Do you care if the woman has an O?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I was talking with some friends last night, typical guy talk. I jokingly told them that it would be awesome to sleep with a mute because there would be no pillow talk.

To which one of the guys said "yeah but you couldn't ask them how it was."

I jokingly told him that's a non-issue for me because I don't really give a ****.

We all laughed and another guy asked me how is it working out for me. I said just fine.

Actually what I told my friends isn't completely true. If the woman puts some effort into it, then I'll care. I always do my best and try to improve. But if the woman is just laying there like a sack of potatoes and I have to do all the work, then I really don't give a ****.

Moreover, I don't think men should be responsible for women's sexuality. If she doesn't have an orgasm and doesn't even try to then it's not my fault. It's well known that men can be bad in bed, but it's a lot less talked about that women can also be bad in bed. Yet in both cases the men are blamed. Well I say no more.

I was also taken off guard that my friend has asked his gf (or previous partner) how it was for her. It's a question that wreaks of insecurity. If you wanna know, then just pay attention while you are doing it. There are certain physical tells (that can't be consciously controlled) that can tell you if she is having a good time. If you are having an off day or she doesn't like something, and she knows what the **** she's doing, then she'll probably tell you.

So the next time you hook up with a chick that lies there like a sack of potatoes, just do what I did, delete her number and never talk to her again.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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SharinganUser said:
I was talking with some friends last night, typical guy talk. I jokingly told them that it would be awesome to sleep with a mute because there would be no pillow talk.

To which one of the guys said "yeah but you couldn't ask them how it was."

I jokingly told him that's a non-issue for me because I don't really give a ****.

We all laughed and another guy asked me how is it working out for me. I said just fine.

Actually what I told my friends isn't completely true. If the woman puts some effort into it, then I'll care. I always do my best and try to improve. But if the woman is just laying there like a sack of potatoes and I have to do all the work, then I really don't give a ****.

Moreover, I don't think men should be responsible for women's sexuality. If she doesn't have an orgasm and doesn't even try to then it's not my fault. It's well known that men can be bad in bed, but it's a lot less talked about that women can also be bad in bed. Yet in both cases the men are blamed. Well I say no more.

I was also taken off guard that my friend has asked his gf (or previous partner) how it was for her. It's a question that wreaks of insecurity. If you wanna know, then just pay attention while you are doing it. There are certain physical tells (that can't be consciously controlled) that can tell you if she is having a good time. If you are having an off day or she doesn't like something, and she knows what the **** she's doing, then she'll probably tell you.

So the next time you hook up with a chick that lies there like a sack of potatoes, just do what I did, delete her number and never talk to her again.
Yes. (But to work on bettering my knowledge of getting chicks to O.)

I'm not going to pressure her to have one nor have a meltdown if she doesn't.

I'm going to learn from the experience and attempt to grow and better myself to please the chick I'm with or the next.

I pretty much put my ego to the side, try to make her comfortable as possible, make her laugh, give her a few sincere compliments, and see what turns her on or off so if it doesn't work out I keep that info in my mind to either find another way or solve issues or use previous knowledge with a new chick. You find out what makes them tick and then fvck their brains out till you become their 'crack a-d1ck'tion.

Knowledge is power.
May 5, 2012
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Absolutely. I get off way more if I know the girl is getting off it provides that extra excitement for me for sure. You just need to find out what DOES get her off and they're all different believe you me. For example my girl can't come unless she's getting a c0ck and her **** rubbed at the same time. and not forward thrusting she needs to grind. No matter what. I can sit there and ram her all day and whilst she says it feels good she wont even come close to cumming. It makes things quite awkward to say the least and the only real effective position is from behind but she cant cop it from there because it pushes her stomach in and feels weird. Go figure. I think a lot of younger girls tend to be like this (the **** part).

Then there was this other girl I used to bang years ago that could come over and over again just from the forward thrust and that's it. Man she was easy to please and fk that made it ten times more enjoyable.

In short, it means everything to me. If they're not cumming easily you're gonna really need to work on the **** and the way you thrust.


Oct 20, 2006
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Making a woman have an orgasm is the single most important element of seduction.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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bigneil said:
Making a woman have an orgasm is the single most important element of seduction.
Not if its a ONS, you've already got what you want by then :D

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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She doesn't put any effort into her orgasm because she has other guys lined up.

Besides, an orgasm is down the long list of the many reasons women have sex. Since women don't value it that highly, why should you?

Don't objectify yourself. You're a human being, not a vibrator. You're there for your own reasons.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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In short, it means everything to me. If they're not cumming easily you're gonna really need to work on the **** and the way you thrust.
Except as I said before, some girls are just lazy and selfish in bed. It doesn't matter how good you are, or how big your ding dong is, these women just suck in bed.

If they are not going to pleasure me in bed, then I don't really see why I should be worried about pleasuring them. They are dead-fish and that's no one's fault except their own.


New Member
Apr 15, 2012
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If it's just a one night stand or a friend with benefits than no. it's just a hook up. But if your in a relationship, then yes it is important. If you get women off then they will always want to get in on(learned from experience). sometimes I feel like Al Bundy cause if you can get a woman to orgasm than they literally want to tear you apart all the time and it is tiring.

I have friends that have complained that their women never want to do it. That leads me to believe that they aren't skilled in bed. Yeah when you first get into a relationship and the love phase is on, women don't seem to really care. but later on down the road, it does matter.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I have friends that have complained that their women never want to do it. That leads me to believe that they aren't skilled in bed.
I am not talking women who don't want to do it. I am talking about the willing women that are awful in bed and make no effort to improve.

The last two ONS I had (and the main reason I made this thread) just lied there. No matter what I did. I tried flipping them, smacking them, and even went down on one even though I don't like doing that. No matter what I did they did not want try it. They just wanted missionary, it was boring as hell and I am not going to feel responsible for it. One even had the audacity to call me selfish.

One girl told me she just lost her v-card a few months ago. So I can't really fault her for that, nobody is great when they start out. The other one told me she was a slut after she got divorced, and she even said she was too lazy to get on top. Then she tells me I am being selfish? I nearly threw my back out because she was to much of a pig to even move her hips a little. And while I am on a little rant, I had to air out my apartment for a week because of the stench of b.o. and shame after that.

What I learned from this experience is that I shouldn't base any part of my self-esteem on what women think, even in bed.

As for your friends, Jonnyblond, I'd tell them they either need to start paying attention to what turns their girlfriends on, and if that doesn't work then they need to find someone who is more on their level, someone they click with.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I'm with OP on this one.

But if I do notice that the girl want's to "O" then i'll do this thing where i'll stick it all the way in and kinda try to angle my member upwards to hit that G spot and rub her ****oris with my mons pubis at the same time... they love that if you do it right.


Oct 20, 2006
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The only way a woman is going to have feelings for you is if you are making her have an orgasm (or at least close enough that she thinks you will). They don't know it, but it's: Attraction, sex, orgasm, feelings, romance. In that order.

So on a ONS, making her orgasm is even more important. Those are the girls who will pine over you for months and be ready to go the next time you run into her.

To be the man of her dreams you must ultimately seek to satisfy her. What is the point of this forum except to advance us toward that end?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I do the best I can because I prefer that she orgasms, even for a ONS. I don't stress about it, but I genuinely try to get her off.

Even for a ONS, I don't want her to regret it. Even if she never has another ONS again, I want her to look back and say "That was fun."

If men are completely lame during ONS', aren't we (collectively) shooting ourselves in the foot? If her and her friends gossip about how lame their ONS' are, they'll be less likely to have them in the future.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Only if I ever want to see her again.

There is NOTHING that gives you more power in a relationship than the ability to blow her mind in bed. No amount of kino, negging, alpha behavior, or whatever else you've read about will cause her to submit to your will in the relationship more than being able to give her regular orgasms. There have been many a girl WAYYY above me in looks and personality that have stayed longer with me than they should have because I eat the pvssy well.

Oh, and as an aside, the mute thing. If you're REALLY doing it right they can't even make a sound.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Dont get me wrong guys but after all the fvcking work it takes to get a girl to bed I finally wanna benefit of it, if her orgasm in on the way fine otherwise Im not gonna turn to do the secondary missions.

If a girl really does her part both in the "lets know each other phase" and does give something back in the relationship then giving her an orgasm becomes part of my priorities.

But the average girl simply had her part of pleasure by being a prize that forced a poor guy to work his ass off to get her, and thats a pleasure very few guys have.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
If you make her have an orgasm you have a friend for life.
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