Do muscles really help?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
When it comes to muscles, there's a deeper thing to it than just looking strong. When you are muscular and lean, You feel it and it shows in your attitude and "swag" so to speak. Let me explain... When you are walking down the street for example,.. You feel your muscles full and powerful and this gives off the aura/vibe that you walk upright and confident as your chest sticks out, your back feels strong and straight, your arms and shoulder feel like you could kick someones ass and your quads strong like an oak tree,.. and this is what causes Women to love this about men so much. He looks powerful, He looks confident and testosterone is oozing out of him. The panties get wet because its not a choice, its in their DNA to submit to such a man. Other men will respect him also just by the way he looks.

This is party the reason why guys who go out to bars/lounges dressed up in button up, collar shirts still lose to the guy whos just wearing a fitted t shirt. You can dress as nice as you want, wear the best name brands but if it looks like you have a 15 year old body under that, Panties stay dry. As oppose to the guy who looks vascular, broad shoulder power, lean abs etc... Women think,... i bet he can over power me in bed and fvck me like the bad little girl that i am. Women want a powerful looking Man. I know this because that Vascular, lean muscular guy at the bar in a nice fitting t shirt that pulls HB8/8's is me. Does it help that i have a good looking face too? Fvck yeah it does but even if you dont, you will still pull HB's because of your manly look. Do muscles help? Yes absolutely and Women who say they they dont like all those "ewwy muscles" are full of sh*t because they know other women will desire him and his masculinity she wont be able to control. Testosterone is king and Women want a guy who has plenty of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2014
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EternalBachelor said:
I've hit a brick wall. I have no problem getting average looking girls but pretty girls still do not give me the time of day. It is self evident to me that the guys pretty girls like are the handsome guys with the square jaws, prominent chins that generally look macho and dominant. In contrast, I have a baby face and while girls call me cute that does not seem to be what the really hot girls want.

I read a post by Pook claiming that adding 40-50lbs of muscle took him from dating fat girls to dating gym bunnies. Although he said he was nice looking to begin with in which case his bone structure was possibly already good and he just needed meat on those bones.

With me my bone structure is pretty crappy and doubt weightlifting would do much for my face. And I am not convinced girls care all that much about muscles per se. The guys I see with pretty girls are usually handsome rather than muscular.

What are guys' experiences?
"Baby Face" normally refers to chubby cheeks, and yes working out can change that. You'll lose fat in your face before your gut. Try it. All change can be good change if you direct the momentum that way.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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MidnightCity said:
i would take being a capable man over having any eye pleasing physique any day of the week
Why does it have to be one or the other? Be both. That's what the manosphere/red pill preaches. Self improvement in every facet of your life. Aesthetics is one part and game is another.

Good aesthetics + game = panty dropper.

But I do agree that being able to talk to women ranks higher than having a perfect physique. If you have a perfect physique but no social skills, you're not going to be able to close the deal at least with high value women.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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MidnightCity said:
you missed the point entirely.

a man who has muscles because hes an experienced rock climber is much more attractive than a man who spends hours in the gym.

the same way a man who doesnt look like much but fights in golden gloves is more attractive than a guy who focuses on getting "cut up"

there should be purpose, determination, desire, ambition, BEYOND doing it to get girls.

we all want to be told we're good looking by the opposite sex, but if i have no choice in how symmetrical my face is or how prominent my jaw/chin is, or how nice my smile is, then i'd rather be a guy whos maybe not that good looking but can def make shlt happen.
You act like you have to spend hours in the gym. I can be in-out of the gym in 45 min to an hour and get a complete lift in. People who spend more than that in the gym are either doing too much or wasting time.

And getting "cut up" as you describe requires a ton of drive and dedication. I'm not talking about a skinny dude getting a six pack. I am talking about building a nice well rounded physique.

My girl seems to love it, and she even told me she knows how much work it takes to get what I have.

Either way it comes down to what you like to do. The main thing is to have passion about what you do in life.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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Gaining 40 to 50 pounds of muscle like you said some guy wrote about, maybe like 5% of us can do that. That's huge gains if you're talking muscle mass and not just water bloat. Yes muscles help, have you not noticed when in misch how women love rubbing all over your arms while youre doing work? Or how they love rubbing on your pecs while on top? They love it.

Most of us are capable genetically of gaining about 10-15 pounds of muscle mass with healthy eating and hard work, my post might get yanked down for this but over the past few years I've cycled starting up in Feb and ending around September and always look amazing and the looks I get from that time compared to the winter are noticeable. Not to mention you feel like you're 16 again in the bedroom and horny as hell haha


Apr 9, 2010
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Mauser96 said:
You can't really change your face.

You CAN change your body. Adding muscle, getting in shape WILL change your mind and mindset.

You will :
look better
feel better
be more confident
Come across as more confident, more attractive, more of a prize mentality.
Builds character/discipline

Try it and judge the results for yourself.

Lowering your bodyfat% changes your face aesthetically.

And yes OP. Muscles help. Having muscles is an indication of testosterone and we all know testosterone is the key to attracting the female sex hormone which is estrogen. Pook went over this. Pook also created a fitness journal on this forum and by the time he reached 200 lbs, women started showing attention towards him.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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SeymourCake said:
Pook went over this. Pook also created a fitness journal on this forum and by the time he reached 200 lbs, women started showing attention towards him.
Pook was lying, though. Or to put it more generously, he was writing to make a point, and whether or not it was the truth didn't really matter.

If you refer to Pook's "Kill That Desperation" thread, which was written back when he was still skinny, he says

"BTW, chicks LOVE tall thin guys. I don't know why, but they will go after them."

That would seem to suggest women went after Pook long before he bulked up. In that same thread he says:

For some reason, I tend to attract flocks of chicks. They hit on me, touch me, try to get me to ask them out (and I don't, heh heh). Other guys my age I talk to a few have had the same thing. We found out the reason why, as was summed up by what one girl told me:

"You're not like most guys. You're different, intelligent, and SEXIER THEN A GREEK GOD!"
It's pretty obvious Pook was attracting women long before he started weightlifting. IF what he said could be believed, which apparently it could not. I think Pook was more interested in what made good writing and good lessons than in taking real, truthful examples from his life.


Sep 11, 2013
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Depends on where you live. At my university, looking like a bum with no job that has dad pay for everything is the key look. Hence dad bodies. However, I bet that won't fly well in a place like Miami.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Ive been in the gym around 4 years now

Im naturally slim build and naturally athletic

but adding and maintaining muscle has been challenging to say the least

only now ive finally started to get into the shape i want and ive still got a way to go yet , but yes i would defenitley say its helped with my confidence with chicks especially in the bed room

taking my top off in front of a hot chick in the summer and watching her eyes pop out of her head is definitely worth all the work i can assure you

however i wouldn’t say its really helped me attract MORE women though , very few bother to actually compliment me on my body but i suspect this is just modern blue pill culture where the woman is deemed the prize and complimenting a man just isn’t the norm

i also tend to find being in good shape reassures me she aint going to find better elsewhere :cool: