Do you like my response?


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Just got an email from a girl after trying to give her a call/text thats been in italy visiting her parents. As I had predicted something was fishy! And I even predicted that the fish was another guy....... She just emailed me a really sweet apologetic letter saying sorry and that she is too embarrased etc... She started something with another guy in italy that she's known for ages...and it sounds like he's actually from here and just came back here with her......

so what about this response?

Oh just got this, don't check this old email so often.

awww name oh name, thats so sweet! What's there to be sorry about? We're just
friends right? Damm I hope you didn't think us doing this kind of thing was really a
problem? Sorry if I let you think it was, was worried you might, hope I didn't cause
you any think-ache!

Yes it was exciting getting to know you too, you'd better believe it! (in response to her saying: it was beautiful meeting you)


so generally positive and totally ok with her going off with some guy...ULTRA UNNEEDINESS right? Improvements?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I think you were the only person on this forum who didn't see this coming.

I know we've been pretty harsh with you, but maybe this was the painful lesson you needed to smarten up.

Although it's generally good to play indifferent, this is all too little too late. A better response to her email would've been no response at all. You're not going to win her back with anything you could say or do, so why waste any more time? Just go out and find more women, but keep this experience in mind.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
She's traveling getting more d!cks. Leave the girl alone. Theres nothing you can do to get more interest unless its removing yourself from her.
tomato said:
no lol - its just a planned trip to go home to see her parents for 12 days in the holidays. I haven't failed! I am almost 100% sure she is just playing games - cause she knows I'll fold because she gave me a call the first day she got there so she can say its my fault if I don't contact her and that I'm the one that didnt contact her.
PrettyBoyAJ said:
Damn, Dude. Get a day job. Why are you investing so much in this thrab. This girl is a jump-off. There ain't nothing worthy of a relationship with her. Relationship material girls don't do these things.

I can assure you that she's with the old/next dude while she is traveling. Your too dumb to realize this. You have been gaming for a while? What the hell is this. Are you making money from gaming chicks? You seem like a wack dude so your going to get wack females. Get your game up and the quality of woman that you deal with will also be beter.

and you believe her when she said she had 1 one night stand and one one week fling?? Any true player of the game would know what this means.
I always know what I'm talking about. Read my posts thoroughly. Wack dude = wack female.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
I always know what I'm talking about. Read my posts thoroughly. Wack dude = wack female.

Yup yup, nothing else needs to be said here. You couldn't have been more spot on AJ... nice post and hopefully Tomato learns something from this whole sha-bang!



Don Juan
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys I'm not really that fussed by this, I am a bit surprised how quickly she started seeing another guy - damm that was quick, well she did say she fell in love with me like the third time she saw me so....! But this isn't such a big deal I always thought we were basically just FWB and I let things move toward something serious too quickly - thats why I said I got buyers remorse. The main reason its really frustrating is due to the fact physically she would have been the perfect jealousy inducer for my ex.

I havent sent that email yet - any improvements? I think staying "friends" isnt such a bad idea (I dont mean a real friend here that acts like a girl or an emotional tampon I mean a friend she comes to when she finishes with this guy when she's vulnerable - I wouldnt see her in groups or with the other guy - just so she knows I'm still around and still cool - just fun cool emails back and forth once a month maybe). So don't dump the idea of being friends straight away I don't mean orbiter - I wont do anything for her, just make sure she knows I still exist and has occasional thoughts of "maybe I made a mistake" when I send her a cool email.

- I get the feeling this girl changes on a whim and if I am friends with her it increases the chances of us doing things, of course I realise the other guy now has a massive head start and I'm not expecting anything - I just think its a better strategy to play than just ignoring her.

I'm not asking seriously but people steal gf's all the time - why wouldn't it be possible here - it only been a few days!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
Yup yup, nothing else needs to be said here. You couldn't have been more spot on AJ... nice post and hopefully Tomato learns something from this whole sha-bang!

tomato said:
Hey guys I'm not really that fussed by this, I am a bit surprised how quickly she started seeing another guy - damm that was quick, well she did say she fell in love with me like the third time she saw me so....! But this isn't such a big deal I always thought we were basically just FWB and I let things move toward something serious too quickly - thats why I said I got buyers remorse. The main reason its really frustrating is due to the fact physically she would have been the perfect jealousy inducer for my ex.

I havent sent that email yet - any improvements? I think staying "friends" isnt such a bad idea (I dont mean a real friend here that acts like a girl or an emotional tampon I mean a friend she comes to when she finishes with this guy when she's vulnerable - I wouldnt see her in groups or with the other guy - just so she knows I'm still around and still cool - just fun cool emails back and forth once a month maybe). So don't dump the idea of being friends straight away I don't mean orbiter - I wont do anything for her, just make sure she knows I still exist and has occasional thoughts of "maybe I made a mistake" when I send her a cool email.

- I get the feeling this girl changes on a whim and if I am friends with her it increases the chances of us doing things, of course I realise the other guy now has a massive head start and I'm not expecting anything - I just think its a better strategy to play than just ignoring her.

I'm not asking seriously but people steal gf's all the time - why wouldn't it be possible here - it only been a few days!
Guess not. Tomato please stop asking for advice if you're not gonna follow it or at least pay attention to it. I'm beginning to think you're making all this **** up to get attention.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Konada said:
Guess not. Tomato please stop asking for advice if you're not gonna follow it or at least pay attention to it. I'm beginning to think you're making all this **** up to get attention.
I'll echo this.

Surely nobody can be this stupid.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Konada said:
Guess not. Tomato please stop asking for advice if you're not gonna follow it or at least pay attention to it. I'm beginning to think you're making all this **** up to get attention.
I didn't do anything lol - I didnt even send it till I asked what you all thought. I dont ignore what you say - i read everything and respond to almost everyone - more than most. The use of hearing what you think is just to get your input so I can take what I think fits with my approach and so you can stop me from doing really stupid things - NOT that I do exactly as you say or you just ignore me.

The benefit of the forum is that we get to hear each others views "The Wisdom of Crowds" is a very important tool we can use here - basically I am nudged by each of you a little towards the right goal - maybe I dont let myself get nudged quite so much by you at the moment because usually you are just shouting "give up" without any reasoning behind the strategy of how this might increase attraction in the short or long term - if you backed up what you said with reasoning I'd be more inclined to let myself be nudged more in your direction. Thanks. I'd appreciate some real input like that.

So sorry guys cause I didn't get any proper responses I sent this:

Oh just got this, been busy so don't check this old email so often.

awww name, thats so sweet! What's there to be sorry about? Damm I hope
you didn't think us doing this kind of thing was really a problem. Sorry
if I let you think it was, hope I didn't cause you too much think-ache?
Since you're being so open I should tell you that I'd been been starting
to see my ex again so might be better if we limit contact a little, I hope
you understand.

Yes meeting was very fun! ;-)



Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
I always know what I'm talking about. Read my posts thoroughly. Wack dude = wack female.

ROFLMAO!!!! Yo bro, I think I about pissed my pants laughing at that one...


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Jariel said:
I'll echo this.

Surely nobody can be this stupid.

I've been calling him a troll since he got here.

Hopefully everyone starts to realize it soon, and we get back to dedicating our time to people who really want help.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
That easily was the dumbest, most transparent response ever!

Think-ache? WTF? Seeing your ex again, what a coincidence she must think.

The reality: She and her new bed mate shared a laugh over the response.

Seriously. Wow. That you can't see how pathetic that response was, is really scary.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Johnnyventana said:
That easily was the dumbest, most transparent response ever!

Think-ache? WTF? Seeing your ex again, what a coincidence she must think.

The reality: She and her new bed mate shared a laugh over the response.

Seriously. Wow. That you can't see how pathetic that response was, is really scary.

Well, all comes back to him being a troll. Which people still somehow refuse to believe.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Mantis Toboggan said:
Well, all comes back to him being a troll. Which people still somehow refuse to believe.
people on these forums seem to have an obsession with calling people trolls - by definition they post stuff just to get a reaction and not actually care about the response - I clearly care about your responses - look at my replies to all of you - I clearly care - apart from the ones calling me something i'm not.

The email was ok btw she bought it all and it really worked well!
- I sent a worse one (a bit too romantic/soft) after that because I thought she would think I thought it was all meaningless and feel like a slut (she said "you onl want me for the sex" at one point before) - regret that one big time - you see you guys could have stopped me sending that one if you were helpful rather than just calling me troll all the time!

Anyway - I texted her yesterday and she was super receptive - responding straight away and with really long texts to my short ones. She also totally bought the ex idea (which is true) because I'd been talking about my ex loads. She told me she misses me sometimes and feels like she's known me forever - and has written a poem for me - I prob could have gone over to hers right then but she wasnt in. So yeh things are going ok actually - obvs theres another guy but he was her friend prob an orbiter, I'm assuming she'll get bored of him pretty quickly.

What you guys think of further contact? should I wait a few days right? She seemed really up for meeting.... I think I might suggest dropping by her place in the evening again sometime - I think inviting her out to something would be too date like while she's seeing another guy. - I get the feeling if I went to her room in the evening things could escalate quite quickly if I was quite revved - this is just based on her texts and interest.

I'm thinking next time I feel like it next week in the evening just randomly texting her about the poem she wants to show me, thejeans she left in my room or something

guys I'm listening to you - if I hadnt heard you I would prob have sent her far more stuff and made more of a mess of this so thanks for the input - even if I dont follow it blindly - I am listening and its having an effect.thank you