Dorm Room!


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
I am a very experienced HS DJ... I have been playing college girls since I was 16. I will be attending a selective school of business (hopefully, for next to nothing) next year.

Doctors have oardered me a single room with an air conditioner.

How can I fix my space so that it presents a classy, yet useful image?

Here is my list of necessities so far:
12in ibook
itunes shuffler (very small ipod)
Black Light
Studio Light (a 6 ft pole with 3 rotatable flurescent bulbes at 4, 5, and 6 ft)
2 shot glasses, 2 mixed drink glasses, 2 beer glasses
2 coffee mugs, 2 bowls, 2 plates (all of these are being crafted by a ceramics major friend of mine for free)
Coffee Machine
Bamboo Stalks (they grow in water, without soil)/holders
3 pillows
An extra cushion for my bed
An Air mattress and sleeping bag for company

Would I have use for (and room for) these:
Portable stove/grill?
Ice Box?

For shere decoration a friend suggested some kind of a rug.
I also wanted paintings - but not the traditional "starry night" (as I have in my bedroom right now, lol). Any suggestions? I want something classy that encorperates at least ONE color a black light will pick up.

Anyone who has been in this kind of a situation - how much money should I be spending on these items?

Also... I will definatly be using a laptop. Would it be cheaper to just buy an upscale computer monitor for my desk, some cables to link the 2, and use the laptops dvd player for movies? Or should I take the traditional TV/DVD player mix. Do I have other options?

What should I use to store my alcohol? I plan on having a bottles of whiskey, vodka, and whine. Also a case of beer and a 6 pac of ***** drinks. I have NO PROBLEM getting these things, as I have a valid ID. I dont need to keep the stuff cool, I need to keep it out of the light (so it dont go bad) and the prying eyes of my neighbors/RA's.

What should I use to store my ciggaretts/cloves/cigars? I am NOT a regular smoker and there will be no smoking IN MY ROOM. But I want these things available, they do come in handy. If ive only got a few bucks worth of tobacco, is a humidor necessary?


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
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Louisiana, USA
Apartment, dorm, same rules apply - you just have less room in an apartment.

I've got a picture from an old A&F quarterly of the "perfect dorm/apartment" layout. I'll have to see about finding which one it was in and getting it scanned... By the way, I'm a guy. Lastly, spend as much as you can afford for your items. Don't neglect your bathroom either. I'd say a humidor isn't necessary, but it's a hell of a nice touch... oh, and unless you've figured a way to get cable TV on your computer monitor you might want to have both a TV and a monitor...


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by diablo
Apartment, dorm, same rules apply - you just have less room in dorm.
Fixed. I don't know what kind of shi*ty appartments you live in D :p

There was a thread about good stuff to have in a dorm room. Lets see if I can pull it up...

Ah ha!

Hope that helps anthony. I dunno how big your room is, but you may/may not be able to fit the stuff in. Hit me up on aim if you wanna discuss. You know the account...

Edit: LOL since you were 16.. wasn't that a year ago :p
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
how big is that dorm room of yours?

just dont go overboard with all that stuff, you'll just end up looking like a wannabe.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Space defines what you fill it with, so as Centurian said, don't go overboard cramming an elephant into a bird cage.

The dorm I'm currently in is a suite, so I wont use it as an example due to it's size...

I hope by "fridge" you mean "mini-fridge" or it's kinda a waste of space. Also, most dorm buildings have a commons/kitchen area with stoves and microwaves and whatnot, so you might not need to bring either. If you do bring one, I'd suggest the microwave.

-Bookshelf? Probably no need. Most dorms have shelf space or desks with drawers or something you can store books.
-Ice box? I'd just use the fridge/freezer.
-Stools? Rather than stools, bring some sort of couch or whatnot. Even in my small-ass dorm I had last year we still fit a two-seat couch and an armchair with plenty of legroom.

Basically, your dorm is all about making the most out of the least. You want it to look nice, but there's times when using the top of your minifridge as a table for a lamp or using your bedpost for a coatrack will really seem handy.

DEFINATELY have the following items:
-Duct Tape (trust me)
-Febreeze (trust me)
-Deck of playing cards/Dice/etc (even if you don't play, others will and they're good for drinking games if nothing else)
-Tools: Hammer, screw drivers, pliers. Nothing fancy, just the basics. (trust me)
-Plastic bowls/cups & paper plates (steal plastic utensils from the cafeteria).
-Rag towel (cleaning up nasty stuff - it will happen)
-Bedside Water bottle (Keep a special water bottle by your bed for nights of excessive drinking when you'll wake up and need water)

Those are the basic essentials for survival. Most of the stuff in that list are things a lot of people (me included) don't really think about taking or overlook until it's too late and you've gotta make an emergency run to Wal-Mart at 2 AM.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
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Pictures of places you've been and things you've done are always a good conversation starter. I probably have 50 4 x 6 pictures on my wall. They get way more comments than anything else in my room.

As far as alcohol, that depends a lot on where you live and how your RA is. Some RA's will see you with alcohol and not care. Others will come in your room and smell your cups. Talk to someone in the dorm you're moving into and see what the RA's are like.

As to whether or not to get a TV, that depends on space. My room is too small to fit both a TV and computer, so I just watch movies on my 17" LCD monitor($300). Also, I have a TV card($40) in my computer so I can get cable as well. The DVD picture quality is excellent, but for TV it's about equivalent to a VHS tape. You can get a combined TV and Computer LCD monitor for about $700 I think. It would save space, but buying the TV and computer monitor separate would be cheaper.

Also, having a single makes getting laid so much easier. If the other guys have doubles and need to agree with their roommate when they can bring girls over, it gives you an instant advantage.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
I am pretty sure I am not bringing a stove, grill, or microwave. I will probably bring an ice box. I will be making sauce and meatballs, and its way smarter to make a huge batch and freeze it than redo it every week.

Not to worry about the clenlyness of the bathroom - Ive got a portable steam-cleaner. It nukes EVERYTHING. Flip flops area good idea none the less though. An extra set of cleaning utensils for company is also good.

I went out today and got a nice lighter and flask. Tomorrow I will pick up a retractable blade and a utility knife. This weekend im going to grab the starbucks heavy dubty travel mug (they are amazing... when closed you can hold em upside down and SHAKE THEM and they dont leak).

How much is a decent coffee pot? How much are the excessories I will need to make really good coffee (from the beans... how much is a grinder?

I am getting a TWELVE INCH ibook. Not at all sutable for watching movies from any distance - so I will need to buy something to suppliment the monitor while I am in my dorm, using it for theatre/entertainment. Any ideas?

Cable u reminded me - WATER PURIFIER!!!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
HEADPHONES! You'll be up late and people ***** if you play music at pretty much any level late at night.

Some kids get real inventive with the stuff they bring, I knew kids who had crock pots and made pot roasts in their dorms.

If you're going for classy don't bring a black light or a lava lamp. That's so cheesy. I'm not saying its a turn off to the girls or anything. Its just corny.

When you're showing up for your freshman year in the dorms don't bring too much stuff. You might not have enough space for all of it. For example, don't bring a bookcase. You probably won't have room for it, and it'll piss of your roommate. I was lucky in that my dorm was huge. Right now (I'm in a private room) I have an electric piano, two guitars, an amp, and a full drumset in here. Needless to say, I don't have room for anything else but a TV, computer and stereo.

Just think basics and you'll have yourself covered.

Oh yea, when he said ducttape and febreeze, he was giving you great advice.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by TonyTheTigerOI
I am pretty sure I am not bringing a stove, grill, or microwave. I will probably bring an ice box. I will be making sauce and meatballs, and its way smarter to make a huge batch and freeze it than redo it every week.
You'll need a microwave at one point or another. I'd recomend getting one.

How much is a decent coffee pot? How much are the excessories I will need to make really good coffee (from the beans... how much is a grinder?
This one really depends on what kind of quality you want. Probably a good one for 40 and a super one for 100. A grinder will be like 20 bucks. But again, it just really depends what kind of quality you want.

I am getting a TWELVE INCH ibook. Not at all sutable for watching movies from any distance - so I will need to buy something to suppliment the monitor while I am in my dorm, using it for theatre/entertainment. Any ideas?
You're gonna need a tv. Just find a semi big one for cheap.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Mck - I will have a single room.

Good plan on scratching the black light - Ill have candles and those are way more flattering anyways.

Vince - Some people said their school provided microwaves and stoves in community areas of dorms?

Thanks vince, I guess Ill find a 75 dollar one if I can.

Anyone know what brand of TV to get? I dont really care about picture quality, I just want something reliable and durable.

ALSO - I plan on throwing lil get togethers in the room. Some friends of mine have thrown them squeezing 5-8 people in a dorm and just getting drunk to loud music, its surprisingly fun, if even as a method of pregaming. Anything you'all would reccomend?

ALSO #2 - Ive got a bat in my car. I will be putting a bat in my room, as well. Bats are great for property destruction... but for personal protection something smaller is usually quite handy. Does anyone know a good brand/model of small knife? Does anyone know what a whipstick is? What would you prefer?


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Microwave - big yes!

how do you expect to re-heat pizza or make popcorn?(i personally hate popcorn but i find that everyone else likes it)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Don't show up with candles. Most campuses see them as a fire hazard. Same goes for incense.

Find out how lax your school is on it first. Your RA will do room checks and if they find candles they will throw them away and probably fine you.

Get a bunch of little red cups for the get togethers. It'll come in handy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
I dont plan on leaving the alchohol and candles out, Mck :p

Also - some have said the dorms provide microwaves in kitchens on every floor of the dormatories?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Depends on which dorm you live in. If you look around the residence life website you should be able to figure out. When I lived in the dorms we didn't, but the dorm buildings on either side of mine did. Just look it up.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by TonyTheTigerOI
Mck - I will have a single room.

Good plan on scratching the black light - Ill have candles and those are way more flattering anyways.

Vince - Some people said their school provided microwaves and stoves in community areas of dorms?

Thanks vince, I guess Ill find a 75 dollar one if I can.

Anyone know what brand of TV to get? I dont really care about picture quality, I just want something reliable and durable.

ALSO - I plan on throwing lil get togethers in the room. Some friends of mine have thrown them squeezing 5-8 people in a dorm and just getting drunk to loud music, its surprisingly fun, if even as a method of pregaming. Anything you'all would reccomend?

ALSO #2 - Ive got a bat in my car. I will be putting a bat in my room, as well. Bats are great for property destruction... but for personal protection something smaller is usually quite handy. Does anyone know a good brand/model of small knife? Does anyone know what a whipstick is? What would you prefer?
For the TV, I'd reccomend just going to a nearby Circuit City or Best Buy and checking out their selection. You can get a pretty nice 20" flat screen TV for around $150 these days.

BTW, what college you going to?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
I gotta 36" SHARP TV for free. It's screen is rounded, and it's about 10 years old, but very reliable. Just get an old one from family/flea market.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by donjan
What's with the duct tape?

You never know when you need it. I always have duct tape. It's useful for taping miscellaneous cords to the floor.

I don't know about other schools, but black lights are cool here. People fill up alcohol bottles with highlighter fluid, then turn black lights on so it glows.