Experiment: Be Her Therapist for Ultimate Success


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
My car broke down, so won't be seeing her this week, as it's going to be in the shop until Wednesday. I'll just have to concentrate on local women within biking range. :)

I called her last week to say Hi and tell her I'd been busy, but that I'd call her back and we'd set something up. She was pleasantly surprized that I'd called her (long-distance), instead of just eMailing. Seemed happy to talk to me. Told her I preferred talking live. I'm learning. :D

Now I'm going to have to call her again today to tell her about the car, and we'll have to postpone until next week. I'll keep you guys posted on developments.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.

Called her to set up a mini-golf date. She didn't want to do that, saying she hates mini-golf because she's rotten at it. I should have offered to "coach" her, but thought of it too late. Anyways, I asked her for an alternative idea instead, so she suggested listening to music at her place. I thought that was a good idea (hey, I may be RAFC but I'm not clueless hehe) and agreed.

The day of the date, she flaked on me (left a message on my machine) saying she'd had a horrible day (her car had broken down) and didn't feel like company anymore. This would have been our third date. I'm sure it was legit, but when I called her back I still expressed some subtle doubt just in case, and told her to call me when she was feeling up to having company. She said she would. Another thing that came up during the convo is that she realized that her living conditions make having privacy difficult (she has room-mates), so that may have something to do with her changing her mind too, as she didn't seem keen on re-trying the music at her place idea. She leaned more towards going out. Or maybe the slvt-factor hit her, I dunno. I'll keep you posted...