Double-Header Bangs and a Friend


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Gentlemen, it’s been a while, BUT I’m glad to be back. This would be the first double-header report in over a year.

Last night’s double header started as a simple date: HB 8.5, 27 yo, a Persian princess met online six days ago. Guru’s exchange with the HB8.5 (“Girl 1”) broke every DJ rule of behavior before first meet-up.

1) Spoke to her on the phone for 1.5 hours;
2) Texted throughout the day;
3) Texted good mornings/good nights.

Yes, I beta-ized her.

I made plans with her on Wednesday for a drink meet Friday night at 8 pm. But naturally when you beta-ize by superfluous communications before the first meet, you will likely get the following:

Text Exchange with Girl 1 said:
Guru (12:30 pm): See you at the XYZ lounge, at 8 pm

Girl 1(2:11 pm): I can’t

Girl 1 (2:15 pm): I went into work today on my day off and I have to go to the hair salon at 5 pm
What’s a Guru to do? It was expected and no double header scheduled. You reap what you sow.

I delete her phone number and go to the rolodex of six numbers that I accumulated during the week. Lo and behold, I remember that I went ghost in a text exchange with a HB8 (“Girl 2”) earlier in the week as I got busy. So I text Girl 2:
Text Exchange with Girl 2 said:
Guru (2:18 pm): Hey, sorry. What do you have planned this weekend?

Girl 2 (2:35 pm): Nothing much as of now

Guru (3:11 pm): I know this is short notice, but I would like to meet up for a drink tonight locally and get to know each other better. Let me know if that works for you.

Girl 2 (3:15 pm): Tonight probably won’t work. I am meeting with a friend for dinner.

Guru: (3:21 pm): OK. If that changes or you finish early, let me know =)

Girl 2: (3:22 p.m): Ok, I can text you after dinner and you let me know ;)
OK, nothing definite, and bit drained from killing it at the office, so I decide to take a leave from tonight’s fun and stay late at the office.

Sure enough, at 6 pm, Girl 1 calls. I ignore and send her to voicemail. And so, the texting ensues:
Girls 1's Chase said:
Girl 1 (6:12 pm): Hey

Girl 1 (6:42 pm): What is your problem?

Girl 1 (7:12 pm): Are you mad at me?

Girl 1 (7:42 pm): I got everything done early.

Guru: (7:50 pm): I’m a busy individual. I don’t appreciate having my time wasted.

Girl 1 (7:52 pm): I’m ready now. Where are you. I can meet you now.
So I drive home and respond:
Guru (8:30 pm): Come to my house, xxx xxx St, New York, NY for a drink.
Girl 1 calls. I pick up. Chit-chat for a minute, and she tells me she is on her way.

Girl 1 arrives a half-hour later. I meet her downstairs to assist her in parking her car. She gets out of the car: Big perky lips and boobs, plump round ass. Short jet black hair to her shoulders and big brown eyes. Flawless skin, high cheek-bones with a European bone structured jawline. A solid 8. I kiss her on the lips, take her hand, and take her upstairs.

The minute we walk into the apt, I start the kissing, the touching, the arms, the neck, the legs, the ass, the crotch. After 10 minutes, she is dripping. The glass windows surrounding my condo begin to rattle from the moans she delivers to the high heavens. Yes, I know what this means. Not much more to do here, right? 20-30 minutes later, the dirty deed is done. One of the fastest lays I’ve had from initial meet to bang.

Following the bang, we chat a bit; I escort her back to her car and bid farewell.

Take-Home Messages:

1) Beta-game before the first meet has its risks but could have strong influence for the skilled DJ. I likely would not have banged Girl 1 so fast without prior beta-communications and -rapport;

2) When a girl flakes; ignore her, and exhibit disdain. For a relation to continue following a flake, the onus falls on her to do all the work and reconciliation;

3) In the context of OLD, if your only date of the night flakes, it is your fault for failure to schedule a double-header. Never rely on the word of a girl whom you've never met.

I will create another thread regarding last night’s bang with Girl 2. Great lessons involving an attempted AMOG who I befriended, and who then joined me in helping me game Girl 2.

Damn, I love the game ...
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Hmm, I thought for a second your double-header was going to turn into a daily-double!:cool:


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Yes, I beta-ized her.
Tossing in a little beta does work sometimes.
I have met girls that are very receptive to it, much more than doing the confident/funny/aloof routine. This is more typical with the more quiet and reserved women, the kind of shy ones. Going a little beta and taking interest in things they like and conversing with them can build trust and rapport. Had this girl once who thought I was an @$$hole at first because I was using "alpha" game. I saw that it was not working at all so I just instead had a bit of a discussion about the art she draws and made it seem as if I was genuinely interested in who she was. That worked well as I was able to inquire about seeing her art she has in her apartment, so I was able to get in her place and built enough trust to escalate without making it seem like I was just trying to play her for pvssy. From what I can tell Guru the woman you were talking to was very responsive to your "beta game" and it was working, you realized this which is why you did it. You developed trust and rapport with her which was what you needed to seal the deal.

Game has no hard and fast rules... You have to be adaptable and realize what is most appropriate for the situation. Sometimes going full alpha and confident/funny does not work. Sticking to rules can only hamper a person because then they will not be able to adapt being stuck on their rules and theories.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Asmodeus, as I have always said, be fluid:

If the girl NEEDS alpha, give her alpha.
If the girl NEEDS beta, give her beta.
If the girl NEEDS a father figure, be her father.
If the girl NEEDS love, give her love.

Pay attention to the audience. One size does not fit all. Be like water: formless, shapeless; assuming only the form the prospect NEEDS--and she will be a sexual slave at your beck and call.
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Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

The more experience you get, the quicker you pick up on the subtle cues which will tell you what she needs to be seduced. This then influences the type of stories you tell etc. This is why I really value staying quiet early on in the interaction because you can sit back and see what kind of girl she is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
This is why I really value staying quiet early on in the interaction because you can sit back and see what kind of girl she is.
Yup. I get personal quickly: I inquire into their past relations and family. Within 30-45 minutes of listening and bouncing off questions, I know what kind of girl I'm dealing with. Then, I slowly carve my pitch to tend to her "needs" and weaknesses, while giving subtle answers to the "whys" in her life.

Within 1 to 1.5 hours, the prospect feels she has met her soulmate. Easy pickings from there.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
Ahh, the infamous takeaway. Beta the girl in, and then disappear. This push-pull dynamic can be powerful.

One of my biggest orbiters today is a girl I said "I love you" to on the third date, and then disappeared for a month. Priceless!


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Ahh, the infamous takeaway. Beta the girl in, and then disappear. This push-pull dynamic can be powerful.

One of my biggest orbiters today is a girl I said "I love you" to on the third date, and then disappeared for a month. Priceless!
Hehe. The ol' "I don't know what it is about you, but I think I love you." Ya, my favorite to counter the ASD. Takes real beta game for the delivery to appear genuine.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
The alpha/beta continuum is one that's difficult to master. Takes hundreds of women and relations to perfect the craft. I've lost quite a few relationships for over-alpha-ing when beta-glue was needed at the time. I'm a natural alpha, so I tend to have to focus on the beta-approach until the frame is in stone, and then resort back to my natural state with beta-injections intermittently.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Excellent post and discussion, as always.

I prefer consistent behavior, rather than shape shifting to seduce the current target. If you are mostly beta in the beginning, she will assign those tendencies towards you even if you pull an alpha here and get the lay. Playing the long game is preferable.

Beta may help in seduction, but I disagree that it helps in LTRs. Alpha is what keeps her attracted to you. Betas get dumped. You can be an alpha without being a ****.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Asmodeus, as I have always said, be fluid:

If the girl NEEDS alpha, give her alpha.
If the girl NEEDS beta, give her beta.
If the girl NEEDS a father figure, be her father.
If the girl NEEDS love, give her love.

Pay attention to the audience. One size does not fit all. Be like water: formless, shapeless; assuming only the form the prospect NEEDS--and she will be a sexual slave at your beck and call.
Bro I don't know about that. Where is the limit then? What if the girl NEEDS an apartment, give her an apartment? Any girl with some basic knowledge about life should be able to figure out what you are doing. Instead of manipulating in order to get sex, isn't it better to do your own thing and be the best man and the girl can come along for the ride?

I think the girl should only need sex from you. Anything else let the other guy do what her emotions require.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Game has no hard and fast rules... You have to be adaptable and realize what is most appropriate for the situation. Sometimes going full alpha and confident/funny does not work. Sticking to rules can only hamper a person because then they will not be able to adapt being stuck on their rules and theories.

good stuff guru although I was hoping from the thread title that this was going to be a threesome FR lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Bro I don't know about that. Where is the limit then? What if the girl NEEDS an apartment, give her an apartment? Any girl with some basic knowledge about life should be able to figure out what you are doing. Instead of manipulating in order to get sex, isn't it better to do your own thing and be the best man and the girl can come along for the ride?

I think the girl should only need sex from you. Anything else let the other guy do what her emotions require.
Ahh, the "ethics" of it all. I would encourage you Trump to look a bit deeper into the ethics of effectively selling yourself, and you might find that "ethics" are simply social and biblical constructs that have indoctrinated and shaped our understanding of the bifurcation between "right" and "wrong." Critical thinking will demonstrate there is no "right" and no "wrong." There are only diametric perceptions which can both be argued cogently with evidence. But rather than to turn this discussion of ethics: into my showing you how effectively selling yourself is "right," and you attempting to show me how the acts of meeting another's needs are "wrong," I would much rather delve into the "meat" of how to do sell yourself, and leave the ethical decision to the reader.

As to your "what if a girl needs an apartment, should I buy her one?" Well, that on its face, is a game, it's "sugar daddy game." I think it's a poor decision to spend money on a girl, when you can captivate the mind of a girl for free!

Meeting a prospect's needs to which I refer is meeting the "emotional" and "psychological" needs of the subject. You never want to overtly meet a prospect's needs. For example, if a woman were abandoned by her father, you don't want to overtly state, "Hey, I am a total father figure." This is pandering, and instead of opening her up, she will see right through the "manipulation" you are purporting. Instead, share a story of how you acted in a fatherly and loyal way to a friend, a girl, a co-worker, etc. You meet the "needs" of the subject covertly.

The next counterargument would be, "Well why bother? I'm just going to be myself. She either likes me or she doesn't." "I'm an alpha beast!" you state as you pound your chest. To this counter, I would ask you a question: Let's say I were a vacuum salesman and one day you agreed to meet with me and other vacuum salesmen before and after me as you felt a need for a vacuum. So in our appointment, I show up at your door with a beautiful vacuum. It is the most stunning vacuum you have ever seen: Gold-plated handles, diamond-looking hooves, the most-profoundly cut design, and yet still very light to move around. So I walk into your house, and state well here it is. I'm requesting a price of $5,000 for this vacuum. So you look at the vacuum, and find it stunning. So you ask me, "Well, what does this vacuum do?" I chuckle and respond, "Well it vacuums of course." This is the extent of my pitch.

"Ok," you exclaim, "let me think about it."

"Well surely," I respond, "I am what I am."

The next day, another vacuum rep shows up to your door. It is a nice looking vacuum, not as beautiful as the one I showed you, but attractive enough. So you ask, "Well what does this vacuum do?"

"Hundred of things, sir, which would take me a full day to explain. Let me ask you a question. What specifically are you looking for in a vacuum?" he asks you.

"Well I need to vacuum my carpets, my floors, my bedroom rugs, which reminds me, I need to call an exterminator as I have bedbugs."

"Bedbugs," you interrupt, "Well, this vacuum, believe it or not vacuums up bedbugs! Here, let me show you!"

You get the point!

In any interaction, whether a girl, friend, co-worker, employee, boss, client, you maximize the "interactional gain" by selling yourself effectively. And you sell yourself effectively by understanding the "needs" of the prospect and servicing those needs, covertly.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Ahh, the "ethics" of it all. I would encourage you Trump to look a bit deeper into the ethics of effectively selling yourself, and you might find that "ethics" are simply social and biblical constructs that have indoctrinated and shaped our understanding of the bifurcation between "right" and "wrong." Critical thinking will demonstrate there is no "right" and no "wrong." There are only diametric perceptions which can both be argued cogently with evidence. But rather than to turn this discussion of ethics: into my showing you how effectively selling yourself is "right," and you attempting to show me how the acts of meeting another's needs are "wrong," I would much rather delve into the "meat" of how to do sell yourself, and leave the ethical decision to the reader.

As to your "what if a girl needs an apartment, should I buy her one?" Well, that on its face, is a game, it's "sugar daddy game." I think it's a poor decision to spend money on a girl, when you can captivate the mind of a girl for free!

Meeting a prospect's needs to which I refer is meeting the "emotional" and "psychological" needs of the subject. You never want to overtly meet a prospect's needs. For example, if a woman were abandoned by her father, you don't want to overtly state, "Hey, I am a total father figure." This is pandering, and instead of opening her up, she will see right through the "manipulation" you are purporting. Instead, share a story of how you acted in a fatherly and loyal way to a friend, a girl, a co-worker, etc. You meet the "needs" of the subject covertly.

The next counterargument would be, "Well why bother? I'm just going to be myself. She either likes me or she doesn't." "I'm an alpha beast!" you state as you pound your chest. To this counter, I would ask you a question: Let's say I were a vacuum salesman and one day you agreed to meet with me and other vacuum salesmen before and after me as you felt a need for a vacuum. So in our appointment, I show up at your door with a beautiful vacuum. It is the most stunning vacuum you have ever seen: Gold-plated handles, diamond-looking hooves, the most-profoundly cut design, and yet still very light to move around. So I walk into your house, and state well here it is. I'm requesting a price of $5,000 for this vacuum. So you look at the vacuum, and find it stunning. So you ask me, "Well, what does this vacuum do?" I chuckle and respond, "Well it vacuums of course." This is the extent of my pitch.

"Ok," you exclaim, "let me think about it."

"Well surely," I respond, "I am what I am."

The next day, another vacuum rep shows up to your door. It is a nice looking vacuum, not as beautiful as the one I showed you, but attractive enough. So you ask, "Well what does this vacuum do?"

"Hundred of things, sir, which would take me a full day to explain. Let me ask you a question. What specifically are you looking for in a vacuum?" he asks you.

"Well I need to vacuum my carpets, my floors, my bedroom rugs, which reminds me, I need to call an exterminator as I have bedbugs."

"Bedbugs," you interrupt, "Well, this vacuum, believe it or not vacuums up bedbugs! Here, let me show you!"

You get the point!

In any interaction, whether a girl, friend, co-worker, employee, boss, client, you maximize the "interactional gain" by selling yourself effectively. And you sell yourself effectively by understanding the "needs" of the prospect and servicing those needs, covertly.
By becoming ego-less you don't want to 'bang your chest' like an alpha, you want the result. You are selling your product for YOUR gain. Only by listening can you pitch what your prospect wants to hear.

A prospect wants to trust you, a prospect wants to buy from you. It's up to you to show them what they want.... For your gain of course ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
By becoming ego-less you don't want to 'bang your chest' like an alpha, you want the result. You are selling your product for YOUR gain. Only by listening can you pitch what your prospect wants to hear.

A prospect wants to trust you, a prospect wants to buy from you. It's up to you to show them what they want.... For your gain of course ;)
Both the salesman and the alpha mentality Trump is describing work and have your merits.

Game certainly involves sales. However, my interpretation of many techniques with game is not just about seducing the woman effectively, it's about seducing the correct woman effectively. Unlike the vacuum salesmen who needs his comission, those of us in the game have the option to walk. I would argue it just as much a negotiation as it is a sale.

I would use the analogy of trying to sell the vacuum for no less than $5,000. You can certainly low ball the offer (give the customer more of what they want, by sacrificing more of what you want), or you can just walk.