Do Mothers Train their Sons to be Afc's


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
I was going to call this one "do women train their sons to be pvssies", but for political reasons I changed it to it's current form. But it is my belief that mothers train their sons from birth to be weak/stupid.

I feel that that is what my mom tried to do especially when I realized that my moms' friends wanted their daughters to date me. I realized why, because I'm to nice of a guy. I realized that a lot of people expect men to get married have kids that may or may not be theirs and support the wife through anything. I don't want that type of life and that is why I rejected marriage and, the life style society dictates for us. Sorry if i'm rambling guys but that is my belief and I want all us dj's to be free.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Don't just blame it on mothers, it's most of society (at least here in the states). The norm is to teach men how to be "gentlemen." :crazy:

Admittedly, there's a lot of guys out there who are @ssholes but it's their only other option other than being supplicating wusses unless they are lucky enough to know about the DJ way of life. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Yes, any well-meaning woman will train you to be an AFC.

“Call her the morning after you get her number, bring her a gift on that first date, look into her eyes and tell her how you really feel.”

When a woman gives advice like this, immediately ask: “So, was your last boyfriend doing all that right before you starting humping his brains out?” The honest answer will be, “Um, well, no, but that was, uuhhh, DIFFERENT!”

You could ask your Mom to remember exactly what your father did that other guys didn't do (but I dunno, you really wanna ask your mom about juicy details?)

Even a good father figure doesn't really train you how to act around women: he just teaches by example. Nowadays, most boys are basically raised by their moms. In the trash areas where I grew up, most boys are raised by grandma, while mom's out partying (don't even ask about dad).

Plus, our culture was formed back when women had no say in what man married her. So while guys learn how to act at school, at stores, at funerals, they don't learn how to act around women. It's so freakin vague.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
I think moms mean well, but don't all women that give advice about this stuff?

Actually, I think moms sometimes give proper advice, but the thing is, you can't make use of it when you get it. See, your mom tells you things that she would like. Lets forget the fact that women say they want one thing and really want another, just for a second. Your mom is usually in her 30's, I hope. At least by the time you start asking for advice on girls, she should be in her late 30's. Women at that age don't really want the fast-talking, smooth operator that young girls are attracted to. Their biological clocks are telling them that they're getting old, and to settle down to raise a family, so they'll give an AFC a chance, if he has money and stuff to support a family. That's the advice your mom will give you.

But see, the problem is, you aren't in your late 30's, and you aren't pursuing 30-somethings either. You're after much, much younger girls, and that doesn't appeal to them at all. So the point is, when your mom tries to give you advice on girls, its pretty safe to say that you should just nod your head and then forget what you just heard.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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It's not all your mother's fault haha. In fact it might not be at all.

I still don't get why girls word things so differently about what they want from a man though. Haha. "a man that will hold my hand and hold doors blah blah


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
See, the thing is i feel that if a girl wants me it would be so she could use me. I'm not being negative, I just think that I'm too stable, for a 20 year old. I also think that for some reason some women want their sons to be chumps. To be honest I didn't grow up with much supervision but my friend does anything his mom tells him and I know he will still be living with her when he is in his forties. Myself, on the other hand I have to see the world and, I won't let anybody stop me.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Chosen1 said:
I also think that for some reason some women want their sons to be chumps.
You may be right on that. At least partially. See, parents don't want their kids to undermine their authority. They teach their kids to be submissive, so they won't turn against them. I don't think they intend for it to become part of the child's personality, but that's usually what happens. Then he has problems later in life, because he isn't used to thinking for himself. He wants someone to tell him what to do. He's waiting for someone to give him permission, to say its ok.

Wow, that's pretty interesting actually. This may be the exact reason why most guys are AFC's. Every new member I see here, they always make posts that say "Should I do this?" or "Can you actually say that?". They're always looking for someone to tell them what to do. Hmmm.... very interesting.

You could extend this into the school system as well. In grade school, you're taught to keep your hands to yourself, which explains people's problems with kino. They tell you not to speak unless spoken to, and to raise your hand when you have a question. In the real world, you have to speak out if you want to be heard, no one will come up to you and ask you what's wrong. That can explain why guys are shy about approaching and talking to girls. Some teachers don't allow talking in class. While its important to shut up and listen to the teacher when they actually have something to say, it should be perfectly acceptable to talk at a decent sound level when they aren't. Not allowing talking can discourage people from talking at all.

Our education system influences individual-ness. Everything you do is by yourself. Sit in you assigned seat. Do your homework individually. Read to yourself silently. Group projects and discussions are rare. There's nothing to influence social skills at all. You can go thru all 12 years of basic education and hardly talk at all. The only ways in which the school makes an effort to develop social skills is outside the classroom. You have to play sports or join a club or something.

All of this needs to change. Regardless, it is very interesting. I would go so far as to say that these two problems are big causes of society sucking nowadays. Parents didn't raise their kids this way 50 years ago. Education was a totally different experience as well. I'd like to hear others' thoughts on this. Maybe someone can provide some research that has been done on this stuff?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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My parents never gave me advice on women, and I would probably have ignored it if they did.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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When I grew up I remember Oprah on TV and when things like Ricky Lake or whatever where the guys where ****s, she would be commenting. She never had a talk or anything but it had an effect. Even though my dad was allways there, he was an old school type of guy and just left the rearing to my mum.

It had to have an effect. Basically I believe that if someone is unhappy with ANY part of their life it is because of parents.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
...Our education system influences individual-ness. Everything you do is by yourself. Sit in you assigned seat. Do your homework individually. Read to yourself silently. Group projects and discussions are rare. There's nothing to influence social skills at all. You can go thru all 12 years of basic education and hardly talk at all. The only ways in which the school makes an effort to develop social skills is outside the classroom. You have to play sports or join a club or something.

All of this needs to change. Regardless, it is very interesting. I would go so far as to say that these two problems are big causes of society sucking nowadays. Parents didn't raise their kids this way 50 years ago. Education was a totally different experience as well. I'd like to hear others' thoughts on this. Maybe someone can provide some research that has been done on this stuff?
Actually, you're pretty much dead wrong about current educational trends and what it was like in the past. My mother is a teacher now, and the emphasis is definitely toward group learning. Individual growth and work is still encouraged, but learning to work together is definitely being emphasized as well. Secondly, my father was in grade school 50 years ago and it was definitely much more oppressive and disciplinarian than it is now or even 10 years ago. In fact, he was made to sit on his hands many times, and other stupid punishments since he wouldn't aways behave. Education is partially to blame for how people are socialized, but not nearly as much as you are insinuating in your post.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
I'm just going on what I went thru in school. I just graduated. I THINK its fresh on my mind. Maybe.

Of course the emphasis is toward group learning. They really are trying to change it, and that's great. But the fact still remains, that things are mostly on an individual basis. When they give more group assignments where if one student doesn't participate, the whole group fails, then I'll give you more credit. That situation would force socializing between the group members. Also, a much larger amount of class time should be spent in class discussions. Where everyone can have their opinions and thoughts heard, and everyone is included. When I was in school, sometimes you'd just walk into class, see the assignment on the board, and do the worksheets for the entire time. The teacher never even had to formally address the class. I didn't go to a cheap or low-quality school either. My school was one of the best in the state.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Ace of Flames said:
All of this needs to change.
Why does it need to change? There's a food chain. There needs to be the stronger and the weaker, the faster and the slower, it's the way things work. If everybody learned the right skills and everybody was a player, everyone of us would just be another one in the herd. If everybody excels, then no one does, you understand?

Imagine you're the smartest kid in your school, say you're three grades ahead of everyone. That's impressive and you stand out as extraordinary. You could win the spelling bee hands down everytime, no matter what. Now let's say they move you to a super advanced class. You haven't changed, you're just as smart, but now that everyone is, you don't stand out anymore. and even though you haven't changed a bit, winning that spelling bee is going to be quite a bit harder if everyone else is on your level.

Gaming chicks is that spelling bee. I'd rather be outstanding amongst the mediocre than blending in amongst the extraordinary. The more losers and chumps and idiots out there who don't know the first thing about attracting women, the better it is for me, because for every one of those guys there's another single girl sitting somewhere wondering where to find the guy who blows her away.

That being said, I don't do anything to shoot a guy's game down (unless he's direct competition). If someone knows there's a better way and is willing to commit to find it, I'm happy to help. It's going to sound kind of cliche, but it's like the Matrix pills. Billions are happy in their ignorance, but once in a while, the select few seek out the true path because they are unsatisfied. Not allowing them in isn't right and makes it harder on them, but you can't force feed it to them either, that makes it harder on them and us.

There must be a balance. Only darkness allows us to love the light, only sadness teaches appreciation for happiness, only longing brings forth the desire for contentment, that which is better only is because there is worse, and only AFCs allow the DJ to be a DJ and not just another guy.
[/oriental harp music of zen]


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Chosen1 said:
I was going to call this one "do women train their sons to be pvssies", but for political reasons I changed it to it's current form. But it is my belief that mothers train their sons from birth to be weak/stupid.
YES. And so do sisters and feminists. That's because they want men to become slaves to serve THEIR interests, not masters to serve our OWN.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
I'm just going on what I went thru in school. I just graduated. I THINK its fresh on my mind. Maybe.

Of course the emphasis is toward group learning. They really are trying to change it, and that's great. But the fact still remains, that things are mostly on an individual basis. When they give more group assignments where if one student doesn't participate, the whole group fails, then I'll give you more credit. That situation would force socializing between the group members. Also, a much larger amount of class time should be spent in class discussions. Where everyone can have their opinions and thoughts heard, and everyone is included. When I was in school, sometimes you'd just walk into class, see the assignment on the board, and do the worksheets for the entire time. The teacher never even had to formally address the class. I didn't go to a cheap or low-quality school either. My school was one of the best in the state.
Which state? I never had a consistent experience in school where all we did was get the assignment on the board and do it for the whole period. Also, where these honor/AP/IB courses?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
When it comes to attracting women, I find that my mom gives bad advice.

When it comes to actual advice with a relationship, she gives really really good advice.

So in other words, when you already got the girl, she gives good advice.

If you guys don't understand what that means, I can elaborate.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card

I didn't say it was constant, but only that it happened. The ideal would be what I stated before, with lots of group discussions and stuff, but that's not what we get. We get textbooks and worksheets. That requires no teaching ability. I could teach a class if all I had to do was tell the class what page to turn to, and when the homework was due.

Honestly, it was mostly regular classes. I always excelled in school, I was even in a special class for being like the top 3% of the student population. But they only had that class up to 9th grade. Then I got stuck in normal classes for the rest of high school, but I don't regret it. Honors/AP classes are wasted effort. You're gonna get the same near-useless high school diploma if you take the easy normal classes, or the tough-for-no-reason AP classes, so why bother with the hard stuff? I had many more opportunities for socializing in the normal classes, and the people were REAL. In the honors classes, everyone is so high-strung and snooty, you can't make any friends unless you're just as much of a snob as they are. I never got along with those people. In the normal classes, I made many more friends.

But doesn't that bother you? In the Honors classes, they pile on loads of work and try to be more engaging. In the normal classes, they just seem to have given up. I've noticed this first-hand. When a student was failing in a normal class, they would get a general warning, and that was about it. The teacher didn't care. They didn't offer much help at all to make the student succeed. They were only in it for the paycheck. Weird, since teachers don't make alot.

Funding goes towards sports more than education, and even then, its usually focused on one sport. Trust me, our football team won the state championship in my junior year. All our money went towards that team. I played tennis in high school. Wanna know how much of a budget we had for the whole year? About $150. Yea.

School is just about as messed up as government and religion. But I agree with S1NN3R. The worse off others are, the better off we get. Its kind of a twisted way to think about it, but its true.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Ace of Flames said:
Honestly, it was mostly regular classes. I always excelled in school, I was even in a special class for being like the top 3% of the student population. But they only had that class up to 9th grade. Then I got stuck in normal classes for the rest of high school, but I don't regret it. Honors/AP classes are wasted effort. You're gonna get the same near-useless high school diploma if you take the easy normal classes, or the tough-for-no-reason AP classes, so why bother with the hard stuff? I had many more opportunities for socializing in the normal classes, and the people were REAL. In the honors classes, everyone is so high-strung and snooty, you can't make any friends unless you're just as much of a snob as they are. I never got along with those people. In the normal classes, I made many more friends.

But doesn't that bother you? In the Honors classes, they pile on loads of work and try to be more engaging. In the normal classes, they just seem to have given up. I've noticed this first-hand. When a student was failing in a normal class, they would get a general warning, and that was about it. The teacher didn't care. They didn't offer much help at all to make the student succeed. They were only in it for the paycheck. Weird, since teachers don't make alot.

Funding goes towards sports more than education, and even then, its usually focused on one sport. Trust me, our football team won the state championship in my junior year. All our money went towards that team. I played tennis in high school. Wanna know how much of a budget we had for the whole year? About $150. Yea.

School is just about as messed up as government and religion. But I agree with S1NN3R. The worse off others are, the better off we get. Its kind of a twisted way to think about it, but its true.
You are right bro, I'm in honors/ap classes and people there are snooty. The best thing is though that my personality is so dominant to them that they end up liking me and try to seek my approval. its so funny yet sad when they try to make a point and I pipe up from the back (I'm notorious for starting debates/arguments, some of my teachers love me for it), "Nah that makes no sense, **** like that doesn't happen in the real world scuse my language " and keep going with my point.

But you are right, they HAVE given up on alot of normal people, I feel bad because it just reinforces those ****ing faggot Honors kids that they are "better" than everyone else, and I CONSTANTLY have to tell them they are not, it worsk especially because I'm a stoner, don't study, rarely do homework, and still get better grades than most of them. Half of them even told me that I could easily be valedvictorian if I applied myself (applying yourself in high school, what a joke), but its sad that people are segregated like that.

Ace is right, school is ****ed up right now, there needs to be a huge ****ing reform.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Lol thanks man, but it is right, and its kinda revolting to see.

Sometimes my anger bubbles to the surface watching the kids who think they are so smart talk abotu people who are like my friends in other classes. Alot of my other "regular" (which is a stupid term in itself made by insecure people), friends in other class have alot more common sense and skills than me or any of my friends in the "honors" class, and I tell them that straight up.

Most people in honors etc are little brats that think they are better than everyone else, they think that knowledge is everything. Its so sick to see someone cry over gettin glike a C ONCE, or freaking out over a test. They actually get mad at me because I don't study and get A's, and I tell them its because they are too ****ing busy taking notes trying to be model students that they aren't even HEARING what's being said.

I hear that in europe things are alot more social, it would be really interesting to get someone from one of those countries to come talk about what sc hooling is like over there, and it would be even better if someone from europe who moved to an american school over here could give input.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
pooparu said:
You are right bro, I'm in honors/ap classes and people there are snooty. The best thing is though that my personality is so dominant to them that they end up liking me and try to seek my approval. its so funny yet sad when they try to make a point and I pipe up from the back (I'm notorious for starting debates/arguments, some of my teachers love me for it), "Nah that makes no sense, **** like that doesn't happen in the real world scuse my language " and keep going with my point.

But you are right, they HAVE given up on alot of normal people, I feel bad because it just reinforces those ****ing faggot Honors kids that they are "better" than everyone else, and I CONSTANTLY have to tell them they are not, it worsk especially because I'm a stoner, don't study, rarely do homework, and still get better grades than most of them. Half of them even told me that I could easily be valedvictorian if I applied myself (applying yourself in high school, what a joke), but its sad that people are segregated like that.

Ace is right, school is ****ed up right now, there needs to be a huge ****ing reform.
Agreed, I never said the educational system in the United States, at any level is perfect. Yet, what kind of changes would you implement? What would the lesson plans be? What would the criteria be for obtaining and dispensing Federal funding? It's one thing to say, "Oh, I do awesome in high level classes without even trying, and the educational system is ****ing busted!" But quite another to actually have a clue as how to fix it? If you're so smart and do so well without working at it, then please tell me your uber plan.

Sure, I agree, one of my "regrets" is that I should have taken more time in high school to relax and work on my social skills, but not working up to your full potential at ANY point in your life is just plain stupid, no matter how "smart" you may be.