Does she deserve ANOTHER chance? Or should I just say **** it..


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
I'll try and keep this brief.

I meet a girl, she is cute, nice, very attractive, nice ass.. but extremely shy.
She talk a little bit and exchange numbers, and do a little online convo.
I ask her out one day, I get a "I am already busy with some friends, but you can come if you want". I decline, and tell her I will call her up another day to hang out, just us two. A week rolls by, and I tell her I am going to a show and that she should come, she seems psyched about going and genuinly interested, but she doesn't show up. She apologizes to me later and tells me she couldn't find a ride and that she was sorry she couldn't make it and proceeds to ask me if I still had a good time, and I say yeah, and remain cool. Really, by this point I have been kind of stand-offish with this chick. I can't tell if she is politely rejecting me, or if she is just really shy and nervous about being a lone with me. Anyway, I kind of ignore her a little, but we still proceed to talk online (she always starts it), so then I decide to give this **** one last go. I chat her up in the morning one day before school, and I tell her I need to go to the snackbar line and to go by something and I "invite" her to come with me. I put my hands out to help her up, but instead she gets up and hugs. I then put my arms around her and I am like "No, no.. you are coming with me" then she says "No, I am staying here". I am just like okay, whatever (in my head atleast) on the outside, I am still clam and collected. And I end up getting another one of my hott chick friends to come with me. But anyway, at this point I am just like, okay.. she's just not interested. No biggy. But then she texts me almost immediately after somewhere between 1st period and 2nd period. We talk a little bit, and then eventually her texts just stopped coming, and I haven't talked to her sense. So I really don't know what is up with this girl. My mind is telling me I need to next this girl, she isnt interested.. and you need to get over her... but my heart is telling me, no you're doing the right thing, this girl is just shy.. and all this effort will be worth it. So I really don't know. This girl is hard to read sometimes. I need some real DJ advice.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, she sounds confused. You might wanna mix up your tactics up your tactics a bit. It sounds like there is interest but you aren't converting it into action.

Maybe freeze her out next time you see her.

But yeah I'd give her another chance... but say NEXT at the same time. Look for other babes whilst still pursuing her.
