Exception that proves the rule?

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
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Hi everyone, i was just wondering about something that is hapenning to a friend (female) that i used to date.
She started going out with a guy, and this guy is a complete AFC, he does exactly the opposite of a DJ should do, he fails all the tests she throws at him and in every socials situations i go with them, he just show how f*ckin insecure he is.
He gets pissed with her even when she is just talking or having fun with other friends (male and female), he is possessive, jealous, really annoys her with all that stuff and says that he does it just because he likes her very much.
Her past boyfriends were kind of Djs / Alphas, and ive asked her how did she not got bored with this guy yet.
I was shocked with the answer, she said that she really likes and feels passion about him.
Shes probably not using him for money or anything else because if she did, she probably would tell me since nowadays we are just very close friends.

Any comments?

Thank you!

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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He's got a 9-er. :up:

In all seriousness, she's probably tired of dating jerks (who can come off as DJs since line between DJ and jerk is very thin). Now she is happy and secure with this AFC because she knows that he will always be there for her at the end of the night.

Or she has suffered self-esteem issues with previous boyfriends. And now she's regaining it back, although in an unhealthy and wrong style, via this AFC. He supplicates and pedestals her while she works herself back up from the pile of rubble that the previous bf's put her in.

I'd still lean towards her wanting a sure and secure thing though.

Definitely an exception but I can't see it lasting for too long and even if it does, then you KNOW somebody is COMPENSATING themselves.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Did she always try to control the relationship with you but could never get control of you?

If the answer is yes you have the answer to why she is with the AFC ie she can control him.

If its not that then I definitely agree with what The Bat said.

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
She did not tried to get control of me (not in a sick way, i think every woman tries it a little, right?)
She was more an attention seeker than a controlling b*tch.
But my point is how can she be attracted to that guy, she even feels a little insecure about her behavior, like thinking if she is doing anything wrong to the guy feel bad and treat her this way. Maybe she has no clue that he is a huge AFC, but its pretty obvious...
I think The Bat is right, she is probably sick of suffering with jerks and is feeling cool being the dominant one in the relationship, but she probably will get bored with him sooner or later...


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Telos said:
He might have a huge c*ck.

this dj seduction community stuff is not an exact science. sometimes attraction occurs at a level that nobody can explain. i was talking to this chick a couple weeks ago. im friends with her and her boyfriend. we were talking about when guys act like afc's(i didnt use that term with her). she was like "my boyfriend acts like that all the time, but he makes me laugh." she went on to say that it doesnt bother her when her boyfriend shows weakness or shows emotion. they've been together for awhile and seem to have a good relationship.

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score

Telos, you might have reached an interesting point, do you guys think sex skills or c*ck size can compensate p*ssy AFC behavior in a relationship?


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Ambition Now said:

Telos, you might have reached an interisting point, do you guys think sex skills or c*ck size can compensate p*ssy AFC behavior in a relationship?
do u guys think there is a correlation between afc level and sexual ability? i mean if your hittin her in all the right spots on the regular you are pretty confident in the relationship right? then u would naturally act less afc. your thoughts.....

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
I think it can be true sometimes, usually this happens to me, the more sex i have with the girl, i feel more confident in the relationship.
But i dont think its necessary always this way beacuse confidence / insecurity is not exclusively related to sex.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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Great sex does NOT equal DJ behavior.

If it were that easy, then this site wouldn't exist since the recommendation would be to just go get laid every weekend by anyone (even a hooker).

Initially, you might. But you'd resort to AFC thoughts since you start missing the good sex real soon. Then all the flowers, poetry, and endless calls start in order to win "her" back and have good sex.

The cornerstone of AFC behavior is desperation, neediness, and scarcity mindset. Even if the sex is great, the AFC would say to himself, "Wow, she is so good in bed. I NEED her. I will NEVER find somebody like her who is so sweet and good in bed. I HAVE to have her."

It is pretty rare to find somebody who TURNED into a DJ after he figured out that he was good in bed.


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
The Bat said:
Great sex does NOT equal DJ behavior.

If it were that easy, then this site wouldn't exist since the recommendation would be to just go get laid every weekend by anyone (even a hooker).

Initially, you might. But you'd resort to AFC thoughts since you start missing the good sex real soon. Then all the flowers, poetry, and endless calls start in order to win "her" back and have good sex.

The cornerstone of AFC behavior is desperation, neediness, and scarcity mindset. Even if the sex is great, the AFC would say to himself, "Wow, she is so good in bed. I NEED her. I will NEVER find somebody like her who is so sweet and good in bed. I HAVE to have her."

It is pretty rare to find somebody who TURNED into a DJ after he figured out that he was good in bed.
good point