Define cute.

Dark Chivalry

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
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You sure don't look younger than 19, but you do look gentle and handsome. You'll need to be more sexual in your bodylanguage than the average guy and add a bit of bad boy through clothing.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2007
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Agreed with Dark C.

Yeah, I get the same thing. I don't believe its a bad thing, you can definitely use it to your advantage. Just go with the cute thing and work with your body language.


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
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Its not a bad thing to have a baby face...Many girls dig it


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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I think girls consider a guy "cute" if he has a young, innocent looking, boyish face. No girl would ever call Brad Pitt or LL Cool J "cute", because they got that rough, squared off jaw look and sort of that bad boy image. A "cute" guy usually just means a dude they think is attractive but who they don't wet their panties over.


Jul 6, 2007
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Cute is the kiss of death. It is just above, "fugly". No girl desires a cute guy. Many would prefer an ugly guy over a cute guy. Why? Because a cute guy has no edge. He is soft like a wet rag. An ugly guy might have that sexy edge that makes people want to be around him.

My advice to you is to look like you have more money than the chumps around you. Treat girls like s***. A cute guy must get rid of the cute label. I would rather people fear me than want to hug me. In every society on this earth the winners tend to be short angry men. Think about it. People thought Bill Gates was nice. That was until his emails popped up in court. That man is scary. Just read the court cases. My favorite line of his is, "Why don't you just give up your options and join the Peace Corps?" Nice man? I think not. Don't you be one either. Treat women like they owe you something.

Dark Chivalry

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
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LL Cool J in his younger days and the OP have a somewhat similar bone structure. OP can grow a light stubble and mustache, become more ripped, wear shades, lick his lips often and move like LL. OP also looks like Mystery.

This is a good example of a man working boyish charm by piling on the sex in his bodylanguage, sometimes acting like he can't handle how all those women are seducing him, catching them off guard and then swiftly moving in for the kill.


Jul 6, 2007
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Dark Chivalry said:
LL Cool J in his younger days and the OP have a somewhat similar bone structure. OP can grow a light stubble and mustache, become more ripped, wear shades, lick his lips often and move like LL. OP also looks like Mystery.

This is a good example of a man working boyish charm by piling on the sex in his bodylanguage, sometimes acting like he can't handle how all those women are seducing him, catching them off guard and then swiftly moving in for the kill.
It is a damn rap video. It isn't real life. Go act like that and you come back and tell me what happens. I really need to start a school for chumps. It will be my way of offering help to the less fortunate. Here are the first two rules:
Rule #1 - Life is not a rap video.
Rule #2 - You are not black.

Remember, the guys making the money off of rap are usually short little jewish guys who are 1,000 times tougher than any hulking black rapper. I am talking about record label chiefs.

Jerry Heller and wife...This should be your idol.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
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East Coast
what Dark Chivalry trying to say is be a man with clear sexual energy. Not a boy who is so-so, he is saying be assertive. ll cool j is a male sex symbol regardless of race.

bigappledj, ll cool j isn't even close to gangsta rap or a tough guy. Neither is will smith or puffy, they are tyin to go for a thug image and they aren't tryin to be tough. They are trying to be sexy. Women love all 3 of them. period.
that old dude isn't tough and his wife is prolly wit da pool guy. He is smart and rich. He is no more a role model than any other old rich guy with a trophy wife.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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Dark Chivalry said:
You sure don't look younger than 19, but you do look gentle and handsome. You'll need to be more sexual in your bodylanguage than the average guy and add a bit of bad boy through clothing.

Can you or somebody else elaborate on a more badboy image?

Im assuming the hair-do white tee and banana republic button up aren't cutting it. lol

Dark Chivalry

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
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Someone Much cooler said:
what Dark Chivalry trying to say is be a man with clear sexual energy. Not a boy who is so-so, he is saying be assertive. ll cool j is a male sex symbol regardless of race.
Exactly. LL, in those vids, is very sexual in his bodylanguage. The way he makes his kissing move with his lips, licks his lips, does his eyebrowflash etc any woman knows he is a man who is comfortable in his masculinity and sexuality. Those things transcend race. White men have dyckpower too, it is natural for men of all races to revel in our sexuality and to be proud of our masculinity. To hell with people who say white men can only pull with the wallet!

The guy who is called cute has an edge because he does not look gross or dangerous. To get a girl, you need to elicit both trust and arousal. The cute guy already has trust, now channel some LL Cool J body language and those panties are wet on top of that. Now, that's a great place to be in before you even opened your mouth.

Can you or somebody else elaborate on a more badboy image?

Im assuming the hair-do white tee and banana republic button up aren't cutting it. lol
Anything that is different or daring should help. You have a pretty standard haircut and no facial hair. Your barber can help you choose a hairstyle that maximizes your masculinity. Experiment with growing sideburns, a stubble, short beard or mustache. I saw a guy with lines shaved into his sideburns, it gave him a bad boy edge. Try a few styles of facial hair, it grows fast anyway.

White/navy is a very conservative combination of colours. Dropping the white T and wearing the navy shirt on it's own would be an improvement. Try to find some pics of clothes on the internet and I can say yay or nay to them.
Do you have a pic that shows the shape of your body a bit more?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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Dark Chivalry said:
Exactly. LL, in those vids, is very sexual in his bodylanguage. The way he makes his kissing move with his lips, licks his lips, does his eyebrowflash etc any woman knows he is a man who is comfortable in his masculinity and sexuality. Those things transcend race. White men have dyckpower too, it is natural for men of all races to revel in our sexuality and to be proud of our masculinity. To hell with people who say white men can only pull with the wallet!

The guy who is called cute has an edge because he does not look gross or dangerous. To get a girl, you need to elicit both trust and arousal. The cute guy already has trust, now channel some LL Cool J body language and those panties are wet on top of that. Now, that's a great place to be in before you even opened your mouth.

Anything that is different or daring should help. You have a pretty standard haircut and no facial hair. Your barber can help you choose a hairstyle that maximizes your masculinity. Experiment with growing sideburns, a stubble, short beard or mustache. I saw a guy with lines shaved into his sideburns, it gave him a bad boy edge. Try a few styles of facial hair, it grows fast anyway.

White/navy is a very conservative combination of colours. Dropping the white T and wearing the navy shirt on it's own would be an improvement. Try to find some pics of clothes on the internet and I can say yay or nay to them.
Do you have a pic that shows the shape of your body a bit more?
Embarrassing fact, im 19 and can't grow facial hair for ****. If I could Id have something going on with it.

Body pics...I gotta few lemme check around..

Weird ass face cuz of camera timing, but its a full body pic.

5' 8" 200 pounds.

Dark Chivalry

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
Okay, you need a better cut of jeans or trousers, this pair does not do much for you. The black and green shirt are better than white on you.

You could have a more pronounced Y-shape going on. What is your current bodyfat%?


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
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Body Language and Appearance. Two keys to escape 'Cuteness.'

Is DC a chick? But yeah PV, no offense to you, but your ,for lack of better words, 'pudginess' is making you cute and not hot. :kick:

Lose the babyfat. I had the same problem (not exactly, but I had a babyface) in seventh grade but once I matured it worked out damn fine. :yes:

Just eat healthy and do a bit of exercise (gyms are hot spots for meeting women) and you'll become a hunk in no time. :whistle:

Make sure to keep your hands out of your pockets. That's timid, passive, and all-around disgusting body language for an alpha that women are instictively attracted to. :nono:

Keep your shoulders back, stand up straight (head too), and keep your arms and hands relaxed at your sides. :crackup:

Men are in control, they are relaxed, and at ease with the world around them. Their body language shows it. :box:

Boys are insecure and their body language shows it. That is the fundamental (non-physical) difference between cute and hot. :cuss:


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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Dark Chivalry said:
Okay, you need a better cut of jeans or trousers, this pair does not do much for you. The black and green shirt are better than white on you.

You could have a more pronounced Y-shape going on. What is your current bodyfat%?
No idea what my bf% is.

I am in the process of dropping body fat and have been for 4 months. I have lost 20 pounds.

What type of jeans would you recommend? Grab a pic for me and post a link if you could please.

I really do appreciate the help from you fellas. especially DC. Keep it flowing!


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cute ---- > Hot

Step 1:

1) hit the gym. don't stop, and don't set a finish line, just set checkpoints and goals. Get those guns up to decent size and thicken your chest. Don't forget squats and all that other good stuff.

2) hair style. grow it out, and put some bangs infront of your forehead. You have a rather large forehead and you could amp up your features by letting your hair down a tad to make it more proportioned.

3) darken your eyebrows. they look like chick eyebrows. A thick brow = masculine trait. go to the drug store and buy some facial hair dye. it takes like two minutes, once a week.

4) facial expression. **** your head up a tad, lose the "CHEESE!" smile. you look like a curious newborn baby. im not saying look like a jackass, but use your teeth only when you really want to smile.

some shades would look killer on you, make sure to get big ones, because you have a broad face.

an ear piercing couldn't hurt either, but thats your choice.
May 23, 2006
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I think it's one of those things which it depends on the type of girl that's involved. Honestly, different women like different types of things and features - it's really a question of what type of woman would be interested in that, and would you be interested in that type.

The way I see it, if a woman is a bi-sexual, or is one of them motherly types that like younger guys/boys and sees one of them in your 'cute' look and/or the woman likes to take initiative and is more masculine and looking for a more feminine type of guy, then perhaps it could mean that this is type of woman that would be attracted to cute guys.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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Thanks quick and luke :)

Oh and quick, I suppose you could say I suck at takin pics =)

I dont always walk around with a newborn baby smile those are just pics I had layin around lmao.

Im not trying to impress woman on myspace or something.