Does becoming muscular really help your game?


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2008
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Nighthawk said:
Most girls don't give a crap about muscles, and it turns a lot of the smarter ones off. My body is a super-sexy SKINNY one, and that's what the hotties I've dated actively prefer. Some chicks go for muscles though. Usually the dumb ones.

A girl friend of mine works in a clothes shop. Recently she was talking to a couple of skinny indie-types when a big muscley dude changed his shirt in the middle of the store, showing off what he thought was the ideal physique. My friend reassured the guys 'You do know that his look is totally repulsive and all the girls you like are craving your skinny little frames don't you?'

Funny, in TV and movies they always equate rippling muscles with the guy who gets all the chicks, but in real life there are plenty of muscle-bound 'hunks' that can't get a woman while the men who are confident enough without hitting the gym are often the real players.

Get buff if you want, I've worked out a little to build my muscles so I like what I see in the mirror. Maybe it'll help your confidence. But look around at the guys who consistently do well with women and see how ripped they are.
Most guys will talk from their perspective, and you as a skinny guy would probably prefer to think this way, but speaking from a guy who used to be skinny and has been working out seriously for at least 2.5 (around 4 if you include the years where I was messing around)years, I'll tell you that muscles definately help for attracting girls, not to say that there aren't girls out there who don't like muscles (I mean cmon there are guys who like bbw chicks that are 5'4 450lbs), but saying that most girls don't give a crap or are repulsed, is pretty naive imo. Whether talking about the inner game things that it helps with, (self confidence etc) or pure physical attraction.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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Last edited:
May 24, 2008
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May 24, 2008
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lazikia said:
The first link did not work, but I know what you mean.

The second link shows some guys pubes... this is a no f@g zone Crazy Asian.

Delete that right now and move to California.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
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WTF? Seriously? Do muscles help? Of course they f*cking do! What women find unattractive is when its taken to extremes. A rule of thumb is that if your c0ck is the least veiny, bulging part of your body, you've gone too far. Its like a woman with some curves - everyone likes a nice rack but going for BBWs is crossing the line. Essentially you've got to look normal, not become a muscle bound freak - unless you want to attract some very stupid, tattoed women IME.

I'm into fitness, mostly for martial arts but it does help in other areas of life such as stress relief, pulling etc. As everyone's said though, you need Game with it. Otherwise you're the equivalent of a 10 who opens her mouth and immediately becomes a 2.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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uhmmm.. ok - they do help... they aren't necessary though...

i started out on this road to women at 150 lbs of video game playing, cigarette smoking, no body having goodness... didn't really seem to effect me in getting women.

Now i've been working out for 6 months (1.5-2.5 hours a day - 6 days a week), i'm at 165 - am CUT as hell - have 5 tattoos (all in areas that i have to 'show' women) - i dress 10 times better than i did - and even though my game was already solid - it's the icing on the cake as far as i'm concerned.

women approach ME if i'm out and showing enough of my body for them to notice. my confidence is through the roof. not even just in the fact that i feel like i'm good looking - but in the fact that i run 3-4 miles a day and know i can last in bed with just about any girl.

necessary? no
do it make things easier? of course


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
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Def. not necessary, but a fairly easy routine to get into for a help in your game. Taken to any extreme is bad. Some muscle, being fit or athletic are good. Looking like you eat steroid sandwiches is bad.

They help for some damn simple reasons:

-you get more confident
-you look like a better protector and provider than the lanky or fat guys hitting on girls (the girls i dated while/after I worked out always said they liked being in my arms, a safe/comfortable/trusting feeling, on top of being sexy)
-you like like you take care of yourself and have your ish together, this is a major plus.
-many girls find a more fit, athletic guy sexier
Dec 18, 2007
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If you had a choice of a girl that was in shape or one who was scrawny and geeky looking which would you choose?

Would you choose the Angelina Jolee look alike or that nerdfest with black hair and a nose ring type of female?

I think it's pretty intelligent to assume that women feel the same way.

Now some folks do have certain fetishes. Some actually do like the skinny creepy types out there men or women.

But that is a fetish not a norm.

Use your heads and put your minds into the minds of women and you can save yourself a lot of questions like this.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
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San Francisco, CA
We always say "look at what women do, not what they say". And guys here will nevertheless believe women when they say, "I dont want a guy who is too buff." That only means that Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 1978 is more body mass than she cares to handle. It takes years and years of work to reach the point where you could have "too many muscles", and I think alot of women are saying this reflexively as an example of what Rollo calls Social matching... they dont want a buff guy because they are afraid they couldnt keep him, for example. Or they simply never had the option and thus justify how they dont want it.

Believe me, you become more attractive to the female sex if you're buff. Every step of the way gets more sexual energy directed at you.

A muscular guy makes a woman think of sex. Period.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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I hope you know it takes YEARS of dedicated lifting and nutrition to get to the point where you have "too much" muscle for some women. (Like Mr. Olympia). Unless you have sick genetics.

Yeah some girls say they like "skinny" guys, but by skinny they mean like the mens health magazine guys who actually do have muscle...just not a TON of muscle. Like technical said, when you have muscle it makes girls think of sex.

Seriously if you had a wide, big chest, wouldn't a girl be more likely to imagine or dream of you with your shirt off and on top of her....than if you were skinny?

When you start looking like picture Deacon put up, you are at a great physique.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
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wutangfinancial said:
I'm thinking of using roids as an experiment to see if there's any truth to this crap.
Don't bother. Roids turn you into one of the meatheads, which was already said to be a bad thing, in general. You'll only prove that point, not that a decent fitness level or SOME muscle help you out.

Ben MacDui

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
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I don't buy the idea that being hugely muscular makes you into some sort of woman magnet.

If you look in the media at the moment, in my opinion the trend seems to be for skinnier (although probably toned) guys as icons who attract women. This has especially been the case with the resurgence of the indie rock scene and its propensity for skinny guys. Look in fashion/media magazines and those celebrities who are seen as players with top female celebrities and you see people who are (sometimes but not always) tall and slim such as Russell Brand, Alex Turner, Jude Law or even Pete Doherty. The only media outlets you notice really muscular guys iconised are in magazines such as Men's Health.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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Deacon, please never again post pics of those fagg0ts - its disturbing.

Check this out:
I mean watch all 4 parts, they aren't long. You'll get a point.

However, how do you explain the fact that when you go into a club - you see the muscular, big guys, nervously drinking their beer, alone, at the wall or in the corner. They usually look uncomfortable and awkward. That's a paradox.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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The pro-muscles guys are largely arguing from an 'of course it's true, it must be, it makes sense' perspective. They have failed to address the point that outside of the media, in the real world, all the hot girls are with guys who don't look like they've set foot in a gym in their lives. Good-looking, tall, nice (lean) bodies, cool haircuts, good dress sense, sure. But not 'muscley.'


Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
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Most fit girls are attracted to slim guys who have a bit of muscle.

Skinny, but not weedy.