Everyone Needs To Watch This Episode!!! NOW!!!!


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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This episode is from the television show "the Wonder Years."

I'm sure many of you have seen the show before but some people probably haven't.

Here is an episode entitled "of Mastodons and Men."

In my opinion, this episode touches on the "nice guy" image and what can happen if you don't put your foot down.

Even if you hate this show, I still recommend watching this episode because it is so relevant and to see how he acts in this episode really hits the nail on the head for nice guys until he just can't take it anymore.

I think most of the "nice guys" who watch this will see a little bit of themselves in Kevin and why it's no good to be acting like he was.

It's only about 20 mins long but it's in 4 parts on youtube. Here are the links:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:


I would like feedback from you guys after you watch this episode. I know somebody out there will watch it and get a a whole new understanding of the "nice guy." :yes:

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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WOW - I actually watched the whole thing. Definitely took me back to my AFC days where I wanted to please a girl just so she's stick around. Part of it made me cringe a bit.

The most cringe-worthy part was at the end, where Ben goes "someday you'll learn, it's not so bad - having people care for you." To the point where they're giving orders at you on every little thing without giving you much freedom? Or to where you have your balls chopped off and can't even drive a car you like because your woman says you shouldn't do it? No thank you!


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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Harry Wilmington said:
WOW - I actually watched the whole thing. Definitely took me back to my AFC days where I wanted to please a girl just so she's stick around. Part of it made me cringe a bit.

The most cringe-worthy part was at the end, where Ben goes "someday you'll learn, it's not so bad - having people care for you." To the point where they're giving orders at you on every little thing without giving you much freedom? Or to where you have your balls chopped off and can't even drive a car you like because your woman says you shouldn't do it? No thank you!
Yes, i figured it would stick with some people.

After Kevin's speech at the dinner table when Ben was just sitting by himself after everyone left the room, he was probably thinking, "Kevin had the guts to do what I never did."

I'm just hoping that the "nice guys" who watch this will see how dumb it is to act a certain way just to impress a girl. When people realize they are acting exactly like Kevin, it might help to change them. It's a lot easier to change when you see how someone is actually acting as opposed to just reading it on the message boards.

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
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Thank you for that vid. Kevin was just an honest kid who felt the infatuation of having a gf. He was doing these nice things and changing himself to please her; he wasn't viewing his actions as pathetic at the time. I do see the importance of setting up ground rules EARLY. I wonder how the relationship would have played out had he said "striped shirts are dumb as hell" when she recommended it to him. Or telling her that he is going to hang with the guys for the day instead. When you wait it out until later it becomes much more of a big deal, as if you are changing the entire dynamic of the relationship.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Man! Watching the Chump-diggity dad was gut wrenching! Phuckin-A! Set things straight at the beginning or get out, cuz $hit's gonna be a downward spiral the more your nuts shrink and shrivel up while your girl's get bigger.

Good episode!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
I'm seriously laughing SO hard.


Oh GOODDD, my abs.

This was so stereotypical "me" in my younger days.

Kevin is such a nice guy... and Julie's Dad was a huge b!tch.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Great show...classic

whats really funny is how much things have changed in media from the 90s to now.

notice how grown up kevin acts as a keen eyed analyst of the situation..this is what is missing today....men are simply clueless as the what is happening in their lives because of overwhelming media faggotry

I mean we have homo sh!t like glee, american idol, x factor...ryan gosling sh!t...the whole culture is faggotized to an extreme degree.

then theres is the advertising...men as bumbling morons...and women as the heroes teaching men how to wipe their azzes.

men simply lack any tools for analytic thinking through media and the way things are going this is bound to get worse

@sneevox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7U0r7vIrgM&feature=fvwrel


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
Burroughs said:
then theres is the advertising...men as bumbling morons...and women as the heroes teaching men how to wipe their azzes.

What specific advertisement could you present?

I just feel like this would be a good laugh to see.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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Sneevox said:
What specific advertisement could you present?

I just feel like this would be a good laugh to see.
Here's one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoxZ1LszoJ4

It's the "Oscar Selects" commercial, where the husband keeps coming up with things he wants to do, and the wife keeps saying "no" as if she wears the pants in the family. Sadly, there are MANY MORE commercials like this than I care to post up...


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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Burroughs said:
Great show...classic

whats really funny is how much things have changed in media from the 90s to now.

notice how grown up kevin acts as a keen eyed analyst of the situation..this is what is missing today....men are simply clueless as the what is happening in their lives because of overwhelming media faggotry
The reason Kevin acts so grown up is because he's telling that story as an adult. The episode came out in 1992 but it was set in 1972. The show covers Kevin (as an adult) looking back at his life growing up from 1968-1973 and this episode was set in the year 1972. The narration is him as an adult so that's why he sounds so grown up.

notice in the beginning that Ben asked kevin who he likes for the World Series and then ben said that "oakland is going to knock everyone on their butts." This is a reference to the athletics winning the 1972 World Series: http://www.baseball-reference.com/postseason/1972_WS.shtml


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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RockaRolla25 said:
The reason Kevin acts so grown up is because he's telling that story as an adult. The episode came out in 1992 but it was set in 1972. The show covers Kevin (as an adult) looking back at his life growing up from 1968-1973 and this episode was set in the year 1972. The narration is him as an adult so that's why he sounds so grown up.

notice in the beginning that Ben asked kevin who he likes for the World Series and then ben said that "oakland is going to knock everyone on their butts." This is a reference to the athletics winning the 1972 World Series: http://www.baseball-reference.com/postseason/1972_WS.shtml
I think you missed my point

i mean 'grown up kevin' as in 'narrator kevin'

I am quite familiar with the show :D

The underlying point was that 'narrator' kevin ie adult kevin is dropping wisdom that would not fly for television in 2012...like it did int the 80s-90s

todays media, television, glee etc portrays males as emasculated homos who live only to please women....'narrator kevin's' words would seem like mgtow propaganda to today's tight jeaned homo male.

even kevin breaking up with the girl at the dinner table would not happen in todays sitcom market....the poll numbers would go way down, women can't take any kind of rejection even close to that.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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Burroughs said:
I think you missed my point

i mean 'grown up kevin' as in 'narrator kevin'

I am quite familiar with the show :D

The underlying point was that 'narrator' kevin ie adult kevin is dropping wisdom that would not fly for television in 2012...like it did int the 80s-90s

todays media, television, glee etc portrays males as emasculated homos who live only to please women....'narrator kevin's' words would seem like mgtow propaganda to today's tight jeaned homo male.

even kevin breaking up with the girl at the dinner table would not happen in todays sitcom market....the poll numbers would go way down, women can't take any kind of rejection even close to that.
I see what you're saying now. Even the part with kevin playing football after school with his friends is rarely seen now.

In today's world, they would've been playing video games at someone's house after school.


Apr 9, 2010
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Just watched it. Good to see Kev realized he was becoming someone different.

I think this is one of the main reasons why women fall for bad boys. I'm not saying Kevin had a bad boy persona. Women fall for bad boys hoping to make an attempt to "change them for the better". As soon as they change, then that's when the interest starts fading. What people need to realize is, women fall for guys how they were when they met them. When they start changing because of the girl they met, then they don't like the changed person you became, nor do you.

Of course, all change isn't bad. If you're changing for self improvement, then go for it.

Harry Wilmington said:
Here's one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoxZ1LszoJ4

It's the "Oscar Selects" commercial, where the husband keeps coming up with things he wants to do, and the wife keeps saying "no" as if she wears the pants in the family. Sadly, there are MANY MORE commercials like this than I care to post up...
That commercial just pissed me the fvck off. Imagine if that commercial aired back in the 80s or something. It would have never been even considered or believable because it's not a realistic situation. I felt like the woman was the father, and the husband was some sort of indiscipline daughter.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
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i might be missing the point, but i htink you guys are looking too much into this tv show.

girls have their own lives too. it's not like they're out to just "tame" and control guys. what i actually expected after watching the first part was for julie to dump kevin after he got too whipped.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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garruk said:
i might be missing the point, but i htink you guys are looking too much into this tv show.

girls have their own lives too. it's not like they're out to just "tame" and control guys. what i actually expected after watching the first part was for julie to dump kevin after he got too whipped.
What I got out of it was that she was a girl who wanted a guy that she could control. Remember there are girls out there who WANT a lapdog to do everything for them. This is why the girl is happy and the guy is miserable.

but then there are other girls out there who want a real man and would've dumped kevin based on his actions.

At the end of the episode when kevin asked ben how Julie was doing, ben said "oh she found a new guy and they're going steady." And Kevin says "No kidding?" and ben says, "yeah he looks great in stripes." To me this is implying that she already found a new guy to manipulate and she's already got him wearing striped shirts. She was basically a girl looking for a guy she could control.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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SeymourCake said:
Just watched it. Good to see Kev realized he was becoming someone different.

I think this is one of the main reasons why women fall for bad boys. I'm not saying Kevin had a bad boy persona. Women fall for bad boys hoping to make an attempt to "change them for the better". As soon as they change, then that's when the interest starts fading. What people need to realize is, women fall for guys how they were when they met them. When they start changing because of the girl they met, then they don't like the changed person you became, nor do you.

Of course, all change isn't bad. If you're changing for self improvement, then go for it.

That commercial just pissed me the fvck off. Imagine if that commercial aired back in the 80s or something. It would have never been even considered or believable because it's not a realistic situation. I felt like the woman was the father, and the husband was some sort of indiscipline daughter.
I can't stand that phuckin commercial!

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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I loved that show and use to watch back when it was originally aired and the reruns. I looked just like Kevin (Fred Savage) does in this episode back when I was around his age. I even had his thick hair back then lol. Although, I looked like he does in this episode at age 13 since I was about 6' tall when I was 16 or the same age he is here.

We're close in age and contemporaries in reality although this show is set 20 years earlier. I'm about 3 years older (Im 39, my age is listed wrong). Even though my teens was in the late 80's to early 90s and not the late 60's to early 70s, Burroughs its absolutely right so much has changed since the 80's and 90s.

For example my experience as a 14-15 year old in the 80s wasn't exactly as picture perfect as Kevin's. I was nice to a point but more of a bad boy who was shy and awkward with girls if that makes sense. I had a crush on a cute brunette who ironically was named Julie too. My experience with her was mostly gazing at her in class. Grabbing her a$$ every evening on the school bus as she got off at her stop at home. And other similar awkward shenanigans. But I never was able to really talk to her and go on a date even though she tried to talk to me before moving away. I was crushed.

Did you get that? I grabbed her a$$ all the time. I imagined if you did this today as a teen male in middle/high school you'd be labeled a borderline sex offender, expelled for sexual imposition or some such nonsense. And it wasnt for lack of girls that would've tattle telled. People just didn't think anything wrong of sexual flirtation at the time like they do today. Also I remember female and male teachers flirted with their students and I wouldn't be surprised if they had sexual contact sometimes. Then, it was kept quiet and overlooked mostly. Today it's considered some horrible thing.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Stagger Lee said:
Did you get that? I grabbed her a$$ all the time. I imagined if you did this today as a teen male in middle/high school you'd be labeled a borderline sex offender, expelled for sexual imposition or some such nonsense. And it wasnt for lack of girls that would've tattle telled. People just didn't think anything wrong of sexual flirtation at the time like they do today. Also I remember female and male teachers flirted with their students and I wouldn't be surprised if they had sexual contact sometimes. Then, it was kept quiet and overlooked mostly. Today it's considered some horrible thing.
I am 26 but I am a keen student of history and I talk about this a lot with older cousins, friends, uncles....I really feel we live in unfortunate times when it comes to men and their existence....being male itself is nearly considered a crime.

Everyone is so extra, extra sensitive and young girls are the worst..we live in a hyper sexual age....we can get hardcore porn on our smartphones and girls learn to leverage their looks very early...plus the hormones in milk and meat are making then develop early....girls learn to fixate and manipulate and society gives them the cues through gaga, bieber, all this faggot sh!t.

boys, teenagers, and men nowadays on the whole are emasculated eunuchs who are literally afraid of the females that surround them...male energy is considered taboo and nearly criminal. girls are angels and boys are just criminals in the making.

There are no more role models in this hyper media age...You have no james deans, marlon brandos, or even bruce willis' to look up to in film (today girls would call willis a creeper...ineffectual pretty boy faggots are whats in style lol)...no one rebels anymore...everyone is a good little biyach struggling to get into college and then working for the state...the best you get is fruity azz ryan renolds or ashton kutcher ...no wonder most dudes under 20 dress and sound like fairy homos.

bottom line is today an average good natured kid like kevin would get NO PLAY...todays winny would be hosting gangbangs and snorting lines of coke while taking it up the azz in her basement to get over her dead brother (see I know the show! :) ) todays kevin would be an outcast and would likely have to become a goth, wear eyeliner, buy a trench coat, and live on the outskirts of high-school culture. my how things have changed.