-=don't ruin the magic=-


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
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women all dream of a fairytale romance at least during part of their lives. some give up on it when the world doesn't afford them the experience. they settle for relationships that don't really fit the glamorous picture they had in their mind. the prince charming thing isn't just a childhood storybook thing for women. they really really want a guy to come along and sweep them off thier feet so to speak. blah, bland, boring, quickstepping men ruin it all and don't even know it. they ruin the anticipation, the moment, and the chase. there is an akward moment each time the man takes a little piece of this fantasy away from the woman. perhaps the man doesn't know he did something wrong, conciously maybe the woman doesn't know it either, but subconciously she knows he just took another piece of the magic away from what they had.

magic, chemistry, anticipation, fun. its all part of the puzzle.

girls just wa-a-na have fuuuuun!

they want a guy to come along take them off to a new exciting world of mysteries and desire. they want a guy that challenges them and makes them chase. they want a guy that doesn't sell out right out of the gate with his eyes or words.

have you guys ever noticed how you can be in your environment and some girls just notice you more than others do. they don't even have to say anything but by their gestures you know they at least acknoledged your presence. some may flip their hair as they pass, others may adjust thier clothing or look down at their brests. different signs, while others just seem to not even know you're there. those are the ones that i wonder about the most.

attention is something that most hot women get all the time. what they don't get is a man that isn't ready to give away his quite yet, a guy that likes her enuf to make it difficult, a man that wouldn't risk moving too fast becuz not only is too much at stake but he wouldn't risk giving the woman the impression that shes won him over to that extent quite yet.

power starts in the hands of every man. it doens't take much to give it up.

don't ruin the moment, the journey, or the magic. if you try to cut corners it ****s sh!t up.



Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Well said! Anticipation, mystery and promise are a direct route into a woman's imagination.

I don't believe that women meet the perfect man, they create him in their mind. It's upto you to allow her to picture him in your image and not to shatter her illusion.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
Good post Dekka! I wish I had read this post about 4 months ago when I first started seeing this girl. She was "the one" I had been praying to meet for the last 4 years or so. I finally "bumped" into her back in January and we hit it off great. We had the perfect dates and had a really fun time hanging out together. The sex was the best I ever had and she had that little petite girlish figure that turned me on.

Looking back I realize there are a lot of things I wished I had done differently and , God, would I give anything to have that moment in time back. It sux to loose someone that you really cared about because you went too fast. You would think that cheating or hitting would be the kiss of death in a relationship but I firmly believe that going too fast, too soon is the ultimate relationship killer.

I won't sit here and list all of my AFC mistakes in the realtionship because it'll only make me feel worse. Basically I put her on a pedestal. I'll admit that I'm a mix between AFC and DJ mostly but in that relationship I totally threw out the DJ rules because I thought they need not apply with this girl. Oh how wrong I was. It's hard to take a step back and put things in perspective when your head-over-heels like that.

Anyway, I found this site about 3 weeks ago and I've been coming here almost everyday to search for answers. I've learned a lot tips and tricks but I think the underlying message of overall improvement of one's well-being is what I enjoy the most. Keep up the good work fellas. It is much appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Blake: You sound exactly like me! I did the same thing, realise I made the same mistakes and regret it all.

But looking at it from a positive perspective, we have learned a lesson from this that will stick with us and will always be there to remind us never to repeat the same mistake. :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
Great Post. I like it a lot.

You are right on so many levels. Its either you act with the mystery/grace/communication or she'll dumb you. Simple on so many levels but we never take control. Maybe b/c you read a technique and you say oh I can do that. Then when you get face to face you lose touch with the part and think thats not how you win them...Thats happened to me all the time when I started...ALL the time!


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
It's good to know that I'm not the only guy that has made these mistakes although it almost always feels like it. I have definately learned from this experience and it will be a mistake thats never repeated, I guarantee. It was definately the hardest lesson I have ever learned mainly because it should've never happened with her.

About 5 years ago I broke up with my first love. We were highschool sweethearts and were together for more than 4 years. After we broke up (mutually) I realized that I didn't want to lose her and that I made a mistake. So what did I do? I called and called and hung out with her as much as possible hoping that I would eventually win her back. She was just hanging out with me because she felt sorry for my chump azz. Well, after about 7 months of this I realized that this was not working so I finally accepted that it was over. Not only did I lose her; I lost my dignity.

I learned a lot from the hell I went through then but what fustrates me is that I didn't apply what I learned to the last relationship. I guess maybe because it was so long between relationships that I forgot how to play it.

IMO, its easy to DJ girls you don't care about but when you meet one that blows your mind, it's hard to practice what you preach.

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Blake, that is so true. It's so easy to DJ girls you couldn't care less about, but then along comes someone you really like and you throw the rules out of the window. I am struggling against a similar situation at the moment, developing oneities for a girl and reverting to AFC ways.

Currently coping by recalling previous oneitis experiences (a tip from Silverwex) and by keeping up contact with other women.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
Good Job Austin, at least your aware of whats taking place which is 90% of the battle in this case. It's good that you caught yourself while you still have time to make it work. Wish I could say the same for myself; I totally went with my emotions and threw logic out the window.

Stay Strong!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
Blake buddy, we are all human. This has probably happened to me about 50 times, okay maybe a little less, until I got ahold of my mind and could control my attitude towards women.