Dude tried to start a fight


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
New York
So today my friend and I were at the store and this dude comes in and starts talking **** to my friend. I think someone probably fought with him before and he thought it was us.
So he starts saying **** like, "Yo you were messing with me yesterday. Why don't you fight me now? I got my boys outside." I overhear this and I get between them and say, "What's going on?" Then this dude just keeps talking **** trying to get us to fight. I try to diffuse the situation but then I realize this guy is either drunk or psychotic. By now a small crowd is gathered round us. So I say "We don't want any trouble, you got the wrong guys", and then we leave.
I hate it when it seems like I am backing down, but this guy had 3-4 of his friends outside vs. the two of us. Anything you guys would do in a situation like this?


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Fighting is what you resort to when you do not have the intellect or social skills to resolve a situation. Fighting is the biggest way of pussy-ing out.

But then again, sometimes somebody just need to get their ass beat.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Monster said:
I hate it when it seems like I am backing down, but this guy had 3-4 of his friends outside vs. the two of us. Anything you guys would do in a situation like this?
Did you see his friends or are you just taking his word for it?

4 or 5 guys on 2 is more of a beating than a fight.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
when I was in high school I got to a Central High Football game about 45 mintues early, and I was parking my dad's car (he let me drive it on the weekends) and as I get out, 5 fat *****es and a dude cut me off as I was walking to the stadium screaming "that's him, beat his ass!".. I'm like what the fvck is going on.. are they talking about me? I don't live here, nor do I go to school here... I'm just trying to go in and get some ass and watch football. It got to the opint where one of them was pushing me, trying to start something.. after 20 mintues of me saying it wasn't me, I finally convincened them that I wasn't the guy they were looking for... there is a guy that looks idenitical to me that pissed them the fvck off whatever he did.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
I'd listen to his sh1t for a little while, without looking like a deer in headlights, you know miding my own sh1t. Then I'd smile and tell him he's a pvssy, bring your friends in, he's getting hurt either way.

If he's for real he'd go outside and get his friends.

If not, he'll continue to talk sh1t. At which point I'd tell him I only talk to men that I respect. And I woulnd't talk to him at all from that point on.

Now, should he beging something threatening at all, like getting in my face. Take that hand, twisted out, drop him on the floor, turn him over. Beat him with your fist on the right side of chest. 10 of this will mess him up bad.

He brings his friends in?

Pick the biggest guy, knock his teeth out right away. No talking or sh1t like that. Then spread your hands like a con and ask if anybody else wants to fight?

They hesitate, fvck. Pvssies. They want to fight or attacking you right away, kill them all. You can do a lot of damage by yourself. If you got a buddy with you, you can probably kill the whole city.

You walking away from a drunk guy? WTF? Kick his a55... It don't matter if he calls the cops. Tell them he was drunk and tried to fight you, you defended yourself.

I would not pass up this opportunity to kick some a55. I bet he had like a crack head, a dop head, another drunk, and two homos outside. Placing a bet if he can make you two pvssies stick your tails between your legs and run away.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
New York
traffic said:
Did you see his friends or are you just taking his word for it?

4 or 5 guys on 2 is more of a beating than a fight.
Yeah they were in a car outside.

backbreaker said:
when I was in high school I got to a Central High Football game about 45 mintues early, and I was parking my dad's car (he let me drive it on the weekends) and as I get out, 5 fat *****es and a dude cut me off as I was walking to the stadium screaming "that's him, beat his ass!".. I'm like what the fvck is going on.. are they talking about me? I don't live here, nor do I go to school here... I'm just trying to go in and get some ass and watch football. It got to the opint where one of them was pushing me, trying to start something.. after 20 mintues of me saying it wasn't me, I finally convincened them that I wasn't the guy they were looking for... there is a guy that looks idenitical to me that pissed them the fvck off whatever he did.
I think that's what happened in my case.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
I think it's always a really bad idea to fight unless it's for sport or a true self defense situation where all other options have been exhausted. You never know if the other guy's going to pull out a gun or knife, and even if you "win", he could come after you later when you're not expecting it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
If it was a case of mistaken identity, I'd just say, "hey, you're mistaking me for someone else and I have no idea what you're angry about" and walk away. If he and his friends try to block my escape or put their hands on me, then I'd have no choice but to defend myself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
it sounds like you did the right thing. You shouldn't apologize or act submissive in any way. But in what you said, you didn't disrespect yourself at all.

The only justification for violence is to defend against someone else who is already using force. If he attacks you, fight back. If all he does is insult you, insult him back or be the better man. Either way, this is a country of free speech. Words don't justify violence.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
the best thing to do is remain calm,unreactive and smile defusingly from ear to ear.I have done this many times with aggrivated people and it's worked out for me.All they are looking for is a reaction and once they got it they may pounce.It's always best to settle things as diplomatic( ie;beer and corn chips) as possible..but if push comes to shove it's best to put your dukes up and give it hell :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
This is when its nice to have a concealed weapons permit and just casually pull it out. "Are you sure you got the right guy?"

I remember one time, I was sitting at a stoplight with my dad (dad's a cop, carry's gun in the glove box), and we see this group of skinhead looking dudes yelling at an older black man who was just minding his own business using the crosswalk.

They followed him into this parking lot and were just screaming and yelling out slurs at him. The guy had to have been about 50 or 60 years old and he looked really scared. So my dad pulls into the parking lot right as the white supremicists catch up to the guy.

My dad reaches into the glove box, grabs the .45, rolls down the window, sticks his arm casually out the window, points the gun at the group of skinheads and says, "How 'bout you guys take a hike?" Look on their faces was priceless and they started running. lol!


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
ValleyDJing said:
This is when its nice to have a concealed weapons permit and just casually pull it out. "Are you sure you got the right guy?"
And go to prison for brandishing. Using a gun is a tricky thing unless you've already decided to shoot.

ValleyDJing said:
(dad's a cop, carry's gun in the glove box)
Or you're a cop I suppose. That simplifies brandishing issues I'd think.

The classes I had to take (safety and law) to get a CHL emphasised NOT brandishing and only pulling if you had to shoot, basically if someone sees my gun it's already got smoke coming out. If through some miracle the situation changes for the better in the 1-2 seconds it takes to put the weapon into service then it might not happen that way but more than likely it's escalating and not slowing down anyway.

Maybe laws vary or something.

I've put it in my hand but out of sight more than once, but that's a different thing.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
You most certainly walk unless he starts throwing punches or something. If you let him get to you you're just being insecure. Like they say, no one can lower your value unless you allow them to. If a woman rejects you, do you call her a b1tch? No, because a) she doesn't dictate your value b) you're in control of your emotions.

If I had witness your interaction I certainly wouldn't have thought your a pvssy, I would have thought "nice, that guy remained cool, difused the situation and move on from a battle he had nothing to gain from and a lot to lose".


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
ValleyDJing said:
This is when its nice to have a concealed weapons permit and just casually pull it out. "Are you sure you got the right guy?"

I remember one time, I was sitting at a stoplight with my dad (dad's a cop, carry's gun in the glove box), and we see this group of skinhead looking dudes yelling at an older black man who was just minding his own business using the crosswalk.

They followed him into this parking lot and were just screaming and yelling out slurs at him. The guy had to have been about 50 or 60 years old and he looked really scared. So my dad pulls into the parking lot right as the white supremicists catch up to the guy.

My dad reaches into the glove box, grabs the .45, rolls down the window, sticks his arm casually out the window, points the gun at the group of skinheads and says, "How 'bout you guys take a hike?" Look on their faces was priceless and they started running. lol!

nice,that's how you handle shiet :woo:
props to your pops :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Great story, Valley.
But seriously, dudes. Do NOT do this in real life, unless you are a Polic Officer, OR you see someone being attacked, raped, beaten, etc.
While you all know gthat states' friearm/lethal force laws vary, generally speaking, you CANNOT "show" a weapon, ven if you have a Concealed Carry permit.
If you'r not in a Life or Death situation, you cannot brandish a firearm (like lifting up your shirt) unless you're ready to shoot. You guys also know that a "warning shot" will alos land you in jaiil, right? Yeah, most laws do not allow a warning shot, as it's not a justifieable use of lethal force.
Anyway, guys, in general, be very , very careful on assume stuff related to firearms useage and laws regarding them.
Always, and I mean always go to your States' laws, and real self defense/firearms advice and info on reputabel sources. Lookup Lethal Force Institute, and Gunsite, Thunder Ranch, and plenty of others that offer info, advice, and practical training of course.

Oh, and as for fighting. Self Defense doesn't always mean actual physical techniques and fighting as such.
But as a general rule, don't fight unless you have NO Escape.
And, you are protectig someone weaker. And in most States too, you do have a right to defend yourself in your workplace too.
Don't fight someone over an insult, of course. This is, and should be obvious to you guys.
Anyway, realize that Self Defense/Martial Art training is a great activity to do. Great stress relief. Fun. Interesting both physically and mentally. Great for Hand/Eye coordination. Builds confidence. Environmental Awareness. Is even a factor in your pursuit of the Spiritual path.Obviously, fighting proficiency, and Self Defense technique (actual real street fighintg skill) is the most obvious benefit and highly valueable in this world we live in.

Don't look down on MA/SD. It's good for you. In many ways.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
bigjohnson said:
And go to prison for brandishing. Using a gun is a tricky thing unless you've already decided to shoot.

Or you're a cop I suppose. That simplifies brandishing issues I'd think.

Well first of all, I've taken some criminology classes and of course, both of my parents are or were police officers at some point in their lives. Basically, its my understanding that if you have the proper legal documentation and are threatened with bodily harm (being jumped by 5 guys could very easily classify), you have the right to brandish your weapon in self-defense.

Second of all, if these guys are gonna act all tough and threaten you with bodily harm, they sure as hell better not be snitching.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
StoneColdFox said:
Fighting is what you resort to when you do not have the intellect or social skills to resolve a situation. Fighting is the biggest way of pussy-ing out.

But then again, sometimes somebody just need to get their ass beat.
Oh yea clearly talking to the Nazis, Italians and Japanese in World War II worked... Men FIGHT. You just gotta pick if the fight is worth it or not. Don't listen to p'ssies who advocate peace and talk for every confrontation... they have no pride or dignity. These type of people will watch a crime happen and do nothing, cuz they don't want to get involved.