Diss'd - Need quick advice to keep dignity in tact


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Hello – I got dissed twice by a girl. She’s HB10, total **** tease . As things were progressing and I thought w/in next date or two we’d be having sex, I found out that she slept with another guy within our social circle . Two different guys, two times. Obviously I misread the siuation. The first time I just didn’t say anything, because w her tease mentality she’d love it if it bothered me. Second time, I lost it a little and gave her upper hand by letting her know I was bothered by it and said some things that made me look like pathetic hurt puppy. I’m moving on, but just want to get out of this situation with little respect since there are other girls in our social circle that I want to go after and she will talk to boost her ego. JShe just texted me and I had text exchange w her - how would you respond to this text?

blah, blah, blah, then...
Me: no problem, you dissed me twice and I’m getting used to it
Her: Are you serious?:( Aww poor you…


New Member
Mar 13, 2011
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Best thing to do is erase her number out of your phone and not respond to anything she texts you. The more you respond to her shenanigans the more it will feed her ego, and the more ammo she will have against you to spread among the other females in your social circle. Drop her like a bad habit.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
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Dude/??????? what kinda sh*t is that "you dissed me twice and i'm getting used to it"?????????????

You need to slap your self silly.. I can't believe guys do this sh*t man. You telling her that sounds so pathetic it was even tough for me to read it... and her response "awwww poor you" oh my GOD, ahahahah you are comming off as a typical "nice, p**sy whipped boy" here that girls have no attractions towards...

First of all, how did she "diss you twice"??? By having guys in her past??? How did she diss you by sleepign with guys in the past??? So back then when she was about to sleep with those guys she was supposed to say "oh, no, no , sorry guy, no P**sy for you tonight, in 6 months I will talk with roberttj and he will get butt hurt that I slept with you in the past" common dude!!! She already slept with 2 guys that you know, instead of taking it as "great, this hot chick gets around and at least now I know she is down to give me some, she is obviously creating a pattern here and I'm the next lucky dog line to get some of this " you get offended before you even sleep with her??????? Why? Did you have plans to end up with this girl and marry her? Probably did! I woudn't be surprised, and now that you know that some other dudes boinked her, you're all upset and now PREVENTED your self from getting some... So no dude, she didnt' diss you by sleeping with these dudes.. most adult girls have a sexual history, and I have no idea how she told you about this, did you ask her? (chump move if you did) and if you didn't ask her and she told you, then hell, take it as her telling you she's willing to give it up to ya as well lol... but you just messed up here... she did not 'diss you"

second mistake is you telling her this.. what are you trying to accomplish?????? You want her to say "ohhhh noooo I'm soooo sorry, those other guys were *******s and it was a total mistake with them and I reallyyyyyyy like you a lot" common dude, was up with this self pity sh*t,, "oh I'm getting used to you dissing me"... you're already telling her that you will ACCEPT any kinda behavior from her, if you're openly hurt about this, but getting "used to it"..

Take one last shot with her, a prayer, lol, throw up that prayer and see if the ball goes in, and then move the f*ck on 'cause if it doesn't you'll jsut get your feelings hurt and develop a oneitis for this girl... you probably already ruined your chances, but it won't kill you to just invite her over, have a few drinnks, and try to f*ck this girl,, advance physically, quit talking about stupid sh*t and try to fvck her, and if it doesn't work out, don't act like a sad hurt puppy, this is ruining your chances not only with her but with those other chicks you said that she knows.. she will probably tell them you are a wussy boy... common man.. man up.. try to screw her.. (oh, and she is probably not HB10... she may be hot, but HB10 means that she is PERFECT lol, and I can't see YOU the way you're acting having an HB10.. well,, you don't have her.. maybe that's why,... you are trying to elicit pitty out of her and probably have already ruined your chances...)...

But quit talking about stupid ish, make a move on her, and try to lay her.. if it doesn' work, don't moan and groan about it or try to get pitty outta her, just act like it's no big deal, and move on to talking to other girls.. dont' MAKE ANYTHING a big deal


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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oops dude, i agree with the guy above. u did fvck this one up pretty bad. after my experience with being a nice guy and few years learning here from master DJs, i have concluded that in any time a bytch disrespects me, the best thing would be cutting contact completely and not responding to txt msg or phone calls (which I made a mistake by answering...) i thought that i need to stand up for myself and let her know about it, and yes there are situations where a girl would totally do something fvcked up and you gotta let her know so u can get her respect you, but i think in many cases, and especially in your case, it was best idea just to cut contact. but u mentioned it to her and she knows, so game over brother.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
As sexysuave already said, why do you care who she slept with previously? You thought she was a virgin? You were trying to make her a housewife?

Get out of the habit of thinking that girls only want to f**k serious LTRs, and you. We all have hookups.


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Thanks !

All this advice is exactly what I needed! I managed to turn this situation around, told her I was just messin' with her and got the dialog back to a playful place. She wanted to get together and I told her I was busy. I think I'll just play it cool and try both pieces of advice (1) step away from her for awhile (2) take another shot at her in a few weeks.

I know I'm new to all this but just to clarify, she didn't fool around with someone from the past. I was with her on a Tuesday making out with her, had another date set for Fri (where I was going to go in for the close) and someone stepped in between and banged her on a Wed. I found out from the guy that nailed her. She's not "my" girl or anything but I'm just not cool enough in this all yet. Blew me away. Anyhow, thanks all for setting me straight.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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You were making out with her on Tuesday and someone else banged her on Wednesday. You can see what kind of girl this is. But to be honest you shouldn't care. Get them draws and then Let her Fly.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2011
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robertj said:
She’s HB10
Glad you managed to turn it around... She's a slag by the way aha, no offense but she's having some guy bone her right after you make out with her and all that? Yeah... Not that slags are bad people at all. Just sayin'...


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Don't take this **** seriously OP.

The root of all evil is money? Nah...that's just socialist propaganda. The real root of all evil is giving a **** about something that has no effect on you.

Happy hunting.