Do alpha males get cheated on? Or do betas more often?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
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I googled it and it comes to two camps:

-Cheating goes hand in hand with cheating alphas, however alphas couldnt care less and would walk with a different female(s) who didnt do him wrong (yet) Hence some women married to a rich alpha cheats with the pool boy but then some alphas who are powerful (of course with power comes money) are not getting cheated on.

a part of this is women want control (why do you think they like horse back riding? a powerful animal between their legs hmmm), alphas are powerful animals though cannot be controlled by her body because s#it he has options! Then she will find someone she CAN control, or the cheating gives her that control fix.

-Weak men, or beta males, the pushovers etc. gets cheated on because they are weak. Like Robert Pattinson.

Is infidelity a norm now? Are there really ways to NOT get cheated on or do we just have to deal with it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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dudewut said:
I googled it and it comes to two camps:

-Cheating goes hand in hand with cheating alphas, however alphas couldnt care less and would walk with a different female(s) who didnt do him wrong (yet) Hence some women married to a rich alpha cheats with the pool boy but then some alphas who are powerful (of course with power comes money) are not getting cheated on.

-Weak men, or beta males, the pushovers etc. gets cheated on because they are weak. Like Robert Pattinson.

Is infidelity a norm now? Are there really ways to NOT get cheated on or do we just have to deal with it?
Nobody is completely safe from infidelity. It doesn't matter who you are.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
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Scars said:
Nobody is completely safe from infidelity. It doesn't matter who you are.


I am now thinking of an alpha male celebrity who did not get cheated on...



Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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dudewut said:
I am now thinking of an alpha male celebrity who did not get cheated on...

The man is a legend


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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dudewut said:
I am now thinking of an alpha male celebrity who did not get cheated on...

There's many.

But look at the man who is pretty much the sex symbol for men. Brad Pitt. Angelina admitted to cheating on him. Look at how many girls he's dated as well. Do you think they all ended with a "I just don't think this is working out..", nah. He's been cheated on, and he's probably also done the same.

Our society is too feminized. It's a lot more acceptable for woman to cheat, because the man isn't "doing his job" so she's "going to look for someone else who can".

Not to mention you can be so alpha, that your girlfriend feels completely inferior to you to the point where you get so much female attention that she just assumes you're cheating, even if you aren't. In return she does the same and assumes she can get away with it. This is how woman think. If you ever cheat on your girl, even ONCE, she will most likely do it to you eventually. She has a get out of jail free card in her eyes.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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I'm not going to say that infidelity is the norm nowadays...but I will say that an alpha definitely has less of a chance of getting cheated on. Women don't want to lose alphas and they know if they get caught cheating, he's gone. Some betas won't take a chick back either if she cheats but the broad could care less about that. It all comes down to the difference in how the MAN makes the WOMAN feel. If she feels like she can't lose the guy, she is MUCH less likely to cheat than if she is willing to lose him.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
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SoSuave666 said:
I'm not going to say that infidelity is the norm nowadays...but I will say that an alpha definitely has less of a chance of getting cheated on. Women don't want to lose alphas and they know if they get caught cheating, he's gone. Some betas won't take a chick back either if she cheats but the broad could care less about that. It all comes down to the difference in how the MAN makes the WOMAN feel. If she feels like she can't lose the guy, she is MUCH less likely to cheat than if she is willing to lose him.
Scars said:
But look at the man who is pretty much the sex symbol for men. Brad Pitt. Angelina admitted to cheating on him. Look at how many girls he's dated as well. Do you think they all ended with a "I just don't think this is working out..", nah. He's been cheated on, and he's probably also done the same.
But then I have seen girls who cheat on their guy and just never told him. Thats another good point to bring up. In fact I hooked up with a girl and she begged me not to tell him and that she felt horrible that she did that. Right after that she grabbed the towel next to her and wiped her belly. As far as I know they are still together.

Sad part is, being the scumbag that I am, if this goes public I will be preselected to the roof and gain respect. The boyfriend, on the other hand will be ridiculed and shamed. The woman will have nothing on her as she is "confused" or "was drunk" or whatever else.

I guess we all have to be comfortable with the idea that women will cheat, its not a matter of if, its a matter of when and how we should handle it when it happens.


Nov 4, 2010
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alphas get cheated on too!

some men will never know the woman they have by their side will have cheated on them, women = master deceivers!

being an alpha isnt a steel sheild against infidelity, the risk is less but there is no immunity...for anyone


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Three types of males. Alphas, betas, and "sneaker" males.

From this scientific paper about lizards:

Although alternative male strategies are widespread among animals, quantitative evidence for the success of discrete male strategies is available for only a few systems. We use nuclear microsatellites to estimate the paternity rates of three male lizard strategies previously modeled as a rock-paper-scissors game.

Each strategy has strengths that allow it to outcompete one morph, and weaknesses that leave it vulnerable to the strategy of another.

Blue-throated males mate-guard their females and avoid cuckoldry by yellow-throated “sneaker” males, but mate-guarding is ineffective against aggressive orange-throated neighbors.

The ultradominant orange-throated males are highly polygynous and maintain large territories; they overpower blue-throated neighbors and cosire offspring with their females, but are often cuckolded by yellow-throated males.

[Sneakers - don't know where these fit in in the Alpha-Omega hierarchy]
Finally, yellow-throated sneaker males sire offspring via secretive copulations and often share paternity of offspring within a female's clutch. Sneaker males sire more offspring posthumously [ie., Alphas kill their asses], indicating that sperm competition may be an important component of their strategy.


Here's another academic article on the three types, calling "sneakers" Gamma Males:


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
AFAIC, everyone can get cheated on at any time.

Being an alpha male greatly reduces your chances of being cheated on. Always have options, because you never know when the breakup will happen.

Infidelity is becoming the norm, and these days, it seems that marriage is a joke, and having a relationship is starting to be so too.

What will dating, marriage, and game be like in 2020?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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donking said:
f'ing intersting stuff Zarky. love it.
Thanks, I find that stuff fascinating as well. While lizards and humans are pretty different... maybe they're not so different after all ;)

I find the "mate guarding" male and the "sneaker male" phenomena quite interesting.

I also find it interesting that in many species, the "beta" and "gamma" males often resemble and act like the female. Might the same not be said for beta and gamma men? Hmmmm, something to ponder :yes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
Everyone get's cheated on. It's not really a question of if, but when.

Experience getting cheated on. Please.

If you're too afraid to enter a relationship because you may get cheated on, you're cheating yourself out of many great experience, wild sexcapades, and just plain old learning that is essential to your growth.

And learning to get over an ex who cheated on you is a whole new level of growth in itself..

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Nobody is safe and immune from the gravitational forces of hypergamy. Even alpha males can be out-bested by other alpha males, or lose their perceived value by turning out to be not quite the alpha she hoped he would be. The best you can be is to be the most alpha you can be, more alpha than beta, in balance.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2010
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Anyone looking for an "If A than B" approach to women is mistaken. There are no universal rules that apply to all women; each person is unique and there are too many variables to suggest that being an Alpha Male will ensure one is never cheated on. What being an Alpha does is ensure that you can handle being cheated on.

There was one girl I was dating when I was a pure AFC Beta who was well beyond my league. I shouldn't say "one girl"; she was The Girl. She made me want to be a better man, as I was fully aware of how badly other men wanted her, but I didn't have many other plates as well. I wanted to "deserve her", and I began working my ass off to make sure that I did. I worked out a ton, I worked hard at my job and got promotions, and read Neil Strauss' The Game to ensure that I knew what I could do to deserve her.

Suddenly, (actually, not suddenly; more like a year later) other girls were checking me out. We were that couple wherever we went; the one that everyone else looks at as the power couple. I thought she would love me more for it, because I was finally the Alpha she deserved, but she actually hated me for it. For reasons I'll never understand (nor care to these days), she had/probably still has this crippling insecurity that makes her start to lose it if she sees other girls checking out her man.

She eventually cheated on me, and it was with a guy who was my inferior in every way. He was short, fat, ugly, shy, unambitious, and crass (if he was a "nice guy" Beta, I'd at least concede that he was nicer than me; he didn't even have that). In my last conversation with her, I made the mistake of asking her why. I won't forget her response:

"I see how everyone looks at you. I know you're cheating on me, so I thought you should know how it feels."

But I wasn't cheating on her. Nevertheless, since I had increased my value, her brain interpreted that as a threat to her status as being "better" than me, and once she no longer felt that way, her thinking magically evolved into "knowledge" that I was cheating on her. By displaying more Alpha traits, I triggered her insecurities which made her go running to a Beta that she could control.

The good thing about an Alpha mindset is that I had enough pride to say "fvck this" and leave her. She has tried contacting me about two dozen times since then, and I've always responded by not responding ("even no action is an action.") The Beta me would have been upset, and would have tried to make things okay with her, and blame myself for losing her. An Alpha attitude didn't save her fidelity, but it did save my self-respect, which is all you can really control.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
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Congrats man. Something similar JUST happened to me (somewhat similar). But this girl has a bf and wants to "chill" with me. I deaded the whole situation but I know after a few days of NC she'll come running back.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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Scars said:
Our society is too feminized. It's a lot more acceptable for woman to cheat, because the man isn't "doing his job" so she's "going to look for someone else who can".
But if a man comes forward that he cheated then he's a scumbag. Gotta love double-standards.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
so what your saying is the stable relationship of the 50's has gone? what are we left with? nothing by the looks of it.

Scars said:
There's many.

But look at the man who is pretty much the sex symbol for men. Brad Pitt. Angelina admitted to cheating on him. Look at how many girls he's dated as well. Do you think they all ended with a "I just don't think this is working out..", nah. He's been cheated on, and he's probably also done the same.

Our society is too feminized. It's a lot more acceptable for woman to cheat, because the man isn't "doing his job" so she's "going to look for someone else who can".

Not to mention you can be so alpha, that your girlfriend feels completely inferior to you to the point where you get so much female attention that she just assumes you're cheating, even if you aren't. In return she does the same and assumes she can get away with it. This is how woman think. If you ever cheat on your girl, even ONCE, she will most likely do it to you eventually. She has a get out of jail free card in her eyes.



Oct 20, 2006
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The Alpha can have sex with her right away, but after the honeymoon phase she becomes bored of him too. That's the reason marriage is a fairy tale. She will never meet someone who she loves as much as possible for an indefinite period.