBS associated with the vaccine. (source.)
Correlation isn't causation. The vaccine itself doesn't cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome, but by invoking an immune response in rare individuals who would have gotten Guillain-Barré Syndrome anyway, it may invoke the syndrome in one out of one million. Since the rates of GBS are sixteen times higher in unvaccinated individuals than vaccinated individuals, that means the vaccine protects fifteen out of sixteen individuals who probably would have gotten GBS anyway. Which statistic would you rather risk, one out of 62,000 or one million? By choosing not to get vaccinated, you are risking the one in 62,000, and that's rather idiotic.

There's really nothing in your cited article which speaks against this. "Given the uncertainties in the available information and as with seasonal flu vaccines, a slightly elevated risk of GBS following H1N1 vaccines cannot be ruled out. Epidemiological studies are ongoing to further assess this possible association," isn't saying much.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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It's not so much the vaccine that can cause problems as it is the squalene adjuvants they add due to there not being enough of the vaccine itself.

The squalene adjuvant is a ****tail of chemicals, both organic and inorganic and include mercury derivatives, that is added to the base 'vaccine' to make it more potent. Some of the ingredients are: Thimerosal, aluminum, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, and phenol. The chemical Thimerosal is 50% mercury by weight, and there's about 25mcg of mercury in each vaccine. Pregnant women are instructed not to take any vaccines containing mercury. You, on the other hand, are encouraged to take many shots each year.

In other words, the chemical ****tail makes an otherwise undersized dose of vaccine effective by putting additives in it to increase the absorbtion by your body. This can also be a cost-saving measure by the Big Pharma giants that manufacture them.

This can cause your immune system to kick into overdrive and over-react to the relatively small dose of H1N1 it receives. Your immune system can then begin attacking other parts of your body, namely your nervous system.

When tested in rats, in most studies the H1N1 vaccine (with the squalene adjuvant) caused chronic inflammatory disease.

Gulf War vets were injected with an anthrax vaccine before going into combat. The squalene in that vaccine had a mystery substance (MF59) that ended up causing plenty of problems for those soldiers and gave rise to the term Gulf War Syndrome.


Really it is your choice. Clearly countless millions of people have taken the vaccines and are not noticeably affected, and countless millions have not taken the vaccine and are in similar healthy condition.

I choose not to take a vaccine with a squalene adjuvant and mercury, but have no problem taking one without those chemicals. It's my choice and I don't really feel the need to defend it, however would object (with force if necessary) to somebody making the decision for me.

There's plenty of evidence for and against. Recently down here in Australia, our vaccination program for infants was suspended because a statistically significant number of those injected were having seizures and spasms.

Flu vaccination ban goes national after fever, convulsions in children


Also, some may remember this:

Time Magazine - In Germany, a better vaccination for German politicians?

Time Magazine said:
Amid growing fears of a possible global flu pandemic, the German government prepared for its mass-vaccination campaign earlier this year by ordering 50 million doses of the Pandemrix vaccine, enough for a double dose for 25 million people, about a third of the population. The vaccine, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, contains an immunity-enhancing chemical compound, known as an adjuvant, whose side effects are not yet entirely known. Then, after a report was leaked to the German media last week, the Interior Ministry confirmed that it had ordered a different vaccine, Celvapan, for government officials and the military. Celvapan, which is made by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Baxter, does not contain an adjuvant and is believed to have fewer side effects than Pandemrix.
Your choice! :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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I've known this for more than a year.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
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The squalene adjuvant is a ****tail of chemicals, both organic and inorganic and include mercury derivatives, that is added to the base 'vaccine' to make it more potent. Some of the ingredients are: Thimerosal, aluminum, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, and phenol. The chemical Thimerosal is 50% mercury by weight, and there's about 25mcg of mercury in each vaccine.
No, squalene is the adjuvant and those other chemicals are preservatives or trace remnants from the production process. You eat squalene every day because it's found naturally in foods (from plants) and your liver produces squalene; you literally have squalene flowing in your blood at this very moment. There's less mercury in a vaccine than having a lunch in a Japanese restaurant and the mercury is excreted out of your body within a few days.
This can cause your immune system to kick into overdrive and over-react to the relatively small dose of H1N1 it receives. Your immune system can then begin attacking other parts of your body, namely your nervous system. When tested in rats, in most studies the H1N1 vaccine (with the squalene adjuvant) caused chronic inflammatory disease.
I grant that there's been research showing that administration of a squalene adjuvant has caused arthitis in laboratory rats, but since we all have squalene in our bodies and we are enormously larger than rats, the questions would surround the dosages and its comparability to the rat's ability to metabolize the squalene. Since the rates of Guillain-Barre Syndrome are sixteen times less in vaccinated individuals (one in one million) than the background rates of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (one in 62,000), your conclusion is unsubstantiated speculation.
Gulf War vets were injected with an anthrax vaccine before going into combat. The squalene in that vaccine had a mystery substance (MF59) that ended up causing plenty of problems for those soldiers and gave rise to the term Gulf War Syndrome.
Claim: Joseph Mercola writes about “Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret.” He has claimed that the vaccine adjuvant squalene is dangerous, that the Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the squalene in anthrax vaccines, that squalene is “good” or “bad depending on how it gets into your body: “Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.” And the only reason they put adjuvants in vaccines is to save money.

Fact: Squalene is found naturally in the human body. It is a precursor of cholesterol and other compounds necessary to human health. Squalene antibodies were found in Gulf War veterans; but the rate turned out to be no higher in those who had Gulf War Syndrome than in those who didn’t. Squalene antibodies were found at similar rates in people who had never been exposed to squalene in vaccines. The anthrax vaccine has been ruled out as a possible cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Anyway, it turns out there was no squalene in the anthrax vaccine!

American flu vaccines do not contain adjuvants, but maybe they should. Adjuvants enhance the body’s innate immune response to the antigens in vaccines, making vaccines more effective. And they allow for broader cross-reactivity against viral strains not included in the vaccine. Mercola says adjuvants are added just to increase profits, but the pharmaceutical and health industries could make far more money treating patients in an epidemic than they could ever make trying to prevent one.

There is a large body of data demonstrating the safety of squalene. Flu vaccines containing MF59, a squalene-based adjuvant, have been used in Europe for 10 years, with 22,000,000 doses given; and no serious adverse events have occurred, only mild local reactions. The vaccine does not raise the incidence or titers of anti-squalene antibodies. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers it safe. (source)
Feel free to not get vaccinated, but get your facts straight.
Oct 3, 2010
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Plinco said:
I've known this for more than a year.

You're ahead of the heard of sheep then. When they all say beaaaa let's go to slaughter, you look at them all as morons and tell them why it could be wrong. You bad sheep.

HOW YOU KNOW THIS FOR MORE THAN 1 YEAR? I bet you're an active member of resistance. I bet you visit sites like for news. I bet you do your own god damn research instead of taking in information like a darn robot. I bet you don't practice group think. Congrands, you're a unique free self respecting individual. :up:

Unfortunately we can not say the same thing about masses of sheep out there who eat, dress, and do what TV tells them.

Honestly son I think it's a good idea to not listen to people who think of you as useless eaters.

"In 1979 I received a copy of a massive document commissioned by the Club of Rome and written by Cyrus Vance, three days after President James Earl Carter accepted it as official U.S. Policy....Global 2000 was unknown outside the Committee of 300 and carefully chosen official inside U.S. Government circles...."

"In his book 'The Impact of Science on Society' Russell expounded his views on how the world's population ought to be controlled, so as not to become a threat to the privileged rulers...." (page three, paragraph five)

"We are also witnessing the Great Plagues of 1987-2000 in the form of a, herpes, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis....Aids, as we know, is an artificially induced virus which in effect is a cancer of the blood. The first experiments were conducted in Africa on the border of Sierra Leone and Nigeria..." (page four and five paragraph's five and one)

"...namely that the world is populated with too many redundant people who must not be allowed to procreate and consume scarce natural resources..." (page five paragraph five)

"..jobless people be confined in concentration camps, run by a joint stock company for profit....Once committed to concentration camps, inmates would never leave there alive." (Page six, paragraph two)


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Thanks Rogue, it's refreshing to talk to someone who actually researches things and makes use of their brain.

After poking through some of your sources:

American Academy of Neurology said:
...given that GBS may be of greater concern with any pandemic vaccine because of the association of GBS with the 1976 swine flu vaccine...
The vaccine then created an incidence rate of GBS 7 times higher in people who had the vaccination, according to one of the sources.

It is one case, I understand that.

A vaccine does not need squalene to be effective. It works just fine without, however a higher dose is needed. Perhaps it's just a coincidence that vaccines containing squalene manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline et

edit: oops, rest of my post disappeared :( thanks for the info bigjohnson I'll look into it.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Quiksilver said:
The squalene adjuvant is a ****tail of chemicals, both organic and inorganic ...
Actually, this is incorrect. First, squalene is a naturally occurring chemical that the human body has naturally, and it's never been shown to be harmful AND no flu vaccine in America has ever contained any adjuvant, certainly not squalene, in any clinically significant quantity. Why say "clinically significant"? Well it seems that some vaccines (not the flu ones) might have been contaminated by a human fingerprint, which would contain squalene ...

Also, aliens are not making crop circles, that's just a bunch of bored hicks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
CuriousGirl said:
As soon as I saw the source "daily mail" I stopped reading. It should just generally be avoided.
i was thinking exactly the same thing

the british press is generally ........ quite SH!T........ and WAY to right wing ...... things never quite presented very balanced


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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kingsam said:
i was thinking exactly the same thing

the british press is generally ........ quite SH!T........ and WAY to right wing ...... things never quite presented very balanced
Right wing? What does that mean? The British press is VERY pro-Israel. In most parts of the world that would denote left wing. Israel was created by leftists and Jews have always been very leftist in nature.
Right Wing in Italy and Spanish soccer stadiums. You guys in England NEVER see this in your stadiums. This is the true right wing that does not exist in Anglo countries. Americans are so stupid that they called Bush right wing when he was Israel's greatest friend. Anglo people just confuse me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Quiksilver said:
Gulf War vets were injected with an anthrax vaccine before going into combat. The squalene in that vaccine had a mystery substance (MF59) that ended up causing plenty of problems for those soldiers and gave rise to the term Gulf War Syndrome.
"It is important to note that our laboratory-based investigations do not establish that squalene was added as adjuvant to any vaccine used in military or other personnel who served in the Persian Gulf War era." - Study
Oct 3, 2010
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Health Chiefs Confirm Link Between Flu Vaccine and Killer Nerve Disease

Anthony Gucciardi said:
Last year, you would be considered a medical “fraud” if you were to say that the swine flu vaccine may lead to Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a deadly autoimmune disorder that can lead to partial paralysis and death. Now, however, even the government is admitting that the swine flu vaccine may cause Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued a statement regarding the link between Guillain-Barre and the swine flu vaccine.

“Given the uncer tainties in the available information and as with seasonal flu vaccines, a slightly elevated risk of GBS following H1N1 vaccines cannot be ruled out. Epidemiological studies are ongoing to further assess this possible association.”

Unfortunately, this announcement has come far too late. Thousands of vaccines have been given worldwide, with 14,000 children in Oklahoma as test subjects for the experimental first wave of the swine flu vaccines in 2009. There was no shortage of warnings regarding the vaccine, however, with about 50% of doctors refusing to be injected. Citizens and doctors alike were also warned numerous times that the swine flu vaccine had a direct link with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

Even mainstream media was forced to pick up on the link, with the Times Online offering warning that the vaccine had a “death link”. Neurologists around the world were even warned about the safety of the vaccine by Professor Elizabeth Miller, head of the immunization department for UK’s Health Protection Agency.

“The vaccines used to combat an expected swine influenza pandemic in 1976 were shown to be associated with GBS and were withdrawn from use,” she wrote in a letter to neurologists.

Of course the government was quick to claim that the vaccinations were completely safe, and had met all of the safety requirements.

The department of health was quick to go against Professor Miller and claim that the vaccines had passed all of the required tests: “Appropriate trials to assess safety and immune responses have been carried out on vaccines very similar to the swine flu vaccine. The vaccines have been shown to have a good safety profile.”

If the government was confident regarding the safety of the vaccination, then why were manufacturers given complete legal immunity? This legal immunity made it impossible to sue the manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine. Even if the vaccines were safe to begin with, wouldn’t this enhance carelessness of the manufacturers? With complete legal immunity, the makers could get away with anything.

Why then, would anyone receive the swine flu vaccine? The simple answer is that the swine flu scare drove some citizens to run in fear, with the vaccine as their advertised salvation. In reality, swine flu did not turn out to be the pandemic that it was propagated to be. Citizens would be better off improving their immune system naturally through proper nutrition than to receive a deadly swine flu vaccine.

Have a safe and happy flu season guys, and remember - Jews, aliens, reptilians is a government spread propaganda designed for you to dismiss real issues. Real issues are global population reduction and one world government. All are on the hit list, except very rich, and very smart. H1N1 is a fraud; along with global warming, 9/11, war on terror, global financial crisis, and many other things.

P.S. Remember this fact: governments throughout history have used terror to make the sheep go to war. Example: Gulf of Tonkin. Thus examine everything they tell ya with a magnifying glass, ask questions, demand answers, and for the 100th time do your own research. Oh, almost forgot, one last thing, there are bunch of conspiracy theorists on your main stream TV news, beware.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
highconscienceness said:
Real issues are global population reduction and one world government.
Funny thing, as a neuroscience/economic major in a top 15 university I actually read this a lot in my economic textbooks. Many governments overtly or covertly try to reduce population and population growth because spiraling population growth generally interferes with many economic models.

But as for the whole vaccine thing...Anything that is manufactured technically has a risk when being put into your body. If they were meant to be in our body, they would have been there. There are over hundreds maybe thousands of processes going on in one human cell alone, where science is right now we cannot predict every outcome from just a few clinical trials. Plus not to mention every person is different so how one group of people react to a drug can be different from how another group reacts. That has nothing to do with one world governments it has to do with basic biochemistry and cell biology.

That's why I'm an advocate of overall health not drugs. Eat healthy and exercise get good sleep and keep good hygiene.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
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The [1976] vaccine then created an incidence rate of GBS 7 times higher in people who had the vaccination, according to one of the sources. It is one case, I understand that.
There's no decisive answer why the rate was higher. As Yale University neurologist Dr. Steven Novella explains,

GBS can not only be triggered by the flu or other infections, but also by vaccines used to prevent infections. This is because vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system, to provoke an immune response – which is what causes GBS. The risk of getting GBS from the flu vaccine is about 1 in a million. This is very reliable data, as we have been using the same basic technology for the flu vaccine for decades and we have reliable statistics on GBS as treatment requires hospitalization. Some cases may be missed if they are very mild (probably rare, but also if a case is too mild to be recognized then who cares) or from misdiagnosis (also probably rare as it is fairly easy to eventually confirm the diagnosis even if it may be difficult initially)...

As we gear up for the H1N1 flu vaccine there is much fear-mongering among the antivaccinationists, the usual conspiracy theorists and critics (usually competitors) with science-based medicine. The Daily Mail piece [from 2009], unfortunately, plays into this fear mongering while burying any reasonable responses from scientists deep within the article. The reason the GBS concern is raised is because in 1976 the H1N1 or swine flu vaccine triggered a GBS outbreak, and it is estimated that about 10 in a million recipients came down with GBS. It also turns out that the 1976 pandemic fizzled, and turned out to be very mild.

The risk of GBS from the flu vaccine has been around 1 in a million – a very rare complication. The risk may not be any higher for the H1N1 vaccine. It is actually not known why the 1976 vaccine had a higher rate of GBS, but it has not been repeated in the last 30 years. Perhaps there is something about H1N1 that increases the risk of GBS, and for this reason monitoring GBS as the vaccine is administered is reasonable. (source)
But as for the whole vaccine thing... Anything that is manufactured technically has a risk when being put into your body. If they were meant to be in our body, they would have been there.... That's why I'm an advocate of overall health not drugs. Eat healthy and exercise get good sleep and keep good hygiene.
Statements like this are very common in anti-vaccine literature, the intent apparently being to suggest that vaccines are not needed. Improved socioeconomic conditions have undoubtedly had an indirect impact on disease. Better nutrition, not to mention the development of antibiotics and other treatments, have increased survival rates among the sick; less crowded living conditions have reduced disease transmission; and lower birth rates have decreased the number of susceptible household contacts. But looking at the actual incidence of disease over the years can leave little doubt of the significant direct impact vaccines have had, even in modern times.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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BigJimbo said:
Right wing? What does that mean? The British press is VERY pro-Israel. In most parts of the world that would denote left wing. Israel was created by leftists and Jews have always been very leftist in nature.
Right Wing in Italy and Spanish soccer stadiums. You guys in England NEVER see this in your stadiums. This is the true right wing that does not exist in Anglo countries. Americans are so stupid that they called Bush right wing when he was Israel's greatest friend. Anglo people just confuse me.
You're just wrong. Right wing people in the USA are generally conservative Republicans...which as a group have supported Israel and a strong military presence in the middle east for many many years.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Rogue, few are arguing against the benefits of a pure vaccine.

People like me don't like the host of other compounds that are added to the vaccines.

I do not like thimerosal, aluminum, phenol, or formaldehyde being injected into my blood stream, regardless of dosage. I would rather get sick for a couple days and develop a natural immunity to a particular strain of influenza than go down that route.

If there is a serious statistical risk to myself in a future pandemic then I'll weigh the costs and benefits and likely take the vaccine, but I'll question why politicians choose a different one and the military are ordered to take one without the adjuvant.

edit: And cordoncordon, please do not discuss partisan politics on this board. It is against the boards policy and isn't tolerated currently.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
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There are certain established threshold levels for the presence of chemicals in your blood to have no clinical significance and the chemicals are quickly excreted by your body. Vaccines must contain preservatives of some kind to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination, so if it wasn't thimersol and formaldehyde then it would be some other chemical and we'd be having the same discussion. As for the other chemicals which are trace elements from the production process, which are removed from vaccines but small traces still remain, they also are within the blood threshold levels to have no clinical significance. As a minor point, the H1N1 vaccines do not contain ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) but rather the similar sounding (but completely different) 2-phenoxyethanol.

The natural immunity route results in actively shedding the virus for a number of days and having the potential to spreading to people in high risk groups such as the elderly, immunocomprised, and very young children, who may die as an indirect result of your infection. Vaccinations do not result in active shedding, for the obvious reason the samples are either dead or genetically inactivated.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Quiksilver said:
.... I would rather get sick for a couple days and develop a natural immunity to a particular strain of influenza than go down that route

And maybe kill a few old people you walk past in the mall. Well done.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
bigjohnson said:
And maybe kill a few old people you walk past in the mall. Well done.
fear, lies and control.

Do you even know what you sound like.
'Get a jab or you will kill someone'.

Anyway, one only as to follow the money trail and it all becomes clear.
Swine flu was an over-hyped money spinner, people where not dropping down dead in mall's -

Take the shot or not, just remember your most probably just another statistic to make some people a-lot of money.

Glaxosmithkline made a shed load of money out of this, they also had government advisors on the payroll - we had a recent scandle about it all hushed up of-course because sadly most people are like you.

Keep arguing of pro's and con's of taking a jab - taking jab's is ok, but anyone who is willing to take a shot of something without doing a shred of research in my book is a fool - Swine flu was a over-hyped money spinner - take your shot, line up.

Control through fear - and if you don't think this goes on, you really are behond help.

If someone chooses to not take a Jab it is there choice, what they shouldn't be subjected to is ridicule and emotive shi* about how they will kill someone - but people like yourself can't help it can you?!

This sort of response inevitably leads to this:

What's next making everyone take a shot, or else?!

The reason why this sort of thing get's up my nose, is because of the blind faith in the 'establishment' and the championing' of said establishment through no reason other than blind faith in the establishment, even if that establishment shows evidence of blips - not only blind faith in said establishment but ridiculing anyone else who doesn't support your world view and total serfdom to the establishments that you subscribe to - underneath the gloss, control how you act and how you think -- this is almost akin to sleep-walking into a communist state where by the powers that be are the ultimate good and anyone who opposes or has an opposing view point is some form of dissenter, who needs to be 'corrected', or else face consequences.

Yes I maybe going a little far here, but no further than stating people will die if you don't comply!

The NKVD link is trying to show the ultimate form of control – Innocent the comment may sound, but taking to it’s extreme level results in NKVD breaking down your door, raping your wife, making you watch then putting a bullet in your head, because you didn’t go along with the state control.
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