Does the good physique help us to attract women?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
In my life, I've been skinny, and I've been a litte bit fat, and I've been normal body size. For a very very short period of my life, 2 years ago, I was truly muscular. And let me tell you, during that period of my life (which only lasted about 3 months) was the only period in my life when girls would literally throw themselves at me, pvssy first. I'd go to clubs and women would just str8 grope me and grind my c0ck and try to get me to fvck them in the toilets. Or if they had a little more class, they would tell their friend to come up to me and then their friend would be like "Hey will you plz hook up with my friend?" etc.

There was no comparison, and it just doesn't happen to me now, nor did it ever happen to me before then, only during that short 3 month period when I was muscular looking. Damn I wish I could get back to that physique, Oh man I curse my laziness :G


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
evansblue said:
Almost all of the guys I know that have a ripped physique are terrible with women. I know one bodybuilder who enters in local competitions all the time and usually wins, yet he doesn't pull in hotties. He's one of the most insecure people I know. Another guy I went to high school with. He was real skinny, then starting going to the gym for 3 years straight. He's got a nice 6 pack, decent sized arms, etc. His skills are the same as they were before he started lifting.

The one thing that those two guys have in common, along with pretty much every other guy that lives in the gym, is that they're incredibly insecure and are trying to compensate. They're in the same situation as the guys in this forum that frequent the gym. Either they're extremely skinny, short, or ignored by girls in their life. The first thing they think is "I gotta get ripped." They can't even open their mouths to talk to a girl, yet they think pumping iron is going to solve their problems... and of course it doesn't.

90% of the hot girls I see are with skinny guys that have a good-looking face.
Your arguement is flawed into what you see and not what is the norm.

You don't ever do anything for anyone but YOURSELF.

As a gymnast I've been so called "inshape" nearly my entire life and yes you do get a huge amount of women that will check you out BUT if you don't go up to them and talk to them and chat them up you will NOT get the girls.

Looking good makes getting the girls easier but you still have to have actually game to get the girls.

Just read the bible its already there.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Your charming personality and bulletproof Game doesn't make you look any better when your shirt comes off.


Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
That only applies if you're fat. A skinny good-looking guy will make the panties drop.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
The one thing that those two guys have in common, along with pretty much every other guy that lives in the gym, is that they're incredibly insecure and are trying to compensate. They're in the same situation as the guys in this forum that frequent the gym. Either they're extremely skinny, short, or ignored by girls in their life. The first thing they think is "I gotta get ripped." They can't even open their mouths to talk to a girl, yet they think pumping iron is going to solve their problems... and of course it doesn't.

90% of the hot girls I see are with skinny guys that have a good-looking face.
or they're gay... have a couple gay friends who are obsessed with their bodies, big muther fvckers you would not want to mess with. They say the majority of guys that are in the gyms have a tendency to lean towards men, especially those dudes who buy muscle magazines. I hate to think that's true because I'm starting to really get in shape myself...hahah

But I can definitely see where they are coming from...a lot of the guys I see lifting free weights are staring at themselves in the mirrors and I knew a guy couple years back who was terrified of 'talking to tha ladies' yet he was the most ripped guy I'd had ever seen... he would give Schwarzenegger a run for his money. He did 5 martial arts, was a full-time instructor, owned a nice house, car, knew every supplement to take and which machine went with what muscle group. I don't think he had/has ever actually kissed a girl. He's huge though.

I would say physique is great, absolutely...but only after your game is tight and you don't need the muscles.. Just like in nightclubs, the guy who can dance attracts the women but the guy who's got tight game goes home with them... I know first hand, I was the guy who could dance. Had the hottest women in the nightclub coming up to me, yet I didn't know what the hell to do with them. :eek:

Certainly won't hurt to put on some bulk just don't go nuts with it. If your life becomes about Whey supplements, testosterone boosters and insane diets (everyone in the health section) you are trying TOO HARD and lacking in game.

Just like in the clubs, if you've got both tight GAME and wicked MOVES, you are unstoppable.