Disrespectful Girlfriend


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2013
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guys ! seriously , help me out here , this is a question im sure many of us want answered , what do you do when she disrespects you ?!
I was just walking my girl to her class and she was like''where's your class?'' , I said on the other side of the building and she says ''why are you coming with me then ?'' , I said '' im walking you to the class , didnt yu ask for it like 3 days ago'' , and we were walking with one of my friends with who we just had dinner and she went back to him and held his arms and said '' i wanna go with him'' , and i just controlled my emotions and left immediately without saying a word . after class , she saw me, I was on the phone with another chick the whole time and the other girl was asking me out for lunch and I told my girlfriend that . I kinda ignored her cuz she went in another direction after I told her and it looked like she wanted me to follow her but I just went back to my room because of what happened earlier. My question is , how do I handle a situation like this ?
The guy who's arm she held , is actually a friend of mine , kind of a chump , and I'm thinking maybe I should tell my girlfriend that she made a big fool of herself by doing that since 1)I'm not gonna walk her to her classes anymore and 2) The guy who's arm she held found it weird (he did) . Or maybe ignore her for the entire day and not 'study' with her like we have been doing every single night for the last 35 odd days .
Thoughts ?


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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I don't now how you can even refer to her as "your girl".

asid12345678 said:
My question is , how do I handle a situation like this ?
The best way to handle any disrespectful woman is just to move on. If she is messing about (and doing it to make a point), it will only get worse.

If it is a sh1t test she will come crawling back to you, but there is no reason why you would want her back.

If you see her between classes just smile and say hi without making conversation.

Confronting her over the issue is a poor move.

Following her to classes was very clingy. You are the chump, not your friend.

Get this sorted, read the DJ bible (especially posts by Pook). Good luck :up:


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I had a female that I was walking with do that to me. I just got pissed at her and asked her who the F she was to tell me what to do like that. Later I explained to her that if I decide to walk with her that I would do what I felt like doing. And that if she didn't like that that maybe we need to spend less time together because she didn't seem to "get it". I also told her that if she is going to be all up on my friends that I can do the same to her too because the only rule I live by is the golden rule.

Think about it, if you take a girl around other women they are going to pay particular attention to you just because girls love doing that crap. So for her to set this precedent only leaves me at an advantage a big advantage. You can perform a major upgrade with a nice piece of social proof on your arm like that.

Hey, all in all it just sounds like she is trying to get your attention by making you jealous. Go buy her some flowers, bang her good and she'll chill.

Dudes on here are here because they are weak minded, so all they can do is go NC. I say regulate that HO. Now is the time for you to build these skills, later on when you are older women are going to be more tactical about things. This is childs play.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
You don't have to take that flower thing literally, do your own thing please, the point was she just wants a little attention and there's nothing wrong with giving her a little. Unless you just don't want to, then the answer is to dump her arse, plain and simple.

The weak minded comment was to address the overflow of dudes just suggesting "go nc" I never suggested that so it doesn't apply to me.

Both points you disagree with are only because your depth of thought is lacking. Get over the words on the screen and learn the lessons within.

Women are petty, get over it and don't be like them.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Tough situation.

I would just quit walking her to class for good. She will ask y. Tell her because you don't want to


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
I told her how that guy and me thought it was super weird and that she made a big fool of herself . and she was like '' I thought it was funny , I dont see how it was weird'' but I doubt she's gonna do it again . I didn't call her this morning and she called me as soon as she got up and was like ''why didn't you call me or text me , why are you having lunch without me'' , I said 'umm , because didn't want to '' . We're cool now and we just had dinner , and she left me a note saying '' Thanks for introducing me to your friends , i feel proud of being with you . i think you are awesome , and we are awesome'' .