Equal Rights Amendment, epic backfire?


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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So I've been following the news lately and there is talk about bringing back the ERA (equal rights amendment). Normally this kind of feminist bvll**** makes me roll my eyes since women have more rights than men; but when I think about it, this is might be a huge blessing in disguise and backfire spectacularly on people who operate at delusional levels.

Feminists, and the people in general, are incapable of seeing more than a few inches past their own nose at any given point. Couple short-sightedness with an unrealistic perception of reality and you get them pushing for legislation they think will help minorities and women which has backfired on them time and time again. I'm sure they think that the ERA will close the non-existent wage gap, but all this is academic because it's already illegal to pay women less.

And then we come to the ERA. Feminists are already trying to get this back into consideration, and I saw we let them do it.

Am I wrong, or would the ERA basically solve the divorce court and child custody issues in one fell swoop? This would be the most hilarious backfire of the decade if it did.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Well, looks like Gov Blackface, and his band of crazed DemonKKKraps just put Virginia firmly back in the Red column for 2020, with their stupid antics. I'm gonna hafta remember to send those dumbasses a fruit basket or something, to thank them for their sacrifice.
Wait, so is it Gov BlacKKKface or Gov Coonman....???
